A Shy Butterfly [Fern]

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This is for cartoonstxrys who requested a shy, fem, butterfly!reader x Fern

Female Reader
Warnings: None.

"Photosynthesis, photosynthesis..." Fern extends his arms towards the sun for a quick snack.

He plopped on the ground once his stomach felt satisfied, patting his belly out of habit as if he just ate an entire meatloaf casserole.

Ahh, meatloaf.

He misses the taste of meatloaf.

"Ughh, I hate being a grass boy." Fern groans, curling up on himself.

"A-chu!" a sneeze was heard not too far from him.

Fern sat up in a heart beat.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" he calls out.

A pair of curled up antennas

"Hi," you greet meekly.

"Why were you spying on me?"

"I wasn't spying on you! I wanted to talk to you but I, didn't wanted to bother you." you glue your eyes to the ground, twirling your antenna nervously.

Fern saw a girl with butterfly wings come out of the forest, flying towards him in a hurry. He was approached by a butterfly humanoid, with large colorful wings on thier back, a flower crown, and two curled up antennas on their head.

"I need your help," you plead. "T-They took away my bee friends, I tried to stop them but they didn't listen to me."

"I'm a little busy," Fern looked away.

"But the bees are important! They help me pollinate the flowers and plants in the forest." you pressed on, hoping to change his mind.

"... I don't know, I'm not that good being a hero." Fern sighs. Knowing Finn is better than him at doing hero stuff.

"Please, I'll even reward you!" you add desperately.

Fern looked back at you, having second thoughts. This sounds easy enough, just fight a few bad guys, save some bees and you'll even get paid.

"Alright fine, I'll help you out," he accepts, summoning his sword as a support for him to stand up.

"Really? Oh thank you, thank you!" you happily flutter around in the air before hovering in front of him.

"Thank me later. Just lead me to the bad guys and I'll cut them up and save your bee friends." Fern scoffs confidently, at least he knows he's good at violence.

You nod, guiding him inside the forest. However, overtime your smile fell at the mention of bad guys, nervously playing with the tips of your antennas again." Yeahhh about that..." you didn't say immediately, unsure how the other would respond.

"What is it?" Fern asks, walking right behind you.

"Y-you'll understand once we get there, " was all you said. "My name is (y/n) the butterfly by the way."

"Oh, introductions right. I'm Fern the Human."

"Nice to meet you Fern, I haven't seen a plant boy like yourself around here. What forest are you from?" you decide to make small talk while you guide him.

"I'm not from the forests, I'm from the grasslands."

"Oh, my bad I thought you were from the forests since you're... Well..." you don't know how to finish.

"Made of grass?" Fern adds unamused.

"Yeah..." you nod. "Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, you didn't do anything bad."

"Sor- I mean, It's a habit," you shake your head. "Anyway, you smell pretty nice."

Fern was thrown off guard by the sudden compliment, he thought you were joking and even sniffed his armpit to make sure he didn't smell bad.

"I... Thanks I guess? though I always thought I didn't smell like anything in particular."

Your wings flutter to life, turning around to face the young man with a gleam in your eye. "Are you kidding? You smell like a lovely floral grass hill," you point towards your antennas. "These bad boys can pick up the faintest of scents, and I gotta say yours is a treat to any butterfly or bee." you smile.

Fern was at a lost for words, quickly shaking his head to avoid the spread of a dark flush on his face.

"That explains why I always attract insects..." The grass boy mutters under his breath.

There was a twitch from her antennas when she heard something in the distance, you lowered yourself to the ground and crouch behind a couple of bushes. "Shh, we're here." you gesture towards Fern.

Fern followed your lead by crouching behind the bushes, he could hear the footsteps of a group of... Bears?

The grass boy stood up from the bush, pushing the foliage to the side as he saw a group of bears surrounding a beehive hanging from a tree branch.

"Ah man, they're just bears? I thought they were dangerous mountain thieves or something," Fern groaned in annoyance. "Shoo, get out of here!" he scared the bears away.

You emerged from behind the bushes, twirling you fingers with each other as you kept your view to the ground.

"They were just simple bears, why didn't you tell me?" Fern demanded.

His angry tone was something you didn't expect, unaware he would be furious.

"B-because I, I..." your lower lips trembled, eyes becoming glossy in embarrassment. "I just wanted to get to know you, I've seen you train a while ago and thought you looked so cool but... I was too shy to even say hello."

Fern's anger subbed, seeing how red you grew by just admitting that small harmless truth. You lowered your view to the ground, unable to look at the grass boy in the eye.

Well, you don't mean him any harm.

"Hey It's okay, I understand..." Fern tried to reassure you. "If all you wanted was to hang out, we can hang out."

You raised your head to look at the boy in surprise, jumping to your feet as your wings flutter in delight. "Really!? That would be great." you chime.

"Sure I mean, as long as you're not busy pollinating or whatever." Fern says nonchalantly with the wave of his hand.

You blush sheepishly. "I don't pollinate them directly, but I get what you mean," you shake your head to dissipate the blush in your cheeks. "I'm free tomorrow at 5pm, what do you think?"

Fern raised a thumbs up at you, walking back towards the spot he was at. "See you at 5pm."

The last thing he saw was the sight of you happily waving at him, flying with the help of your colorful wings.

As the grass boy made his way back to the tree house he could help but remember your words about him. "So she thinks I'm cool and that I smell nice? Huh, that's a new one." he muses to himself.

Finn was the first to notice Fern's light mood, making his way up to the treetops by the ladder.

"You look jolly today, did something happen?" he asks.

"Oh nothing," Fern gave Finn a toothy grin as he replied. "Though I guess you can say, I'll be meeting with a lady tomorrow."

Finn arched a brow, smiling back at his grass brother. "Ohoho, is she cute?"

Fern nods.

"She's a little shy, but she's sweet and cute as a button."


A/n: Hope you liked it nvn

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