Chapter 9

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"What were you two thinking of skipping class?" The red head spoke as she looked down at the two you get girls
"Major was me. Seele had nothing to do with it and I dragged her with me. I'm sorry for causing trouble...and for getting into the fight with those monsters" Kiana said as she bowed down and trembled a little
I seriously screwed up big time...
Kiana jumped a bit as Himeko patted her head softly
"I'm just glad you two are here and safe. Just please...don't do it ever again. It was dangerous for you two to fight them and because we didn't know where you two were. Don't let this happen ever again and Kiana..." Himeko paused
"Yes yes. I know...I'll go ahead and go to detention" Kiana said
"No. Not that. Just wanted to say...have a nice day" Himeko said as she smiled warmly at her
"Eh? no detention?" Kiana asked
That's strange...something feels off
"You're free to go" Himeko said
"S-so...are you still mad? Aren't you going to punish me?" Kiana asked
"I'm a little mad but...I believe you should worry about someone else" Himeko said as she walked to the door
"Eh? What are you talking about?" Kiana asked
"Hm?" Seele asked. Himeko opened the door to reveal two angry girls
"W-wah! M-mei-senpai!" Kiana exclaimed
"Onee-chan..." Seele mumbled and Kiana hid right behind Seele
"Kiana!" Mei said as she rushed inside and soon Kiana ran away
"Wait Mei!" Kiana said as she trembled and Mei grabbed her
"Agh! Wait!" Kiana said. Seele flinched as Bronya walked up to her then held her hand
"The Bronya told you to not listen to Kiana" Bronya said
"S-sorry Bronya..." Seele said as she whimpered
"Agh! M-mei wait!" Kiana said
"First you skip classes and then ran into a fight with those things?! You weren't in your battlesuit or anything!" Mei said
"I-I know but we just couldn't stand there and run away. At least Rita came prepared" Kiana said and saw Bronya walk up to her
"Mei-senpai, The Bronya apologies..." Bronya said
"Huh? For what?" Mei asked
"W-weren't you suppose to apologize t-to me instead of Mei?" Kiana asked
"A-ah...Kiana" Seele said as she trembled
"Kiana Idiotka...don't ever take Seele with you or drag her out of her classes" Bronya said
"Yes Bronya. Don't worry I learned my lesson" Kiana said as she smiled nervously
"I'm s-sorry she did that to you" Seele whimpered and Bronya grabbed her arm
"Let's go Seele" Bronya said
"O-okay" Seele said
"Ouchie" Kiana said and gasped as Mei grabbed her
"W-wait Mei!" Kiana said
"We still have to talk..." Mei said as she got to her room and pushed her inside before stepping inside
"Oh my...I feel bad for Kiana" Rita said as she giggled softly
"That girl always gets into trouble..." Theresa said as she sighed
"Rita?" Fu Hua asked as she approached her
"Hm? Yes?" Rita asked
"Someone is here to pick you up" Fu Hua said
"Oh that must be Durandal" Rita said as she walked but stumbled slightly
"Woah! Rita careful" Theresa said
"Are you sure you can walk?" Fu Hua asked
"Y-yes. I'm quite alright. Nothing I can handle..." Rita said and felt a touch on her shoulder
"Thank you so much Rita...for bringing them back safely. I know it must've been hard to deal with them and those beasts" Himeko said
"They were actually quite strong and powerful. They'll turn out into great warriors. It's just that they need more training" Rita said
"Rita! Let's get going" Durandal said from downstairs
"Coming Master Durandal. Thanks for taking care of me everyone" Rita said as she bowed down and headed downstairs. She saw the beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes standing by the door way
