Chapter 3

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"Dinner is served" Mei said as she started to serve out the bowls to the girls
"Mmm it smells delicious and I bet it taste delicious too" Himeko said as she took a spoonful of the stew and took a bite
"Ah! How can vegetables taste so good?" Rozaliya asked and kept eating
"Mm! It's very delicious" Seele said as she smiled
"The Bronya is amazed by Mei's cooking skills" Bronya said
"Thank you" Mei said and looked over at Kiana who took a bite. Kiana chewed before swallowing and gasped
"So delicious! Mei-senpai! You're so amazing!" Kiana said
"Oh thanks Kiana" Mei said as she patted her head softly
"We shouldn't eat this alone. It's best if we dip some bread in it" Theresa said
"Good thing we went out grocery shopping" Himeko said as she stood up and walked towards the kitchen to grab the bag filled with fresh bread and brought it back to the table. All the girls sat down and ate their delicious dinner. After a couple of minutes, the girls all left their bowls empty.
"Thanks for dinner. It was quite delicious" Himeko said
"Mm! It was delicious" Rozaliya said
"Thank you Mei for making such a delicious dinner and dessert" Kiana said as she smiled
"Now remember our deal right?" Mei asked
"Mmgh..." Kiana groaned
"Deal?" Fu Hua asked
"The reason Mei prepared cake today was because Kiana did such a good job in class today. So in order for her to receive another award. She must get at least an A in her next test" Himeko said
"You guys are so mean!" Kiana whimpered
"Subject Kiana seems to be under stress" Bronya said
"What if instead of studying with you guys. I study with Bronya" Kiana said
"The Bronya doesn't mind" Bronya said
"Hmm...well as long as she is cool with it. I guess it's okay" Himeko said
"Yay! We're study buddies" Kiana said
"As long as Kiana Idiotka pays attention" Bronya said
"Don't worry. I'll pay very close attention" Kiana said as she smiled
"I know you can do it" Mei said as she gave her a warm smile
"Thank you for believing in me Mei-senpai! You're the best!" Kiana said as she hugged Mei around her waist
"Aww thanks" Mei said as she patted her head softly and blushed
"Can we get more cake?" Rozaliya asked
"No. That should be enough for today" Mei said as she pulled away from Kiana and started to put the cake away since there were leftovers
"I don't wanna wait tomorrow..." Rozaliya whined
"I'll wake up very early tomorrow" Kiana said
"Maybe it's time to clean up. Thanks again Mei for preparing dinner. You should take a break. I could prepare dinner next time" Himeko said as she stood up from her seat
"Eh?! No! I want Mei's cooking" Kiana said as she hugged Mei
"Mei can't always cook for you" Fu Hua said
"Oh I don't mind" Mei said as she smiled
"Seriously Mei?" Himeko asked
"Oh I just can't say no. That'll be mean" Mei said and looked at Kiana who was still holding her
"No offense Himeko but...Mei-senpai can cook better than you" Kiana said
"Fine then...if you want your reward that badly then you'll have to get a 100 on your test" Himeko said as she glared at her
"Waah! No! Mei tell her to change it back to a 90!" Kiana said
"Don't go harsh on her. A 90 should be enough" Theresa said
"Relax I wasn't being serious. Besides you'll need a miracle to be able to get a perfect score on the test" Himeko said
"Hmph! Meanie" Kiana pouted and cuddled her chest. Mei blushed deeply and trembled slightly're killing me here!

The dorms was quiet as all the girls were asleep. Except for a certain white haired girl who woke up in the middle of the night. She looked at the ceiling and blinked a few times before groaning a bit
"Ah...that's right. The cake..." Kiana said as she smiled. She got out of bed and tiptoed her way to the door. She grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened it before poking her head out of the door. She looked around the halls seeing them empty
Hehe...the coast is clear!
