Chapter 22

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"Shhh~ You need to keep your voice down~"
"I-it feels really good!~ Th-there!~"
"Your moans sound so cute~"

"Mmm…Mei…" Kiana mumbled softly
"Kiana Kaslana!" Himeko raised her voice and Kiana snapped back to reality
"A-ah Miss Himeko!" Kiana exclaimed as she stood up from her seat
" were daydreaming again weren't you?" Himeko asked
"N-not at all" Kiana said as she looked to the side nervously
"You'll be staying after class again" Himeko said
"Eh?! But-"
"No buts. Now sit down and please pay attention" Himeko said
"Yes ma'am" Kiana said and went towards Mei's desk to steal a kiss
"K-kiana..." Mei said blushing deeply
"I love you, Mei~" Kiana whispered softly as she smiled
"Kiana!" Himeko said
"Okay okay. I'm sitting" Kiana said as she went to her seat and Mei blushed deeply touching her lips. Himeko sighed deeply as she went back to the lecture
They're showing off their relationship again...
After class, Kiana remained seated as the class was dismissed
"Do I really have to stay again for another lecture?" Kiana asked
"I'm worried that you're getting distracted because you spaced out a lot. More than usual...." Himeko said
"It's probably nothing. Now can I go?" Kiana asked
"No" Himeko said
"Mei-senpai, save me" Kiana whimpered
"S-sorry Kiana but...I don't think Himeko-sensei will let me" Mei said as she held her hand
"Let Mei stay with me at least" Kiana said as she clinged onto Mei wrapping her arms around her waist
"...I don't know if it's just me or something else happened between you two" Himeko said
"Eh?" The two girls asked as they blushed
"You're more lovey-dovey than usual. Like I said you were spacing out a lot. You'd space out five times during lecture but this time you spaced out more than twenty times" Himeko said
" the heck do you know that?" Kiana asked as she looked surprised
"Well I've always observed you during class and see you space out often. Not this much though" Himeko said
"Not sure if you're aware but...Idiotka forgot to cover up her neck" Bronya said as she stood up from her seat
"H-hey!" Kiana exclaimed as she pulled her coat up trying to cover it up
"The Bronya is letting you know in case someone else notices the mark" Bronya said before leaving the classroom
"I told you to put a pain relief patch on it to make it less suspicious..." Mei whispered
"Not my fault you bit me hard in a noticeable place" Kiana whispered and Himeko only stood in front of the two lovers
You know I can hear you both right?
"Miss Himeko, I need to have a word with you" Fu Hua said as she approached her while blushing slightly
"Hm? Is it about the lecture?" Himeko asked
"N-no the uhm...please let's talk somewhere private" Fu Hua said
"Sure but before I go. Kiana, I've repeatedly told you many times to pay attention. I really do hope Mei does her best to help you. Also at least pretend you're paying attention in class instead of staring at nothing. It's quite obvious whenever you space out" Himeko said
"Okay I'll try" Kiana said as she smiled and Himeko left with Fu Hua
"Remind me to thank Fu Hua for taking care of sensei for me" Kiana said and stood up before wrapping her arms around Mei
"H-hey what are you doing?" Mei asked
"I've been wanting to kiss you and touch you again" Kiana whispered and kissed her. Mei blushed and kissed her back softly as she held her. The two girls shared a passionate kiss until Kiana broke the kiss
"When will we do it next time?" Kiana asked and slid her hand towards her chest
"We'll only do it if you pay attention and quit spacing out all the time" Mei whispered before pushing her away
"You'll still help me study?" Kiana asked
"As long as you don't try anything funny" Mei said and jumped as Kiana spanked her ass
"Oops my hand slipped" Kiana said smiling innocently and Mei stole a kiss from her
"Let's go ahead and eat something" Mei said
"Alright" Kiana said as she walked out of the classroom with Mei
"It's the lovebirds!" Rozaliya said
"Quit being so loud" Liliya said
"Hey Kiana and Mei. Do any of you have a clue what's going on between the student and teacher?" Rozaliya asked
"Eh?" Mei asked
"Are you talking about Himeko-sensei and Fu Hua?" Kiana asked
"Yes. I just saw them talking about their date-"
"And I had to drag you out of there because you should mind your own business" Liliya said as she smacked her head
"Ouchie" Rozaliya whimpered
"Date? That's quite rare for Himeko-sensei" Kiana said
"Maybe it's best if we mind our own business and let them be" Mei said
"I agree. We don't want to make them uncomfortable or anything" Liliya said
"But I'm curious. Something is happening between those two..." Kiana said
"I'd like to see some teacher and student relationship" Rozaliya said
"Have you been reading those mangas from Seele?" Liliya asked
"They're interesting and fun to read" Rozaliya said
"Ah...those mangas..." Kiana said as she blushed a little
"Hm? Do you read those types of mangas?" Mei asked
"E-eh? Uhm no" Kiana said looking to the side
"Oh hey Kiana. Did some animal bit you? There is some kind of red mark" Rozaliya asked and Kiana pulled her coat up
"Let's hurry! I'm starving!" Kiana said and Mei leaned towards her
"Next time put on a pain relief patch..." Mei whispered
"Yeah I'll keep that in mind" Kiana said. The girls went to eat lunch and found the other couple eating. Bronya and Seele looked up seeing the other girls
"Hey everyone" Seele said as she smiled
"Hi Seele and Bronya" Kiana said as she held hands with Mei
"Seele! I need more!" Rozaliya said
"E-eh?" Seele asked slightly nervous
"I want to read more of those mangas" Rozaliya said
"A-ah uhm s-sure" Seele said
'Right. I forgot to mention that I might've handed Rozaliya a fun manga to read'
Please don't show her any of...those type of mangas
'They're fun to read. Besides you might need to start learning a few things so you can take the next step in your relationship'
Eh? Marriage?
"Eh? Seele?" Bronya asked as she noticed her lover's face
"I-I'm fine!" Seele said
"Your face is really red" Liliya said
"I-I'm really fine" Seele said and Bronya leaned in, kissing her cheek. Seele felt her heart skip a beat and hid her head against shoulder
"By the way I know this is none of my business but I heard something in Mei-senpai's room" Rozaliya said and the two girls got extremely flustered
"It sounded like some sort of muffled scream" Liliya said
"H-haha! U-Uhm it was probably because I was uhhh freaking out about something and didn't want to make any noise" Kiana said while Mei was trying to hide her face
"I guess you lovebirds took my advice" Veliona said as she took over
"L-let's talk about something else" Mei said
"And I warned you guys that the walls aren't soundproof" Veliona giggled
"Ahem! Anyways uhm the double date! Yes! We have a double date with Durandal and Rita" Kiana said as she tried to change the subject
"That sounds fun" Rozaliya said
"Double date? Hmmm would you like to make it a triple date?" Veliona asked and wrapped an arm around Bronya shoulders
"Triple date?" Kiana asked
"Would you like to join Bronya-neechan?" Veliona asked
"No thanks" Bronya said
"Oh? So you prefer to stay with me?" Veliona asked and Bronya leaned in stealing a kiss from her
"We can go on a date again" Bronya said
"S-sure" Seele said blushing deeply
"Everyone looks so cute together. Don't you think so, Liliya?" Rozaliya said
"I must admit it is somewhat cute" Liliya said.