"Hello Master Durandal" Rita said
"You're okay?" Durandal asked as she looked at the small wounds
"It's nothing severe, Master Durandal. Just a few scratches and bruises but I'm alright. I can still walk and move around" Rita said
"Thanks for taking care of Rita for me. I'll take care of those things and search for them" Durandal said
"No need, Durandal. We will take care of that. Please head home and rest. I don't want you to worry about this..." Himeko said
"Understood" Durandal said. After leaving the dorms, Durandal took Rita back to their place
"Master Durandal...if you'd like I'll prepare something quick and easy for us" Rita said as she removed her shoes
"No Rita" Durandal said and removed her shoes as well
"Huh?" Rita asked
"I'll prepare dinner for us. You can't move around a lot in the condition you're in" Durandal said
"Oh Durandal. I told you they're aren't severe" Rita said
"Hush and sit down please. I'll prepare dinner" Durandal said as she walked to the kitchen with her hair tied up. Rita only watched her leave and nodded
"Very well Master Durandal" Rita said and headed to her room. She stepped inside and closed the door from behind. Rita winced in pain a bit as she walked a bit and sat down on the bed. She looked at her ankle that was wrapped around in bandages
"Ugh...walking around only made it worse. Heh...great" Rita said as she sighed softly and laid down on the bed. She stared at the ceiling and sighed softly. Rita opened her eyes and looked to the side where she noticed a picture frame of herself with Durandal. A soft smile formed on her lips and sighed blissfully
She's grown up so much. Heh...can't believe 4 years passed by so much
"She was just a small girl and now she's grown up so much..." Rita said as she smiled warmly. Time passed by and Durandal finished preparing dinner
"Hm?" Durandal asked as she looked down seeing Stan purring. He looked up at her and Durandal smiled softly before reaching out to carry him in his arms. Stan purred softly as he rested on her arms then jumped on her shoulder
"Rita! Dinner is ready" Durandal said as she walked towards her room. She knocked on the door and opened the door finding Rita resting on the bed
"Rita? Are you asleep?" Durandal asked as she stepped inside. She looked at Rita's body and got closer to the bed. Durandal stepped closer and noticed her bruised ankle. She seemed concerned for a moment before reaching out touching her ankle gently
Why didn't she tell me about this?
"Rita..." Durandal mumbled softly and looked up at her face. She touched her hair and pulled it back to see her beautiful face. A blush came across her cheeks as she smiled a little
"Meow" Stan said as he jumped on the bed. Durandal jumped as she pulled her hand away and Rita groaned softly before waking up
"Oh? Is dinner ready?" Rita asked as she sat up
"Yes and Rita, why didn't you tell me about your ankle?" Durandal asked
"O-oh...well because I didn't want you to worry so much about me. Either way it doesn't hurt that much" Rita said
"It doesn't matter if it hurts or not. I don't want you to get hurt even more. Tomorrow I'll stay and take care of you" Durandal said
"What? But Master Durandal don't you have-"
"You've already done so much today so let me do this for you okay? I want to take care of you. Stay here while I get your plate. I'll be feeding you as well" Durandal said as she walked away. Rita only giggled softly before smiling warmly
She is so caring...

