Chapter 8

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The next day everything seemed a bit normal except that Kiana and Mei were nervous around each other. Mei stepped out of her room and saw Kiana walking out of her room
"Ah h-hey Kiana" Mei said as she walked up to her. Kiana only jumped a bit hearing her voice and turned around smiling warmly
"Morning Mei-senpai" Kiana said in her usual cheerful tone
Kiana blushed a bit and looked away
"Huh? K-kiana is everything okay?" Mei asked as she walked close to her
"A-ah! Y-yes everything is fine! I'm very much okay! I-I uh...we better head down before they call us right?" Kiana said as she walked away
"Y-yeah" Mei said as she walked beside her. The two girls blushed a bit as they headed towards the kitchen where Himeko and Fu Hua were
"Morning Mei and Kiana. Did you two sleep well?" Fu Hua asked
"Y-yes" The two girls replied while blushing a bit. Himeko and Fu Hua only seemed a bit confused by the two girls reaction
"Are you two feeling well? Seems like something happened" Himeko said
"Of course we're feeling well" Kiana said
"Why wouldn't we?" Mei asked
"Just asking. Anyways you two take a seat while we finish up here" Fu Hua said
"And remember you have morning training Mei" Himeko said
"Ah yes Major Himeko..." Mei said
"Huh? You have morning training?" Kiana asked
"Y-yes so I won't be coming to classes today" Mei said
"Eh?! So you'll be leaving me alone?" Kiana asked
"Only in the morning" Mei said
"Promise to eat lunch with me?" Kiana asked
"Sure" Mei said as she smiled softly
"Yay!" Kiana said as she hugged her which made Mei blush hard
Again?! Just what the heck is going on with my heart?!
During breakfast, Kiana's heart just kept beating fast and skipping beats which only bothered her quite a lot. It was even hard for her to enjoy her food with her loud beating heart. Kiana groaned softly as she placed the dishes onto the sink. She lifted her head up as she noticed Mei by the door
"Ah! Wait Mei!" Kiana said as she rushed to see her. Mei stopped and turned around to look at her
"Yes Kiana?" Mei asked as she looked at her. Kiana only looked at her and blushed
Wait...why did I call her for?
"Hm? Kiana?" Mei asked as she tilted her head and leaned in. Kiana blushed deeply and pulled away
"B-be careful during your training please...and r-remember to not go to any missions without me okay? I-I want to be by your side to protect you" Kiana said
"Heh of course. Also you better pay attention to class okay? So no skipping classes" Mei said
"Yeah it's boring" Kiana said and yelped as Mei pinched her cheeks lightly
"Don't you even think about it" Mei said
"Ouch...okay okay. I promise I won't skip" Kiana said as she smiled and Mei released her cheeks before smiling at her then left. Kiana only watched her leave and trembled as her heart started beating once again
Ugh...what is wrong with me today?