The sun started to set as school finally ended
"Miss Himeko...I need to ask you something" Theresa said
"Yes?" Himeko asked
"I don't think it was just me who kept hearing noises right?" Theresa asked
"Don't worry I heard something as well" Himeko said
"I don't even want to know what was going on" Theresa said
"That's probably why they were behaving more lovey-dovey with each other" Himeko said
"Is Kiana doing well?" Theresa asked
"...she kept spacing out most of the time" Himeko said
"We'll see how she does in her exam" Theresa said
"I was wondering if I could leave the paperwork to you since I'll be taking Fu Hua out for lunch tomorrow" Himeko said
"Don't let it involve drinks. I don't want to see you on top of Fu Hua again" Theresa said
"Yes I unde-wh-what?" Himeko asked as she blushed
"Hm? What?" Theresa asked
"Y-you said uhm...I-I was what?" Himeko asked
"Of course you don't remember a single thing. You were drunk. I said I found you on top of Fu Hua on the couch. You fell asleep and I went to help her get you off of her" Theresa said and Himeko trembled as she covered her face
Wait...I-I was on top of her a-and...
"Himeko?" Theresa asked and Himeko's face burned up as she remembered what happened that night
"A-ah y-you only saw me on top of her?" Himeko asked
"You passed out. Not sure how much you drank" Theresa said
"...yeah I'm never drinking again" Himeko said
"Why is your face all red like that?" Theresa asked
"I-it's nothing. Uhm...I only feel a little hot" Himeko said
Fuck...why the hell did I do that to her?!
Meanwhile the group of girls were walking out of school heading towards the dorms
"Hey class monitor. What were you talking about with-mm!"
"Forgive my sister for being so nosy. I'll take care of her" Liliya said as she took her sister away
"Ah yeah! Thanks Fu Hua for getting me out of there. You should do it more often so I can escape from Sensei's lectures and scolding" Kiana said
"But you should take your lectures seriously this time" Fu Hua said
"Yes and you remember our deal about passing your exam?" Mei said
"Ah fuck right. Mei-senpai, study with me" Kiana said as she held her arm
"How about we make it a study group? Just in case you both end up losing focus" Fu Hua said
"Sounds like a great idea. Bronya?" Mei asked
"The Bronya will gladly join if Seele is there" Bronya said
"I'd love to" Seele said smiling warmly and hugged Bronya from behind
"Fu Hua, were you talking about a date with Himeko-sensei?" Kiana asked and Fu Hua kept a calm expression
"We are only going out to eat. It's not like that kind of date. It's more of a friend date" Fu Hua said
"Uh huh. Talking about dates. Ready for tomorrow?" Kiana asked
"Of course because I get to spend time with you. I just hope that maid doesn't start playing around again..." Mei said
"The misunderstandings are over...I hope. Just don't let your jealousy get out of hand" Kiana said and pulled her close as she kissed her cheek
"I love you" Kiana said
"I love you too, Kiana" Mei said smiling warmly
"Hmm how would Bronya behave if she were jealous?" Rozaliya asked
"That would never happen. She knows I love her so much" Seele said and felt a presence behind her
'But it'd be interesting to find out her possessive side'
No. Don't think of doing anything
'Okay. I promise'
Thank you, Seele

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