Chapter 20

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"Haah...haah...what's up with me today?" Durandal groaned as she trembled. She seemed to struggle to focus during her day after knowing who Rita's date was going to be
"Why do I feel so bothered by this?" Durandal asked as she clenched her fists tightly
Lately I haven't been myself...all because of this date. Ugh..
Durandal sighed in frustration as she kept feeling the same feeling from the day Rita spoke about the date. She looked at the ceiling feeling frustrated and heard a soft meow. Durandal looked to the side as Stan appeared walking into her room
"Meow" Stan said and jumped onto the bed. Durandal smiled a little and petted him softly
"Hey Stan..." Durandal said and Stan purred against her hand. He curled himself up against Durandal and decided to lie down next to her. Durandal stroked his head softly as she gently petted him
"What am I going to do? What can I do? It's not like I can tell her not to's odd for me to feel bothered by it" Durandal said
I remember growing up. Rita would be asked out a lot by guys...
"...I must have a word with, Kiana" Durandal said. Meanwhile at the Academy, the white haired girl was having lunch
"Achoo!" Kiana sneezed
"Bless you" Mei said
"Thanks" Kiana said as she smiled warmly. Mei stared at the bite mark that was slightly visible before blushing a little
"Hm? You okay?" Kiana asked
"Y-yes" Mei said as she looked to the side
"Your face is red" Kiana said
"I-it's nothing. Maybe because it's hot in here..." Mei said
"Aww come on tell me" Kiana said as she whimpered and Mei patted her head
"It's nothing really" Mei said and Kiana kissed her ear
"K-kiana!" Mei said as she covered her ear and blushed
"Hehehe that's what you get" Kiana said and hugged her. Mei blushed and Kiana looked over at Fu Hua who wore a slight concerned expression
"Hey Fu Hua. What's been bothering you lately?" Mei asked
"Yeah. Ever since this morning you've been...hmmm how should I say this? Worried? You don't seem calm" Kiana said
"Ah...uhm...i-it's nothing to worry about. It's fine" Fu Hua said
"Eh? You sure?" Kiana asked and Mei patted her head softly
"Well as long as you're okay but remember that you can talk to us about it as well" Mei said
"Thanks" Fu Hua said
How the hell should I tell them about that? I'm glad Miss Himeko forgot but...I can't seem to forget about it
"Hey Fu Hua. Mind being my study partner so I can try and ace my exam?" Kiana asked
"Hm? Of course. I'm quite surprised you're taking your studies seriously this time. Mei is a great influence" Fu Hua said
"I might've found a way to get this girl to finally study" Mei said as she smiled softly and Kiana pouted
"You promise to spoil me with all your love right?" Kiana asked
"Yes. I promise" Mei said and Kiana held her hand underneath the table. She leaned towards her ear with a flustered expression
"Mind if we make out after lunch?" Kiana whispered and Mei got all flustered before nodding shyly
"Yay!" Kiana said
I love Mei-senpai very much!
After school, Kiana walked out of the school with Seele by her side
"Finally school is over and I can spend time with Mei!" Kiana said
"I understand that feeling. I want to always be with Bronya-neechan..." Seele said as she smiled softly
"Hopefully Mei is done talking..." Kiana said as she pouted but then noticed a few girls whispering while squealing a bit
"What is going on?" Kiana asked
"I don't know either" Seele said. Kiana walked towards the small group of girls until her blue eyes met with another pair of blue eyes
"Eh?" Kiana asked and Durandal walked pass the girls who kept trying to catch her attention
"Hey Kiana" Durandal said
"A-ah hey Durandal. What brings you here?" Kiana asked as she tilted her head
"My schedule isn't full and I don't have anything to do this afternoon. So I thought about what you said last time about training between you and me. It'll be quick..." Durandal said
"What? Really?!" Kiana asked as she seemed excited
"Yes. Do you have time to train now with me?" Durandal asked
"Yes!" Kiana said
"K-kiana-chan, wait what abo-"
"Tell Mei-senpai that everything is fine and that I went with Durandal. I'll be back soon though. Besides we'll be going to the school's training grounds so I won't be going anywhere far" Kiana said as she smiled
"A-ah okay" Seele said as she watched Kiana walking beside Durandal
'Hopefully her girlfriend doesn't get jealous'
That's why I'm scared to tell her. She's gotten possessive with Kiana-chan...
'I wonder if we can get Bronya jealous...'
"N-no, you can't do that because Bronya w-will get hurt and I'll feel bad" Seele whimpered
"Fine fine. We won't do it. Also look out behind you" Veliona said
"Eh?" Seele asked
"Hey Seele!" Rozaliya said as she jumped on her back
"A-ah! Hey Roza" Seele said
"Where's Kiana?" Liliya asked
"A-about that uhm...she left" Seele said
"Eh? Left?" Rozaliya asked
"Mei-senpai is not going to like that" Liliya said
"Sh-she just went with Durandal who was waiting for her" Seele said
"Oh? That's interesting. I wonder what Mei-senpai will say about that..." Rozaliya said
"We're about to find out..." Liliya said as she noticed Mei with Bronya and Fu Hua
"Kiana-chan? Hm? Didn't she leave first?" Mei asked as she looked around
"She did along with Seele" Bronya said
"That's odd for her to suddenly vanish" Fu Hua said as she walked with the girls
"Hey Bronya-neechan" Seele said as she smiled warmly
"Roza, get off of Seele please" Bronya said
"Yes yes. I understand" Rozaliya said as she let go of Seele
"Hey Seele. Where did Kiana go?" Mei asked
"A-ah well uhm...w-we saw Durandal-san w-waiting outside the school and-"
"Durandal?" Mei asked
"Y-yes and well she asked Kiana to accompany her for some training" Seele said and flinched as she felt a strong presence surrounding Mei
" and Lili will leave first" Rozaliya said as she grabbed Liliya
"Agreed" Liliya said before leaving with Rozaliya. Seele trembled and held onto Bronya as she hid behind her
"Seele...mind telling me where they went?" Mei asked as she smiled but Seele noticed the dark aura
"Waah!!" Seele trembled
"U-Uhm need to calm down a bit. You're scaring Seele" Bronya said
"If we're talking about training then they're definitely near the school's training grounds" Fu Hua said
"I'll be going" Mei said as she walked away
"Mei-senpai is one jealous girl..." Bronya said
"I'm wondering why on earth Durandal is here?" Fu Hua said
"The Bronya finds that odd too..." Bronya said and looked at Seele who was trembling
"Seele, it's okay" Bronya said and kissed her cheek. Seele blushed deeply and hugged her
"Bronya~" Seele said as she smiled softly. Fu Hua looked at the two lovebirds and soon got a quick flashback with Himeko's kiss last night. Her cheeks reddened and felt her heart beating rapidly
O-oh's happening again!

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