"Bronya-neechan..." Seele said
"Seele don't do that ever again" Bronya said as she cupped both her cheeks. Seele blushed deeply and gasped as Veliona took over
"Hehe...Bronya is cute up close" Veliona giggled. Bronya noticed her eyes and pulled away from her
"Why did you follow Kiana?" Bronya asked
"What? Jealous?" Veliona asked as she stuck her tongue out
"Seele could've gotten hurt" Bronya said
"Relax alright? Like I told you before...I take care of her. I want to protect Seele because I care for her...and because I need her alive" Veliona said
"Why did you even go with Kiana?" Bronya asked
"She skipped classes and we bumped into her then she dragged us out of school. Heh it was fun to be out of that school for a while. Then I had to deal with Kiana and her panic after realizing Mei's crush was her all along" Veliona said
"You told her?" Bronya asked
"No. I told her to use her brain and think who the hell Mei has always been with. That's when everything clicked and knows about Mei's feelings for her. She started to get worried and asked for some advice so we went to theanga store" Veliona said
"What for?" Bronya said
"Just using mangas as references and help Kiana find a place for a date. That's when we bumped into the sexy maid and then those beasts appeared out of nowhere..." Veliona said
"Don't let that happen again. Seele should be more careful. The Bronya doesn't want to see Seele hurt again..." Bronya said. Veliona looked at her and gritted her teeth slightly
"Seele Seele Seele Seele that all you ever think about? Just make a damn move already. I'm tired already..." Veliona said before grabbing Bronya and leaned in pressing her lips against hers. Bronya's eyes widened as her cheeks reddened and trembled slightly
"Mm!" Bronya blushed deeply and Veliona licked her lips slowly before pulling away
"Your lips are soft, Bronya~" Veliona giggled softly before her eyes turned back to her ocean blue eyes. Seele blinked a few times and gasped as she touched her lips
"U-uh I won't do something like that again, Bronya! I-I better head back a-and rest! B-bye and night!" Seele said before she ran away
"S-seele! Wait..." Bronya said and trembled a little as she blushed deeply
H-her lips...felt s-soft...really s-soft
Seele ran pass the twins while covering her face
"Eh? Seele?" Rozaliya asked
"Hm? Did something happen?" Liliya asked
"How should I know?" Rozaliya asked. The two girls walked to Bronya's room and poked their heads inside
"Hey Bronya!" Rozaliya said. Bronya jumped and looked up seeing the twins
"O-oh...hey Roza and Lili" Bronya said
"We saw Seele running away and going to her room" Liliya said
"Yeah so did something happen between you two?" Rozaliya asked
"N-not sure what you're talking about. It's n-nothing so don't w-worry about it..." Bronya said. Rozaliya and Liliya looked at Bronya then Rozaliya giggled
"You're blushing Bronya..." Rozaliya said
"H-huh? The Bronya...j-just feels hot" Bronya said as she looked to the side
"Are you sure nothing happened between you two?" Rozaliya asked as she tilted her head
"Nothing..." Bronya said as she kept avoiding eye contact. Rozaliya and Liliya looked at each other before walking away
"Hehe okay then. If you say so" Rozaliya said as she pushed Liliya out the room. Bronya only sighed as she clenched her chest
It's burning up...
Meanwhile with Seele in her room
"MMMMMMMMMM!" Seele shouted against the people muffling her scream. She lifted her head as she blushed deeply and trembled
"Wh-why did you d-do it?" Seele asked as she clenched the pillow
"What? Jealous that I kissed your precious Bronya?" Veliona asked as she smirked playfully
"Her face was so cute and adorable!" Seele squealed against the pillow
"You're so annoying..." Veliona mumbled softly
"I-I don't think I-I can f-face her anymore. N-not after that!" Seele whimpered as she rested on the bed and covered her face
"Just go ask her out on a date. It's not that hard...unless you'd like me to do it" Veliona said
"N-no! I want t-to do this...but.." Seele paused as she blushed deeply and squealed against the pillow again
"Seriously? Just how annoying are you? Bronya Bronya Bronya...that's all you ever think about. You two are literally the same..." Veliona mumbled softly
What kind of host is she? Freaking out over a small little kiss? Hmmm~
"Hey Seele...look up" Veliona said and Seele looked up at her other self
"Eh?" Seele asked and Veliona cupped her cheeks
"Would you like to practice kissing?~" Veliona asked as she smirked playfully
"Pr-practice?" Seele asked as she blushed deeply and Veliona slowly leaned in. Seele whimpered as she shut her eyes tightly and Veliona placed her hand over her mouth
"Pfft...Seele your reactions are always hilarious. Haah anyways thanks for playing with me but I believe it's time for you to calm down" Veliona said
"E-eh?" Seele asked
"Good luck with Bronya. You'll be needing it" Veliona said as she smiled before vanishing. Seele trembled before lying down on the bed while blushing slightly
Ugh...this night has been crazy

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