Chapter 3

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"This cannot be possible," the doctor says, confused. He turns and walks out of the room before turning back to me and walking in.

"Your mate is Elliot-Marie Clarke. Her parents were extremely wealthy and excellent politicians. They were first mates and both pure werewolves. It is strange to see her 100% human. No werewolf at all." The doctor said and gave me a weird look.

"The Clarke's died in a fire 13 years ago. Their 14 year old son was said to be the only one that made it out alive. He changed his last name to remember his sister. You know him now as Dominic Elliot-Clarke." Dominic had told me he had a sister but he always kept information minimal. The doctor was as confused as I was. Dominic had told me about the pain he felt as each of his family members died. I understood now why his sister's 'death' was the worst, he was feeling her pain and not her death.

As I look at Elliot again, I see the resemblance I missed before in the face structure and almost in their hair.

Dominic, I need you here, immediately. I ordered through the mind link. He doesn't answer but is standing beside me in minutes.

That is one of the qualities that made me choose him to be my Beta. He didn't question anything I told him and believed me when I told him anything.

"We found Elliot." His head shot up and he scanned the waiting room for anyone that looked like her. I felt bad for him because he thought she was dead for thirteen years. Thirteeen years he most likely blamed himself for not searching for her.

His face paled in realization that we found out and how we found out.

"Torin, if this is a joke, it is sick and absolutely terrible. I felt her die, Torin. Her, Dad and Mom. If you are lying, I'm going to rip your fucking throat out and feed it to the rogues." He threatened. I tried my absolute hardest to control my anger because I knew how much he cared about his sister.

She was his entire world.


19 years ago.

"Dad, why do you keep leaving and where did Mom go?" I asked my father when he walked in.

I was worried for my mother. She hasn't been home for a few days and she said she had a baby in her stomach. But the baby wouldn't be out until sometime next month.

"Dominic, son, you and I are going to see your mom where she is staying." Dad said. He grabbed my hand and helped me get into the truck.

Dad drove in silence before we pulled into the hospital.

"Mom, are you okay? Is baby okay?" I asked as soon as Dad opened the door. Mom was sitting on the bed with a hand in a bin beside her.

In the bin was a tiny little creature. My 8 year old brain couldn't quite comprehend yet what was going on.

"Mom... are you okay?" I asked again and she looked up so with a soft smile.

"Come here, Nicky. I want you to see something." I walked over and Dad picked me up to set me on the bed. I crawled over so I could see in the bin and I finally understand.

"Is that the baby that was in there?" I pointed at her stomach. She nodded and pulled the bin closer.

"This is your new baby sister. Do you want to help us pick the name?"

"Elliot. Name him Elliot." I demanded.

"Nicky, the baby is a girl not a boy." My mother tried to put it as kindly as possible.

But I had a solution. "Then name HER Elliot." I could see Mom getting fustrated and Dad stifled a laugh behind us.

"Honey, what about Elliot-Marie? Then she still has the name Elliot but it sounds more feminine."

"I guess that would be a beautiful name for her. Nicky, meet your new baby sister, Elliot-Marie Clarke." Mom announced.

I looked over the edge of the bin and looked at the little tiny baby.

"Dad look, she is looking at me." I cried out and my parents gave each other a shocked look.

Giving me a smile, Mom let out a sigh of relief and fell back into her many pillows.

From that day forward I never left her sight and she never left mine. Even though I was an entire eight years older than her, we played together like most kids.

Until that day.

Elliot had run back inside to grab a blanket because she was cold. We had been running around for hours playing games and she was just now getting cold.

I was on the other side of the property staring at the water. Elliot loved the water more than anything else.

I start to hear the crackling of what reminded me of a camp fire. I turned around hoping to see Dad with a campfire but instead, I saw our beautiful house in flames.

Screams started to echo off the trees and I started to run back to the house. But what I saw will forever haunt me.

In her third story window, I saw my 6 year old baby sister pounding on the glass. In her arms is her favorite teddy bear and one of my blankets.

A fire truck pulled up and the firemen ran into the house.

One saw me and ran to me. "Hey, where is you family at?"

I pointed up at Elliot's window and the man looked up with a worried look. "Elliot is in her room. She needs help."

"David, what's the status on the third floor?" He said through a walkie talkie.

"Third floor is completely blocked off. There is no way up there. Why?" Another man answered.

"Elliot Clarke, the six year old youngest child in the entire Clarke family. She is in her room on the third floor."

I collapsed to the ground in tears when I felt the pain of my mother and my father's death. Elliot wasn't old enough to be part of the pack, so her pain wasn't as strong but it was evident to me.

"Try as hard as you can to-" The fireman started to say but I stopped him.

"She's dead. I felt it." Tears filled my eyes as I felt my sister's life disappear.

The firemen walked out one at a time and I turned away when they carried out my parents' body.

Ten minutes pass and the entire house collapsed.

They never recovered her body.


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