Chapter 4

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"Mei-senpai~" Kiana whispered before leaning in and pressed her lips against hers. Mei's eyes widened for a moment before melting into the kiss. She wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her body close to hers
"Mm~" Mei moaned and blushed deeply. She broke the kiss and blushed as Kiana held her closely
"I love you too...Mei-senpai" Kiana whispered softly

Beep! Beep! Beep!
"Mmgh...h-huh?" Mei asked as she woke up from her alarm. She blinked a couple of times before sitting up on her bed. She held out her arm and turned the alarm off. Mei rubbed her head but jumped as she remembered the dream. Her face went all read and covered her face with the blankets
Ugh! I got that same dream again!
She let out a sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair. Mei turned around and found the other side of the bed empty
"Eh? Where did Kiana go?" Mei asked as she looked around her room
She probably went out to eat the last bit of the cake...
"KIANA!" A few girls exclaimed. Mei sighed deeply as she knew Kiana was in big trouble
"Have to go save her again..." Mei groaned softly. After getting ready, Mei rushed out the room only finding a stuffed Kiana on the couch
"That was delicious" Kiana said as she smiled
"Waah! You took all the cake!" Rozaliya whined
"You didn't wake up early" Kiana said as she sighed blissfully
"Haah...Kiana what did you do this time?" Mei asked as she walked up to her
"" Kiana said
"Subject Kiana needs to learn to control her hunger" Bronya said
"I'll start making breakfast" Himeko said as she stepped in the kitchen. Mei looked at Kiana and noticed a bit of frosting beside her lips
"Have a little self control Kiana" Mei said
"I was just hungry, Mei" Kiana said and Mei wiped the frosting from her face using her finger then licked it off her finger
"E-eh?" Kiana asked as she got all flustered
"Next time I'll teach you how to bake a cake okay?" Mei said as she smiled warmly
"O-okay" Kiana said as she trembled a little while blushing
Okay why is my heart beating so fast?!
"Hey Mei. Mind coming here for a moment?" Himeko asked
"Ah sure thing Himeko" Mei said as she walked to the kitchen. Kiana only trembled a little but her thoughts were interupted as she was hit by a pillow
"Ah! Hey!" Kiana said as she turned around seeing Rozaliya holding a pillow
"This is payback for eating the cake!" Rozaliya said as she kept smacking Kiana
"Ah! Hey it's not my fault! I was hungry!" Kiana said and grabbed another pillow before hitting her back
"Help me Lili!" Rozaliya whined as she tried to block the hits using her pillow
"Take this and that!" Kiana said as she kept hitting her and soon the blue haired girl smacked her back with a pillow
"Wah!" Kiana exclaimed
"Liliya! Thank you so much!" Rozaliya said as she hugged her and Liliya smacked her head
"Ah! Hey why did you hit me?" Rozaliya asked as she looked at her
"Because you're being annoying" Liliya said and started hitting her again
"Pillow fight!" Rozaliya said as she smacked her
"Let me join in!" Kiana said as she started hitting them with the pillows. Soon the three girls started to hit each other and tackled one another
"U-uh...should we stop them?" Seele asked as she trembled
"The Bronya suggests we leave before it gets messy" Bronya said and flinched as Seele got hit with the pillows
"Seele! Are you okay?" Bronya asked
"Heh I'm fine, Bronya" Seele said as she smiled
"Come and join us" Kiana said as she threw a pillow at Bronya. The young girl let out a sigh as she grabbed the pillow then lifted her head up
"Subject Kiana dares to challenge me" Bronya said before running towards her
"Heh! Come at me!" Kiana said as she smiled
"Just what is going on over there?" Theresa asked
"It must be an intense pillow fight" Fu Hua said
"Mei! Bronya is attacking me!" Kiana exclaimed as she ran away from the mini tornado haired girl
"Come back Kiana Idiotka" Bronya said as she raised the pillow while chasing her
"Oh dear...I should probably go check on them" Mei sighed
"Let them be. You know they're just playing" Himeko said. Back in the living room, the girls all felt exhausted after the little pillow fight they had
"Woohoo! That was so much fun!" Rozaliya said as she hugged Liliya
"Mm...I'm tired" Liliya said as she leaned against her sister
"Ugh...all that fighting got me hungry. Hey Mei is breakfast ready?" Kiana asked as she sat up on the couch
"How are you still hungry? Didn't you eat the rest of the cake?" Seele asked while holding Bronya closely
"Kiana Idiotka will never change" Bronya said
"I just get too tired when I use a lot of my energy. That cake was just a simple snack" Kiana said as she smiled
"Breakfast is ready" Fu Hua said
"Finally! I'm starving" Kiana said as she rushed to the dining table
"Hm? You're eating again?" Theresa asked as she seemed surprised
"Won't you get a stomache?" Himeko asked
"When was the last time she got a stomache?" Fu Hua asked
"Never" Kiana giggled
"How much can you eat?" Rozaliya asked
"Hm? I'm not sure. I have never really reached a limit before" Kiana said and Mei placed the plate down in front of her
"There you go" Mei said as she smiled and stroked her hair softly
"Mm! Thanks Mei-senpai! I love you so much!" Kiana said which got Mei all flustered once again
"Y-you're welcome Kiana-chan" Mei said as she smiled
She's adorable...
"Hm? Are you feeling okay?" Fu Hua asked as she noticed the huge blush from Mei's cheeks
"E-eh? Oh I'm fine" Mei said as she smiled and sat down next to Kiana
"Your face has gotten all red" Theresa said
"O-oh really?" Mei asked as she touched her cheeks
I'm blushing like crazy again...
"You're not getting sick right Mei?" Kiana asked as she cupped both her cheeks making her look at her
"Wh-what? Of course not. I'm f-fine" Mei said as she held her wrists and pulled her hands away from her face
"It won't be great if my favorite chef is sick. If you get sick then we won't have Mei's delicious cooking" Kiana said as she smiled
"I need to start teaching you how to cook" Mei said as she booped her nose
"Oh please don't. If Kiana started cooking... she'd make a huge mess in the kitchen" Theresa said as she groaned
"Oh don't worry so much about me Aunt Teri. I'll be able to cook in the future and you'll see that once I grow older. I'll be a great chef like Mei-senpai" Kiana said as she smiled proudly
"I'll be here to support you and help you" Mei said
"Thanks Mei! I promise you'll be the first one to try my dish once I learn" Kiana said
Hopefully I'll be able to recreate one of Mei's dishes and make it twice as better than hers so she'd be really impressed!

