Chapter 2

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After classes were completely over, the girls emheaded back to the dorms
"Ah wait...I just remembered that we need the ingredients for the red velvet cake" Mei said
"Eh? You're going to make red velvet cake?" Himeko asked
"Mei promised me that she'll bake me a cake" Kiana said as she hugged Mei which made her blush instantly
"What? Are you serious?" Himeko asked
"Subject Kiana does have a sweet tooth" Bronya said
"So if you don't mind..." Mei said as she looked over at Himeko
"I wouldn't mind eating some cake. Sure. I'll give you a ride" Himeko said as she gave her a wink
"Thank you so much Major Himeko" Mei said
"Yeah! Thanks!" Kiana said as she smiled
"I'm only doing it because you actually finished your work. For the first time..." Himeko said
"And the last...." Bronya said as she looked away
"Eh?! No way! I'll have much more energy once I get to devour the delicious cake" Kiana said
"And I need a few vegetables for the stew I'll be preparing" Mei said
"Ew... vegetables' Kiana groaned softly as she looked away
"Will you be joining us Bronya?" Mei asked
"The Bronya has to stay at the dorms. Who will look after them?" Bronya asked
"Right. We understand. Anyways we won't take long okay?" Mei said
"Okay" Bronya said as she nodded. She jumped as she heard a couple of girls behind her
"Hi Bronya-neechan" Seele said and sighed in exhaustion
"Are you feeling well Seele?" Bronya asked as she walked up to her
"Mm yeah. Just tired" Seele said
"Seele helped us with our script. This is a masterpiece!" Rozaliya said as she held a few papers
"We need to head back to the dorms. I'm getting a little sleepy" Liliya said
"You girls head back while we head out to buy a few things" Mei said
"Okay! We will take care of the place" Rozaliya said as she smiled
"The Bronya will look out for them so please don't worry" Bronya said
"Yay! Bronya will finally play with us" Rozaliya said
"We will be seeing you later" Kiana said
"Please be careful" Himeko said. The three girls ended up walking ahead of the others to go grab the ingredients for dinner
"No worries. We got this right?" Rozaliya asked
"Roza is reckless so I doubt the place will be in one piece" Liliya said
"Don't be so mean, Lili" Rozaliya said as she pouted
"L-let's just head back okay?" Seele said as she trembled a little and felt a soft warmth from her hand as Bronya held her hand. Seele couldn't help but blush at her touch and looked away
"We should get going and clean up the place a bit" Bronya said
"But I thought the place was already cleaned up" Rozaliya said
"Your side of the room is a mess..." Liliya said
"That's because I didn't have time to clean it up. Besides it's our room so you should help me clean" Rozaliya said
"Your stuff. Your side. Your bed. Your trash" Liliya said
"Hm? The Bronya wonders where class monitor is" Bronya said as she looked around looking for Fu Hua
"We'll meet up with her back at the dorms" Seele said
"Okay" Bronya said
"Well let's go!" Rozaliya said as she wrapped an arm around Liliya
"Don't lean on me so much" Liliya said as she started to walk

