Sticky Sweet (pt. 2) [Candy!Fern]

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Part 2 of Sticky Sweet.
Gender neutral
Warnings: none


That's the only word that comes to mind after seeing the current candy citizens.

Their sticky sweetness feels forced, almost like you're the protagonist of one of those silent invasion alien horror movies.

Not only that but now you had Fun following you around like a lost puppy.

Things were starting to freak you out, even to the point you weren't sure about having Fun tag along with you.

"I know, maybe your friend is playing hide and seek? 123 for Fern, you can come out now!" Fun shouts.

"We're not playing hide and seek," you  rub the side of your forehead with a sigh.

Maybe bringing him along was a bad idea.

You were starting to have your doubts regarding the candy boy. Sure he meant well but that didn't mean he made things any easier.

The sound of sniffling and crying pulled your attention from candy Fern, recognizing a large figure running around from within a pink candy forest. Wait a minute, is that...?

"Sweet pea!" you ran up to the boy. "Are you okay?"

"(y/n)!" the little boy lifts you off your feet in a bug hug.

Sweet Pea was sniffling softly, small little tears running down his face as he constantly looked behind him.

"You need to get out of here, or else they'll turn you into candy like Finn and Jake," he warned you.

"They what? How did that happen?"

"The candy people, they-" Sweet Pea tried to explain but the sight of Fun terrified him, backing away behind you for safety. "Oh no, it's one of them!" he squeaks.

You piece together what Sweet Pea said about the candy people and your own paranoid feelings. Eyeing the candy Fern like an enemy.

"So that was your plan all along? to distract me and turn me into a candy person?" you ask him with a suspicious glare.

Fun gave you a confused look. "What are you talking about (y/n)?" he asks innocently.

You held up a fist at Fun, holding an arm as you wanted to protect Sweet Pea behind you from this candy imposter. Apparently you were attracting attention from the rest of the candy people looking for you, causing Sweet Pea to tremble in fear. The candy citizens started surrounding you, holding onto you while singing something about 'becoming one of us'.

"Sweet Pea save yourself, run away! I'll save you some time." you shout, struggling to free yourself.

The candy people picked you up like a music star, but instead of riding a wave you were being sent to candyfication. You could've fought back, but honestly you weren't feeling it. Not only did both you and Finn couldn't save Ooo from turning into a mess but also Fern is gone forever, unable to confess your true feelings for him. So being brainwashed didn't sound so bad.

"Leave them alone!" Fun exclaims.

The candy citizens turn around to look at Fun, running after them with a gallon of rootbeer in hand. He threw the gallon at the crowd holding you, bursting into a sticky mess of soda and bubbles, causing the candy people to drop you. Amoung the confusion, Fun jumped in and picked you up, running off into the cotton candy forest and loosing the crowd.

Fun didn't stop running, even when he could no longer hear the candy people singing.

Eventually he slowed down, lowing to your feet as the two of you hid behind a slope on the outskirts of the candy part of Ooo.

"We should be safe for now," the peppermint boy pants, looking behind himself.

"What was that for?" you ask him, "I thought you wanted me to turn into candy like them, since it's so great being delightfully brainwashed-" you added with a hint of sarcasm.

"It is to a certain point," The candy Fern looked back at you with a sorry smile. "Unable to feel anger, sadness or generally like garbage... like I used to when I was  grass boy."

"Wait, you still remember...?"

Fun nods, "I remember my past life as Fern the human, or  should I say the grass boy? In any case, sorry for lying to you (y/n), but I'm different now, it's like having a new start. I'm not plauged by any nasty feelings anymore, just smiles and sunshine. I wish I could help you, but I'm  afriad i can't help you find the person you're looking for."

You drop to your knees in front of this peppermint boy, feeling like garbage yourself.

"Fer- I mean, Fun i'm so sorry. I didn't know this was a new change for you," you apologize, looking away. "If that's how you feel then who am I to take that away from you." 

Fun extends a hand to place it on your own. "What's that message you want to tell your friend? Maybe I can send it to him if we ever stumble to eachother," he tries to reassure you.

You give him a gentle but knowing smile. "If you ever meet him, tell him that I missed him terribly after being away for so long. That I missed his sense of humor, his smile and the way he gets flustered when I compliment him," you look down at where your hands conjoined with Fun's, your fingers delicately brushing over his.

Fun looked down as well, his smile slowly replaced with a thoughtfull expresion.

He stood up, dusting his baggy shorts. "Let's go,"

"Where are you going? Don't you wanna go back with the candy people? where you feel happy?" you eye him in confusion.

"They don't make me as happy as you do," Fun said without hesitation. "I said I'll help you get your friend back, and that's what I'm gonna do. I'm sure he misses you just as much, and would want your happiness more than anything."

You run up to Fun, wrapping your arms around the candy boy, he still smells like root bear and peppermint but you want nothing more than to hug the air out of him. You could feel tears pricking your eyes, shutting them even though it only caused them to fall down your face. 

"Shh, it's okay (y/n) this is what I want," Fun tries to reassure you as you start to tremble, he rubs a hand on your back as he starts to sing in a soft tone. "Let me call you sweetheart~"

A sob unconciously escapes your throat.

"I love you~"

He's too sweet for his own good.

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