Hugwolf Headcanons [Finn]

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Character: Finn Mertens

Tags: SFW, Gen!neutral reader, headcanons, werewolf

A/n: Not a request but more but more like what comes to the top of my head when I remembered the concept of hug wolves exist 👀

❥Finn's personality changes alongside his appearance when he takes wolf form, he's a bit more feral, aggressive but also very touchy feely and loving at the same time. The first time you saw him, it was when Jake had him tied to a chair, foam would fall from his mouth, he'd snarl and make threats.

❥His threats don't work as they're supposed to tho.
"I'mma hug you so good."
"I uh... Phew, Can we open up a window in here?" you fan yourself with your hands.

❥"I OFFER MYSELF AS TRIBUTE!" Pre-relationship, you bravely volunteer to keep Finn busy in a controlled environment for the sake of others safety since he runs on rampant hugging sprees.

❥He didn't have full control over his strength at first so you'd often feel sore the next day after night long hugging sessions, but overtime he's grown careful since you've consistently been his teddy bear.

❥Somehow that made his wolf form imprint on you, becoming his favorite hug victim. When he's human he calls you more often, spends time to get to know you better, and even if he tries to refrains from hugging you so much in public you let him casually toss an arm over your shoulders.

❥When a more solid relationship builds up, he's more touchy in human form. When he hasn't touched you in a while his skin gets prickly and interrupts whatever he's doing just to seek you out, I mean, you could be cooking and he just lovingly wraps his arms around you and let's out a sigh, like it soothes him.

❥Finn gets a bit annoying sometimes tho, like if you take your time in the bathroom he begs you to let him inside like a cat.

❥You've known him to be chill when he was normal, but after his transformation he's prone to get jealous whenever you hug someone else. Conversations usually go something like:
"I don't like how tightly they hugged you."
"Finn they're my grandparents, you've met them before."

❥You used to joke about getting him a collar, years later when you're both adults the metal tag on his neck matches with your wedding ring.

❥When he escapes your watch at night to terrorize the candy people you jokingly play off the jealous spouse like he cheated.
"I can't believe you hugged cinnamon bun."
"Pfft Honey, you know I don't have any control over myself... Wait. please don't let me sleep alone on the couch-"

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