Crowd Anxiety [Finn, Fern]

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❥ Crowd Anxiety

❥Character: Finn Mertens, Fern Mertens

❥Tags: Fluff, SFW, comfort, anxious!reader, Gen neutral

During a chase at the grocery kingdom you run through a crowd only for your anxiety to  kick in, fortunately there's two knights who help you through it.

A/n: Gonna describe the scenario in a paragraph and then split it into headcannons for each character.


You were grocery shopping with Finn and Fern when you heard a smash two or three stalls away.
"Stop! Thief!" yells one of the stall vendors.
The three of you turn around to see a thief fleeing through the farmers market with a cash register tucked under their arm. Fern was the first to take action, pursuing the thief at full speed even if it meant dropping the watermelon he was holding for you. Finn apologized to you and the vendor before hurrying away.

This is not the first time a call to action has disrupted your daily routine. You ought to pay the vendor before continuing the chase, although in an upward direction. Finn and Fern lose track of the thief, but you can see him like a fox in a sheep's pen thanks to your advantage of being high above. You then perform some parkour moves to get him past food stands and clothes lines before rolling to the ground. You scream to whichever brother can hear you, "He's going to the meats section." You're beaming ear to ear at this point since you know you can catch the criminal as soon as he gets within reach and tackle him to the ground. The burglar recognizes you and cranks up the pace.

Although it makes you sweat more than parkour ever did, you don't let your pace slow down when you notice a larger crowd just around the corner. It's unavoidable to run into people, feeling them closing in on you as they go by you while you battle to do the same, till they don't even resemble people anymore with their faces blur away, and you try to keep pace of the thief as he gets further away from you. "No! No!" Your mind raced with the ideas, "I can't let him escape, I got a lot of eyes on me right now, and the shopkeeper is going to think I'm a dumb goop. It's sickening to the point where a crack in the concrete floor sends you sliding down and scraping your knees, and the people who were previously minding their own thing suddenly stare at you as you sit on the floor. You assume that others are silently judging you. That's when you start crying.


❥When Finn was the first to come up with you, he instantly put the thief out of his mind and helped you.
❥Are you okay, smokes? I have a few bandages in my backpack, so don't worry. His attention turned to your knee scrapes. Unbeknownst to Finn, it made you feel embarrassed as nosy individuals prodded their heads to stare at you like a zoo animal. Finn, let's leave right away.
Even though he is kind, he still didn't get the point when he said, "But, I wanna clean your knees first."
❥"... I feel uncomfortable, there's people watching." you murmur.

❥He finally realized, "Oh." Or maybe he didn't; all he knew was that you wanted to leave, so he picked you up in bridal style and raced away from the main street while you buried your head against his chest regardless of whether you soaked his shirt.

❥As Finn lowers you onto a barrel and begins to clean the area before applying a bandage, he realizes that you are still gazing shamefully away."Hey, it's no biggie. I fall down in public all the time."
"... But atleast you manage to catch the bad guys." you mumbles
"Oh, that's what's bothering you?" Finn simply listens without adding any more commentary.
"You two are fantastic at this being a hero stuff, I know. I tagged along with you guys hoping to one day be like you, but all I've done is screw up." you lament.
"Hey, hey (Y/n) you're not a screw up."
"Easy for you to say." you mumble, looking away.

❥You remind Finn a little bit of himself. "You wanna know what happened when I fought my first monster?"
You sigh, having heard this tale before. "You broke your sword and beat it with your bare hands." you repeat.
"Hey, nice memory." he snaps a finger at you. "But there's something I don't tell anyone after my sword broke...I boomed boomed myself."
You tried not to laugh out of respect. Keyword being tried.

❥"Doing hero stuff blows sometimes, but after you screw up once it's less likely to screw up again since you know what you're getting into. You're great at what you do!" Finn explains. "..." you pause to consider the suggestion, silently appreciating his presence.
"Thanks, I'll try to keep that in mind the next time,"

❥You stopped crying a while ago, suddenly realizing something. "Is that why you carry an extra pair of pants in your backpack?" you point out, Finn just blushes and looks away fondly. "Yeaaah."

❥"There you are! I was about to leave without you guys." Fern has the stolen register in one hand while in the other he has the thief tied up and gagged.
"Wow, great job Fern! and you avoided breaking bones this time."
Fern enjoys the compliment but he looks to you. "Wouldn't have done it without (y/n), they got real hawk eyes."

❥Fern was the first to catch up with you, he undecidedly looked back between the thief and you a few times before deciding to stay with you.

❥"Come'on, we can still catch him together." he extends your hand but you refuse it.
"No, just go ahead without me. I'm a klutz..."
This inevitablely bugged Fern, "What are ya saying? I'm not leaving you here playing on the dirt." he raises his voice.

❥It had nosy people poking their heads to look at you like a zoo animal unbeknownst to Fern, it had you blushing in embarrassment. "... Fern just leave me alone...there's people watching."

❥Fern turned to the crowd that formed around the two of you." What are you all looking at!? Take a picture, it'll last longer." He snarled back, flashing his razor-sharp teeth and brilliant eyes at them in an attempt to scare them away. He hoists you up piggyback style and leads you down a quiet alley, away from the busy street.

❥Fern places you on a barrel and uses a bottle to pour water on your knees to clean them, but he realizes that you are still shamefully turning your head away. "Hey, don't worry about it I get scratched up by small things all the time too."
"... But atleast you manage to catch the bad guys." you mumbles
"That's what's eating you up huh?" Fern simply listens without adding any more commentary.
"You two are fantastic at this being a hero stuff, I know. I tagged along with you guys hoping to one day be like you, but all I've done is screw up." you lament.
Fern stays quiet for a few seconds. "(Y/n) you're not a screw up. Trust me I know what one is like and you're not one of them."
"Pfft yeah right, like who?" you don't believe him, looking away.

❥"Like me."
This made you face him, remembering everything he's been through and realizing he's probably the only one who could understand how you feel.

❥Fern takes a deep breath, trying to keep his cool. "You just lost track of a thief, I lost track of a kid who wasn't even actively running away from me. But hey there's no comparing, it's like comparing apples to oranges." he sits down on the barrel next to yours. "What I'm trying to say is that, you'll never go anywhere or be happy if you keep comparing yourself to other people. The only person you should be comparing yourself with is your past self, you're great at what you do and with time you'll be unstoppable."
you pause to consider the advice, silently appreciating his presence.
"Thanks, I'll try to keep that in mind the next time."
"Good, or else I'll write it on your forehead with permanent marker." he half joked, but you know he's fully capable of doing it.

❥You stopped crying a while ago, suddenly realizing something. "Hey, you've been really good with advice lately."
"Yeah, been seeing a therapist." he scratches the back of his neck.
"And here I thought you were stealing phrases from fortune cookies again." you chuckle.
"Sometimes, but not all the time!"

❥ "There you are! I was about to leave without you guys." Finn has the stolen register in one hand while in the other he has the thief tied up by the hands.
"Looks like you had everything under control, didn't need our help huh (y/n)?"
Finn enjoys the compliment but he looks to you. "Not really, I mean, I wouldn't have done it without (y/n), they're a beast at parkour."

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