"Ugh...I don't like this" Kiana groaned softly
"It isn't so bad, Kiana" Mei said
"You can't always eat fried food all the time. You need to add some vegetables or at least eat some fruit once a day. Your body should be healthy and active" Himeko said
"I am always active" Kiana said
"Here carry the basket for me" Mei said as she handed her the basket
"Yes Mei-senpai" Kiana said as she held the basket and sighed
Hm...I wonder if I could get some chips to eat tomorrow. That way I won't be starving during class
"Oh? Miss Kaslana?" A woman spoke behind her. Kiana jumped and turned around seeing the beautiful maid behind her
"R-rita?" Kiana asked
"Oh you're here buying ingredients as well. Hm? It surprises me that you're getting vegetables" Rita said
"Actually Mei-senpai is the one who got these. She said she'll be making some vegetable stew. Hopefully it'll taste good. Ah! And she said she'll be baking me a red velvet cake" Kiana said
"Hehe I wouldn't worry about the taste. You usually devour everything she's cooked or baked. I'm sure you'll be fine and red velvet cake? That sounds delicious for Master Durandal" Rita said as she smiled
I'll probably prepare some for Durandal once she returns...
"Is Durandal around?" Kiana asked as she looked around
"Unfortunately Master Durandal has a tight schedule today" Rita said
"Oh well that sucks. Don't you ever get lonely though? You two are always together" Kiana said
"Mm...a little but at least she does have some spare time to be with me. It's fine though. I usually clean up the place..." Rita said
"Rita? You're here too?" Himeko asked
"Oh hey Rita" Mei said as she smiled
"Hello Miss Raiden and Miss Murata. It's a pleasure to bump into you three. I see you're all shopping for dinner" Rita said
"Haah you know how Kiana is" Himeko said as she sighed softly
"At least I completed the paperwork. That's a start right?" Kiana asked and Mei patted her head softly
"Yes but don't think I'll do this all the time okay?" Mei asked
"Yes I understand" Kiana said as she smiled. Mei blushed a little and played with her hair
"If you keep this up then I'll definitely make your favorite dish" Mei said
"Any dish that I want?" Kiana asked as she looked surprised
"Yes and the best part of this reward is that you'll be the only one who will get to eat your dish" Mei said
"So that means I don't have to worry about them stealing my food?" Kiana asked as she drooled a bit
"Heh Mei. Don't you think you're spoiling her?" Himeko asked
"Only if Kiana does her work and study for the upcoming test" Mei said
"Hm...very well then but for her to receive this award. She must get at least a 90 on the test" Himeko said
"Eh!? 90!?" Kiana exclaimed
"That is quite challenging" Rita said
"Mei!" Kiana whined as she grabbed Mei's arm
"Sorry Kiana but I will have to agree with Himeko. Your grades really haven't risen at all. Maybe doing this will help you get back on track" Mei said
"No fair. At least study with me?" Kiana asked
"Sure" Mei said
"No" Himeko said
"Huh?" Mei asked
"Wh-what?" Kiana asked
"Mei, I'm sorry but whenever you two are close. You start to lose focus. It's best if Kiana studied with me, Theresa, or Fu Hua where she can actually learn something. No offense always go soft on Kiana" Himeko said
"Soft?" Mei asked
"Miss Raiden just deeply cares for her loved one..." Rita said and Mei blushed deeply
"U-uhm well y-yes" Mei said as she giggled nervously
"No Mei. I don't wanna study with Major Himeko, principal, or Fu Hua. They're scary..." Kiana said as she hugged Mei
"I-I'm afraid I have to agree with her on that too. Whenever we're alone we get a bit distracted..." Mei said as her heart started racing
More like she distracts me. She is so cute and a kitty
"No senpai!" Kiana said as she hugged Mei. Mei blushed deeply and trembled slightly
"C-calm down Kiana-chan" Mei said as she stroked her hair softly
"Hm? They're quite close" Rita whispered
"Huh?" Himeko asked as she looked at the maid
"Kiana and Mei have always been so close when I met them" Rita said
"Oh yeah. Ever since Mei joined us, those two have been inseparable. They always do everything together but I'm glad that Mei helps Kiana to focus a bit in school. Although it doesn't turn out that way" Himeko said
"Makes me wonder if there is anything going on" Rita said
"Huh? What do you mean?" Himeko asked
"Oh it's nothing. Anyways I should be heading back before Durandal comes back. It was nice seeing you. Also good luck on your test Kiana. You will definitely need more than just luck" Rita said as she giggled while walking away
"Eh?! I can definitely ace this test" Kiana said
"I would like to see that happen. Now let's head back. I think we got everything that we need right?" Himeko asked
"It looks like it" Kiana said as she looked at the basket
"Let's go to the check out line" Mei said. The girls headed towards the checkout line and paid for their stuff
"Let hurry back. I don't want to deal with traffic right now" Himeko groaned softly
"Let's head quick" Kiana said as she got inside the car then sat on the backseats. Mei stepped inside and sat next to Kiana. Himeko started the car and drove back to the dorms where the rest of the girls were staying. During the ride, Mei couldn't help but hold Kiana's hand. Of course Kiana didn't mind since she enjoyed feeling Mei's warmth. Mei glanced over at Kiana who kept staring out the car window. She looked away as she blushed
These feelings just won't hurts so much
"Are we almost there yet? I'm starting to get sleepy..." Kiana said as she rested her head against Mei's shoulder. Mei's body tensed up for a moment but soon she relaxed as she saw Kiana's soft expression
...I wish to stay by your side like this forever
"We're here girls" Himeko said as she entered the driveway and parked her car
"Yay! We're back" Kiana said
"Would you like to help me with dinner?" Mei asked
"Yes!" Kiana said as she nodded
"You're so cute" Mei giggled and stepped out the car with Kiana. The girls went to the front door and opened it
"We're back" Himeko said
"Hopefully we didn't take too long" Mei said
"You girls didn't take too long" Theresa said
"I'll take these to the kitchen" Kiana said as she grabbed the grocery bags and took them to the kitchen
"I'll start cutting the vegetables" Mei said
"Huh? Vegetables?" Rozaliya asked
"We will be eating vegetable stew" Mei said and walked away
"Ew!" Rozaliya said and Liliya only smacked the back of her head
"Ow!" Rozaliya whimpered
"Don't be rude. You need to eat healthy. You can't be eating junk food all the time" Liliya said
"That's why we'll have dessert!" Kiana said
"Ooooh! What is it?" Rozaliya asked
"It's a red velvet cake" Kiana said as she smiled
"Red velvet?!" Rozaliya exclaimed
"Hopefully you don't make it too sweet. Kiana may have a sweet tooth but we don't want her to stay up all night because of all the sugar" Theresa said
"Don't worry about me Aunt Teri. I won't eat all of it" Kiana said
"I won't be making a huge cake because I know you'll just devour it all in one bite" Mei said as she poked her forehead
"Aww but we should save some for tomorrow" Kiana pouted
"Yeah! We should save some for tomorrow just in case we start craving for it" Rozaliya said
"Roza, you shouldn't eat too much sugar or else you'll get sick" Lililya said
"And too much sugar is just sickening..." Seele said
'You like sweets right?'
Too much of it is bad
'Yeah I agree with you on that'
"Meiii! Can we bake the cake first?" Kiana asked and Mei flicked her forehead
"No" Mei said and Kiana whimpered as she rubbed her forehead
"She never changes..." Fu Hua sighed
"That's Kiana for you. I'll start grading papers while I wait" Himeko said as she walked away
"Let's go  help them, principal Theresa" Fu Hua said
"Yeah. Mei won't be able to cook and babysit at the same time" Theresa said
"Hey! I don't need to be babysitted!" Kiana whined

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