Kiana walked out of her room and quietly walked to the kitchen as she passed by the other rooms. Her eyes widened as she heard someone else and looked around
"Who is there?" Kiana whispered but no answer. Kiana only shrugged it off and went to the kitchen. She grabbed the fridge and opened it up
"Ahh...sweet delicious cake" Kiana whispered before taking the cake away. She walked to the table and placed it down
"Aha! I caught you!" A certain little girl said as she grabbed Kiana
"H-huh? Rozaliya?" Kiana asked as she kept her voice down
"I knew you were going to take the cake" Rozaliya said
"Shh...keep your voice down. Look I'll share with you if you stay quiet" Kiana whispered
"But what happens if they ask about it?" Rozaliya asked
"Nah we'll deal with that later" Kiana said and took the cover off revealing the cake. The two girls drooled at the sight of the cake until they heard a crash at the kitchen
"H-huh?" Kiana asked
"A ghost!?" Rozaliya exclaimed as she held onto Kiana
"Th-those don't exist" Kiana said. Suddenly the two girls froze as they heard the doors open
"Hide!" Kiana whispered as she pushed Rozaliya and the two girls went to a nearby closet to hide
"What was that?" Theresa asked as she rushed towards the living room and turned on the light
"Something broke" Fu Hua said as she went to the kitchen and found broken pieces of glass
"Huh? The cake is out?" Mei asked as she walked to the dining table
"Kiana..." Himeko said
"Roza is missing too" Liliya said
"The Bronya can't seem to find Seele" Bronya said
"Kiana, please come out from wherever you are" Himeko said sternly. Kiana and Rozaliya only remained silent in the closet
"What should we do now?" Rozaliya asked as she whispered
"Just wait...they won't find us and stop grabbing my arm" Kiana whispered
"What? My hands are up here? " Rozaliya asked as she shook her hands
"Huh? But you' someone else with us?" Kiana asked
"Let's play..." A girl whispered softly. The two girls turned around and saw a pair of glowing red eyes
"Hm? Where could those girls be?" Himeko asked
"A GHOST!" The two girls exclaimed as they ran out of the closet
"Oh that's where they were hiding" Theresa said
"Mei! Mei! Something scary was grabbing me!" Kiana said as she hugged Mei
"Ah K-kiana calm down" Mei said as she held her
"Lili! I told you ghosts exist!" Rozaliya said
"Ghosts aren't real. There must be an explanation" Liliya said
"Hahaha! Your reactions were quite cute! That was so fun" Veliona said as she smiled innocently
Although...Seele's reactions are cuter~
"Ah...Seele..what are you doing?" Bronya asked
"Hm? Well Onee-chan...I was bored and decided to have some fun since these two little scaredy cats decided to eat a midnight snack" Veliona giggled
"Seele, that was mean!" Rozaliya said
"Not my problem that you two are scared of the dark and can get easily scared" Veliona said as she smirked devilishly
"Seele go back to sleep..." Bronya said and Veliona glared at her before giggling then caressed her cheek
"But I'm not tired at all and I'm bored. Mind keeping Seele company?" Veliona asked as she smiled innocently
"Get a room if you're going to start flirting" Rozaliya said and Veliona's eyes widened
"Who the heck said anything about flirting!?" Veliona exclaimed as her cheeks reddened a bit
"The Bronya can spend time with Seele some other time. Right now it's late..." Bronya said as she rubbed her eyes
"Tch I'm always alone but whatever. I don't care. Anyways I'll be heading back to bed. Bye bye" Veliona said as she walked pass them and went to her room
"So mind explaining why you two were out?" Himeko asked as she turned to look at the girls
"I caught her stealing cake" Rozaliya said as she pointed her finger at Kiana
"Eh?! You were in on it too!" Kiana said
"Haah...let's just forget all this. I'm too exhausted to even scold you right now" Himeko said
"Come on Roza. You shouldn't go out and eat something sweet" Liliya said as she pushed Rozaliya
"The Bronya needs to go back and rest" Bronya said