Kiana only watched the clock ticking as she played with her pencil. She glanced over at Mei's seat and whimpered softly
She isn't here...ugh...can't focus
"Major Himeko?" Kiana asked as she raised her hand
"Yes Kiana?" Himeko asked
"I need to use the restroom" Kiana said. Himeko looked at her before sighing
"Very well. Go ahead and come back" Himeko said sternly
"Yes ma'am" Kiana said as she smiled softly and left the classroom. She sighed in relief and giggled softly before walking away
That was easy...
"Sorry but I'm getting bored in that class. I just want to get out" Kiana said and flinched as she heard someone
Oh no! Someone is here!
Kiana was trembling as she looked around trying to find a place to hide. Suddenly she decided to hide behind a trashcan but it was hopeless
"Uh...Kiana?" The young girl asked. Kiana looked up and sighed in relief
"It's just you, Seele. I thought it was someone else..." Kiana said as she stood back up
"What are you doing?" Seele asked
"Uh...taking a break from class. It's getting boring" Kiana said
"So you're skipping class again?" Seele asked
"...pretty much" Kiana said as she smiled slightly nervous
"Won't Mei-senpai get mad at you?" Seele asked
"Ugh! Don't say her name please..." Kiana groaned
"Huh? What's wrong?" Seele asked
"I-it's just...argh! I don't get why my heart is doing all this weird beating stuff whenever I think about her or say her name..." Kiana said as she blushed
"Uh...Kiana don't you think that this feeling" Seele asked
"L-love?" Kiana asked
"You love Mei more than just a friend. You want to become her lover" Seele said
"L-lover?" Kiana asked as she stared at her for a minute before her face reddened like a tomato
"Y-you mean I want to kiss Mei!" Kiana exclaimed as she blushed hard
"Well isn't that what you want?" Seele asked
"Face it...she is dumb" Veliona whispered
"Quiet please" Seele whispered softly
"W-wait I need to think. S-so...all these weird feelings are coming from me because I'm with Mei. Usually I felt just a warmth feeling with Mei but yesterday night...w-we were so close to kissing!" Kiana said as she got all flustered again
"Hey Kiana. Try and keep your voice down...they'll catch you" Seele whispered
"Oh! You're right. Let's go" Kiana said as she grabbed Seele's hand
"E-eh? W-wait where are we going?" Seele asked as she trembled
"Leaving" Kiana said
"Wh-what? But the classes-"
"Oh it's okay. It's only for a day anyways" Kiana said as she smiled and Seele sighed
This will end bad...
'A little fun wouldn't hurt'
But Bronya!
'Oh come on. You will see her back at the dorms'
The two girls ended up leaving the school and decided to head out in the streets
"Okay so let me get this straight...these feelings are because of Mei?" Kiana asked
"Well yes. I mean...for me...I start to feel nervous whenever I made contact with Bronya and it's worse whenever I-I think about her..." Seele said as she blushed deeply
"So you have a crush on Bronya?" Kiana asked
"Mm...y-yes" Seele said
"Have you told her?" Kiana asked
"I-it's hard! I-I don't know how to confess or where I want to confess!" Seele said as she whimpered softly while blushing
"Ah I see...but Mei-senpai...already has someone else in m-mind" Kiana said and soon her expression changed
Do I even...have a chance with her?
"O-or maybe I'm confused..." Kiana said. Seele gasped as her eyes turned bloody red and soon Veliona took over
"Just how stupid are you?" Veliona asked as she glared at her
"Eh?" Kiana asked
"Isn't it obvious? What does Mei do whenever she is with you?" Veliona asked
"J-just smiles at me and hugs me" Kiana said
"Who is she with all the damn time?" Veliona asked
"M-me" Kiana said
"And who does she deeply care about?" Veliona asked
"M-me most of the time..." Kiana said and gasped softly
"I did this for you because of all your hard work..."
"Don't talk like that Kiana. I want you to do your best everytime. I know you're not great at studying but at least do your best. I know you're better than this. You could've done better if you tried harder"
"I don't want you to get another lecture or get punished...because then...we won't have enough time to be together"
"Wh-what? No it's not that. Well...I uh...I guess some of it is true. I actually...have someone in mind. Someone who has always been by my side..."
That's when everything finally clicked. Kiana only blushed deeply and trembled
"M-mei...has a crush on me?!" Kiana exclaimed
"Took you long enough..." Veliona said
"Wh-when?! How!? Why?!" Kiana exclaimed as she grabbed her head
"Hey...not so loud" Veliona groaned as she looked away and Kiana only walked around in circles
"S-so Mei likes me...a-and I like her back. Sh-should I try and...c-confess?" Kiana asked
"If you're going to confess then it's best to take her out on a date then confess" Veliona asked
"O-on a date?!" Kiana exclaimed
"Okay. Why the hell are you so shocked in the first place? I mean it's not hard to just go out with her. Just say it's a friend date and confess once you two are alone" Veliona said
"B-but where?" Kiana asked
"To the manga store!" Veliona said
"Eh? But the manga store isn't really a nice place for a date" Kiana said
"No dummy. I'm saying that we should go to the manga store for ideas. You'll see when we get there" Veliona said as she grabbed Kiana's hand and walked to the nearby store. Kiana followed her from behind as they arrived at the store
"So...why are we here again?" Kiana asked
"Come here" Veliona said as she grabbed her and took her to a romance section
"Eh? How are these mangas going to help?" Kiana asked as she picked out a manga and opened it
"Just use these mangas as references. This will give you an idea on your date with Mei" Veliona said and saw a manga. She reached out and grabbed a manga
"Oooh" Veliona said
'S-seele! Don't read that!'
Hehehe oh innocent Seele...relax.
"I-I'm not sure how this will help..." Kiana said as she read through a couple of pages
"Skipping classes I see..." Rita said as she giggled
"R-rita? Wait why are you here?" Kiana asked
"Just came to buy the new volume from my favorite series. What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you both be in class?" Rita asked
"I had to help this girl be able to ask Mei on a date" Veliona said as she focused on the manga she had
"Oh so Miss Kaslana is finally making the first move? It's about time" Rita said
"Yeah I know right?" Veliona said
"W-well I mean...I never knew Mei had feelings for me" Kiana said
"It was so obvious. She clinged onto you and always stayed with you even if you got detention. She'd wait for you" Veliona said
"She is right. It was a little too obvious" Rita said
"Then how come I didn't notice it?" Kiana asked
"Because you're dumb" Veliona said
"It happens to anyone. Besides you're not the only person who doesn't notice things" Rita said
Durandal is just like her. Not noticing the love and care I'm been given her for years now...
"So what is troubling you from asking Mei out?" Rita asked
"Oh...well...I kinda don't know where to t-take her" Kiana said as she trembled
"Hmmm...maybe her favorite place? That's a start" Rita said
"Just go to a restaurant" Veliona said and put the manga down before grabbing another manga
"Hm? A restaurant or Mei's favorite place?" Kiana asked as she thought for a moment. Suddenly her thoughts were interupted by an explosion and the girls rushed out of the store. People were shrieking as they ran away from the three Honkai beasts
"Why are these bastards here?" Veliona asked as she frowned
"Guess my day off will have to wait. You girls better head back" Rita said
"Eh?! No way we will leave you! We can do this together! Right Seele?" Kiana asked
"Tch...whatever. Let's just get this over with" Veliona said as her eyes glowed
"Let's get these away from the citizens. Quick!" Rita said
"Got it" Kiana said
"This is definitely going to be fun" Veliona giggled

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