Chapter 10

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I fell asleep as soon as we settled in the car. It was a long day and I was exhausted. I tried not to pick out so many clothes because I didn't want it to seem like I was using him for his money. Torin and Dominic didn't realize that I knew they were picking up anything I showed interest in.

I appreciated everything Torin has done for me since he saved me but I knew from experience that it would come with a price. He would expect something from me in return and I didn't know if I was prepared for that.

When the house caught fire all those years ago, I didn't know that. The lady that pulled me out of that room I thought I was saved and I could go back to my family but she told me I owed her.

So I worked for years, cleaning and cooking and serving. It was never enough though. I was never enough. I was slapped and kicked around, bruised and scarred and I never found it in me to run away.

The day Torin found me, I was out getting groceries and a man wanted to grab me. I ran from him but he caught up to me. The lack of food and the beating the night before drained my energy fast.

I was scared that it might have been the end for me but the man was pulled off of me before I went unconscious. The angel that saved me was more than just anyone. He was a king, my apparent soulmate, someone that reunited me with my brother and he was a man that protected and cared for me even though he knew nothing about me.

What did he want from me?


"I'll carry her in and you can grab the bags and bring them to my room. Grab a guard if you need help." I heard Torin whisper to someone. His masculine pine scent surrounded me when he picked me up in his arms.

He pulled me to his chest and I could feel the urge to snuggle closer to him. Without a second thought, I let my hands cling to his shirt and pull me impossibly closer to his comfort.

Torin chuckled softly and started walking. I'm not sure what it was that lured me to sleep but I never remembered making it all the way upstairs.

What I did remember was waking up hotter than normal in the most comfortable position ever. There was pressure on top of my stomach and a pillow behind me.

A hard, warm, moving and breathing pillow that was connected to an arm that was rested on my stomach. A pillow that wasn't a pillow but instead was a man. Torin.

My eyes widened and I tried to pull away from him. He jolted awake and realized I was sitting beside him.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Elliot. You wouldn't let go of me last night. I was going to wait until you let go but I must of fallen asleep." Torin rambled while scratching his neck nervously.

I looked at him curiously with a slight tilt to my head. He was waiting for me to do or saw something about it. I could feel how worried he was of my response like he cared what I had to say. "Its okay." I whispered. "I slept better anyways."

"Oh, okay. Well...umm... I should probably" He said awkwardly. I giggled at his embarrassment as he rushed out of the room.



Hopefully that wasn't a set back. She seemed okay about it, even laughing when I left but you never know. Things were starting to look better.

I ended up spending most of the day in my office but I left the door open so I could hear Elliot easier. She decided she wanted to do a little baking so she's been in the kitchen all morning.

When I came out for late lunch, there was cookies, cupcakes and brownies cooking on the counter. Elliot was sitting on the counter eating a peanutbutter sandwich.

Hey, is it good if I come up and hang out with Elly? Dominic mindlinks me.

Yeah, that's fine. We have a meeting at 4. Don't forget. I reply and minutes later Dominic is walking through the door with a few guards.

"Hey, Elly." He greeted Elliot. "Elliot this is Andrew and Jeremy. They are going to hang out with you while Torin and I are gone."


Elliot was watching a movie with Drew and Jeremy when Dominic and I had to leave. She seemed comfortable around them. Not overly but a 'I'm not scared of you to an extent' type of comfort.

The meeting room in the pack house was full when we got there. They knew I hated to wait for people so everyone made sure they were there before I am.

"Your Majesty, Alpha Pierce is calling for assistance." One of the councilmen says after the meeting starts. I gestured for him to continue. "A rogue group attacked and burnt half the pack down. They lost 17 pack members, 29 warriors and 4 children."

"Gather a group of volunteers to send down. I'll send him financial help and we can start fundraisers." I declare and someone writes it down.

"What are we doing about the rogues in No Mans territory?"

"Idiot, that is the territory for the rogues." Two people start arguing. Another joins in and they start raising their voices.

This meeting is going to take forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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