Meeting Another Plant [Fern]

315 9 1

Pairing: Fern x Plant!reader

Gender neutral

Wordcount: 1767

Synopsis: Fern tries to improve on his fishing skills without any luck, tossing away his fishing pole out of frustration. Coincidentally, it happens to lead him to another plant like humanoid just like him.


How hard can fishing be? That is what Fern asked himself as he strolls his ways to the river side, hoping to improve his fishing skills for the next time Finn invites him. But luck wasn't on his side today. The sneaky buggers would constantly eat the bait and swim off, those that did bite and were caught by him were deformed and inedible fishes, not worth the time and bait. The plant boy finally snapped after 3 hours when he reeled in a good fish that was eaten by an even bigger fish. Fern reacted the only way he knew, angrily throwing the fishing pole as hard as his frustration allowed him, landing in the middle of the forest across the river.

"Stupid fishes." Fern mumbles under his breathe, stomping his way through the river and into the forest. He borrowed that fishing pole from Finn and the last thing he wanted was to explain how he lost it in a petty fit of rage. Pushing aside foliage and bushes was becoming troublesome, finding it easier to just cut through leafs and branches. After making his way through the foliage, Fern finally felt relief when he caught a glint of a shiny metal between a ravel of overgrown tree roots.

"Bingo!" he runs over the roots, only to hear a pained groan.
"Ow, ow hey! watch where you're walking!"

Fern stands still, looking for the owner of the voice without finding anything. He takes a step closer to the fishing rod, gaining another pained yelp. "Don't you know it's rude to step on someone?" the ground shakes as a humanoid emerged from within grass and dirt, covered in foliage that could easily be mistaken for a forest plant. By the looks of it only their top portion is visible, with the knee and below submerged in the dirt and spreading out into roots. It was basically like someone stepping on your foot.

"Oh! Sorry about that I thought you were, uh, well you look like-"

"A tree?" you finish the sentence for him. "I know, I get that a lot." you said nonchalantly with the wave of a hand.

"What are you doing here?" Fern finds himself asking.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I'm a tree, I basically live here. What are you doing here?" you counter the grass boy. Fern scratches the back of his neck, realizing how dumb his question sounds in hindsight.

"I came looking for my fishing pole." he points to the metallic item between your roots.

"Well get your fishing pole outta my roots!"

"I would if your roots would get out of my fishing pole!" Fern shouts back. You two held a decent staring contest before your broke down in with a light hearted laugh. "You're funny."

After unraveling your roots to the best of your capabilities, you handed the fishing pole to Fern. Earning a small thanks from the young man. "Cool. Uh, see ya I guess?" Fern didn't know how to say goodbye to which you simply wave him.
"I'm here all day if it gets lost again." was all you could come up with yourself.
Fern went back home without any fish but instead with a certain someone in mind. The next day he returned to the same river, prepping up his spot on the river edge as he casts his line into the water. During those short periods where he waits for his fishing line to react his mind unconsciously drifts back to you. Do you really stay in that exact spot all day? Your roots look deep so that's possible. Then how do you eat? Do you even eat anything? What about entertainment? Fern lost focus on his current sport, finding out that his questions were more amusing than just sitting around waiting for fishes that will never come. The grassy young man reels in his line, carrying the fishing pole on his backpack as he treks his way back into the forest.
It took a moment for Fern to find you again, especially since you were sleeping underground but when he caught sight of the roots he knew you were nearby. "Ouch, hey buddy watch the roots!" you shout once more, bumping into the same guy from yesterday. "Oh! It's you." your voice sounds surprised, almost like you weren't expecting to see him again.

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