Being Cared For After An Injury [Finn]

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The world is spinning, unable to look at anything else that isn't the sky as the floor. Bile tickled behind your throat but you held it back, even if you could feel your eyeballs roll into the back of your head. You spare a glance at your messed up leg, almost blacking out due to the pain

"Oh glob, I think I'm gonna throw up through my eye sockets," you grip your stomach.

"Don't worry (y/n), we're almost at the hospital," Finn reassured you, but it's not like he can do with a twisted leg. If you were a candy person made of licorice then he wouldn't be as worried, but sadly you're not.

The doctors were quick to attend you, of course first they had to get past the arrow filled armor you're carrying. By the time Doctor Princess stabilized you, Finn took it upon himself as your personal nurse for the rest of the week. You're thankful for her treating you but unfortunately you are a stubborn and reckless patient.

"Let me go Finn! I need to get payback on those archer skeletons," you insist, but Finn pushed you back into the plush sofa littered with pillows and blankets.

"No way (y/n), I promised Doctor Princess I'll watch over you," Finn replies.

He makes his way to the kitchen, retrieving a can of chicken soup he preheated on the stove.

"You've already done enough Finn, I'm not a child. Don't you think this is too much?" you eye the mass of comfy pillows around you, even Finn's maid like outfit felt exaggerated with the way he papered you lately.

"I know, but it's the least I can do after you saved me," he chuckles, swirling the soup with a spoon.
"Just don't act like this when we're fighting, I can take care of myself."

"Deal," He exclaims. "Now open up and say Ahh,"

You follow his command, letting him spoon feed you just for today.

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