"I'll clean this up" Fu Hua said as she started to clean up the mess in the kitchen
"Wait Fu Hua...let me help. I don't want you to cut yourself" Himeko said as she stepped in to help Fu Hua
"The rest should go and sleep. Also Kiana you'll be needing a lecture from me" Theresa said
"Mmgh..." Kiana groaned as she hugged Mei
"We'll worry about that in the morning. Come on Kiana. Let's get to bed already" Mei said as she walked away with Kiana who still clinged onto her. Mei groaned softly as she tried to walk
"K-kiana mind letting me go for a moment? I can't walk..." Mei said
" wouldn't mind if I...sleep with you for tonight?" Kiana asked
"H-huh? Sleep with m-me?" Mei asked as she blushed deeply
"It's just that I can't sleep right after that. I just want to talk with you until I feel sleepy. Please?" Kiana asked as she pleaded
"S-sure" Mei said as she blushed and opened the door
"You're really the best Mei-senpai!" Kiana said as she rushed inside her room
"How can I say no to you..." Mei whispered softly before entering inside the room and closed the door. Kiana jumped on the bed and pulled the blankets over herself
"Hey make some room for me too" Mei said
"Ah sorry about that, Mei" Kiana said as she scooted to the side. Mei laid down next to her and blushed deeply as Kiana got closer to Mei's body
"Hey Mei..." Kiana said
"Hm?" Mei asked
"I can't sleep" Kiana said
"Haah...did you take a bite of that cake?" Mei asked
" I didn't get the chance to eat any of it. After getting scared by Seele uh...well I lost my chance to eat" Kiana said as she pouted
"Kiana, I told you to wait" Mei said as she patted her head
"But Mei...that cake was so good. I just couldn't get enough. You should've given me a second slice" Kiana said
"Eating too much sugar will give you cavities and it's unhealthy" Mei said
"But is it true that you'll make me a special dish for me and only me?" Kiana asked
"Yes. I'll prepare you a special dish for you...that is if you pass your test" Mei said and booped her nose
"Why can't we study together? I don't mind studying with Bronya, Himeko, Fu Hua, or Teri but...I just want to be with you" Kiana said as she hugged her. Mei's heart started beating out of her chest as she blushed deeply
Kiana! Do you know how cute you are right now?! Ugh! I just want to kiss her!
"Kiana...look at me" Mei said
"Hm? Yes Me-ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Kiana whimpered as Mei pinched both her cheeks
"Don't you dare fail that test. At least do your best" Mei said
"Y-yes! I understand Mei!" Kiana whimpered and Mei released her cheeks before planting a soft kiss on her cheek
"E-eh?" Kiana asked as she blushed a little
"S-sorry about that...I-I just want you to take it seriously because...I actually have a special dish for you" Mei said as she turned her back on her
"And I think we should get some sleep already. We have a busy day tomorrow..." Mei said
"What? But Mei I still can't sleep. Let's talk about something" Kiana said
"What do you want to talk about?" Mei asked
"Food" Kiana said and Mei turned around to face her
"Is food all you can think about?" Mei asked
"But Mei-senpai your cooking is amazing. I bet you'd make a perfect wife" Kiana said and Mei got all flustered before looking away trying to hide her blush
Get a hold of yourself! Stop blushing like crazy!
"Hey Kiana..." Mei said as she trembled a bit but looked up only seeing Kiana asleep
"Eh?" Mei asked
Did she just fall asleep all the sudden?!
" I'm the one who can't sleep" Mei mumbled to herself. She looked at Kiana's face and stared at her lips. Mei blushed before reaching towards her lips. She touched her lips with her thumb and trembled as she leaned in
"N-no...not like this. I don't want to steal her first kiss" Mei whispered as she pulled away
I share our first kiss together on a beautiful date
Mei got startled as Kiana got close to her. Her body tensed up for a moment before wrapping her arms around her
"I love you..." Mei whispered softly before drifting off to sleep with Kiana in her arms

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