Chapter 1

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I slammed my fist on the table as I tried to get my point across (I was also very angry). "We need repairs on the south side. You can't stop me from going." I yelled.

"Your Majesty, there are people over the south border that wish for your death. If you die now, you have no heir to succeed you. There is no way for you to keep the kingdom in your family." My head warrior argued against me.

"I am hundreds of years older than you, Travis, I'm pretty sure I will be able to beat anyone that tried to kill me. A single bullet to my heart won't even kill me, what makes you think a rouge or even 30 rouges could stop me."

Travis stopped arguing and sat back down. "We will head into the human side of the South tomorrow and start scoping the area. The first town meeting is at six pm." I declared and the men answered with 'Yes, Sir,' and 'Of course, your Magesty.'

"I want all reports in my office before diner is surved or everyone is being put on patrol for a week." I growled and the council flinched. "Meeting dismissed."

I stormed out of the room and headed to my office.

This month is pure torture for the entire pack. First, my mood swings have been getting worse everyday as Fang realizes how close it will be to her birthday. Second, rogues have been tearing up the South Border of my kingdom and it's putting an edge on all the people.

My phones been ringing constantly, emails are flooding into my inbox constantly and I have so many treaties and pack bills to look over.

And on top of that, I haven't slept in a week.


My last fling, Annie, was waiting in my room for me when I finally had a chance to sleep. I tried to hold out for my mate but when I felt her die the second time, I gave in. I was 22 in human years and still a virgin.

Last night, I tried to get Annie to leave because I could feel my wolf getting antsy. My mate is either going to die soon or I will finally get to meet her. She took it as a suggestion rather than something serious. But she was only 19 and hadn't witnessed what happened last time.

No matter what happens, Annie needs out of my room. The scent of another female after my mates death will, as I have learned, drive me to the edge of insanity. Each of her deaths, make my mood scarier for everyone else in the entire house.

"Get out, Annie. You know what is about to happens. I know you have heard stories." I glare at her and her eyes widen in fear. The last time my mate died, I almost destroyed the entire house. My room, office and the King's hallways had to be redone. Thirty people were injured trying to calm me down. One was killed trying to take my throne.

All I felt was pain. Intense, searing pain that ripped through my entire body. At first I didn't understand but when I couldn't reach Fang, I was certain what happened.

Mate had been killed. At this point I had stopped counting how many times she had died before I have met her but it was over 100.

I heard the door opened and I glared at the person who walked in. It was Bailey Swartz.

Her smell invaded the room and I felt Fang's pain grow stronger and into anger.

Anger for anyone and everyone I laid my eyes on.

"Rin Rin, baby. I got worried when you didn't come see me." She walks over to me and tried to sit beside me. "Oh, what's wrong? Are you stressed, or are you-" She starts to say but I let out a growl.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at her. She jumped back in shock as I stood up.

"Don't you ever dare call me that. Ever. Again." I stalked towards her. With every step, I picked up anything I could and threw it in any direction.

"I never want to see your face in this wing. GET OUT!!" She jumped again and bolted out of the room without a glance backwards.

Fang took over my body and I completely blacked out.

When I came back to consciousness, I was sitting in a pile of broken furniture. I scanned the area and I could see a large number of unconscious gaurds lying on the floor.

My Beta Gunner Fischer was huddled up in the corner with a bloodied face and judging by the position, a broken arm.

That was almost twenty years ago and I was terrified what would happen this year.

"Of course, Alpha." She scurried out of the room and I started packing for the trip.

Meeting Mate, soon. My wolf, Fang, told me. Fang had been my wolf since I was born for the first time. He has always been with me and takes it the hardest when mate dies. He doesn't remember anything from past lives except our mates names each time.

I worry for him and his sanity if we ever do find her. Try to prepare and prevent the death of our Mate is physically and mentally impossible.

Every time is different and heartbreaking in its own unique way. I found her once, before she had died. I had her in my vision.

It was her and her parents on her first day of college. I zooming car when it was to late.

A gunman shot her down and she was killed instantly.


There's a look into Torin's life. Maybe I'll make a short story of Torin's life before the book.

Thanks for reading:)

Until Elliot-MarieWhere stories live. Discover now