"Mmgh..." Kiana groaned as she stared at the blank worksheet
"The Bronya is starting to regret her decision..." Bronya said
"Mm...I just want this day to end already. I don't get anything" Kiana said as she rested her head against the table. Bronya looked at Kiana and looked at her paper
"You've gotten quite clingy with Mei lately" Bronya said
"Hm? Clingy?" Kiana asked as she lifted her head up
"You two are inseparable now..." Bronya said
"W-well...I suppose. Why? Does Mei not like it?" Kiana asked as she looked concerned for a moment
Does she find me annoying? Does she hate it?
"The Bronya was just curious..." Bronya said as she started to write down a few things on the paper
"Curious about what? Are you jealous or something?" Kiana asked as she poked her head
"The Bronya has Seele..." Bronya said as her cheek turned slightly pink
"Hm? Your cheeks are pink" Kiana said as she poked her cheek
"Don't touch The Bronya" Bronya said as she slapped her hand away
"Ah sorry but...that reminds me. Mei-senpai's cheek turned pink too when I'm close to her" Kiana said
"Hm? Does it happen all the time?" Bronya asked
"Now that I think about it...yeah it kinda does happen all the time. Last night I slept with her and the last thing I remember was her face getting so red. Hehe it was really cute" Kiana said as she smiled
"Does Kiana like Mei?" Bronya asked
"Eh? What kind of question is that? Of course I like her" Kiana said as she smiled
"Hm...seems like she doesn't understand" Bronya mumbled to herself
"What?" Kiana asked as she tilted her head
"We need to study. Finish up your work" Bronya said as she kept writing down a few more things
" much longer do we have to be here?" Kiana asked as she played with her pencil
"Major Himeko said that you need to finish at least the front page" Bronya said
"Can I copy your work?" Kiana asked as she looked over at Bronya's paper
"Nyet. Subject Kiana should focus on her paper and think" Bronya said as she covered up her paper
"Ugh but I don't get it" Kiana said as she groaned softly
"Do you need The Bronya to explain again?" Bronya asked
"Yes please...if you don't mind" Kiana said. Bronya sighed softly and nodded before leaning in closely to explain Kiana what's going on. Meanwhile a certain girl arrived back to the dorms from her afternoon training
"Hah..." Mei sighed as she felt exhausted
"Ah! Hi Mei" Kiana said as she smiled
"You're back Mei-senpai" Bronya said
"Yes. Oh and the others will be back soon. The girls are still training" Mei said
"Meiii!" Kiana whined as she ran towards her and hugged her
"Agh! K-kiana! I'm going to fall!" Mei said and fell onto the floor with Kiana on top of her body
"Haha sorry about that Mei. I just missed you so much" Kiana said as she smiled brightly
"I-I missed you too but I have to take a shower now" Mei said as she trembled
She's on top of me!
"Hey Mei. Mind making some snacks? I'm getting kinda hungry after studying a little" Kiana said
"Subject Kiana didn't study anything at all. She kept thinking about Mei..." Bronya said
"E-eh?" Mei asked as she blushed
Th-thinking about me?
"I-I did study! Well...only a little bit" Kiana said as she rubbed the back of her head nervously
"K-kiana mind getting o-off me?" Mei asked as she blushed a little
"Huh? Oh! I-I'm sorry about that" Kiana said as she got off of her and helped her back up
"It's okay. I'll go take a shower and be back" Mei said as she walked away
"Okay. We'll wait. Hey Bronya how about we start playing games?" Kiana asked
"The Bronya is suppose to study with you" Bronya said
"We still have time to study later. Come on! I want to beat you in a game. I've been practicing!" Kiana said
"The Bronya will accept your challenge" Bronya said as she stood up
"Yes!" Kiana said as she smiled. Meanwhile Mei was in her room trembling a little. She covered her face as her cheeks were burning up
She just can't stop being cute. It's driving me crazy to the point that I...
"No no no. We're just friends...we've always...been friends" Mei said as she leaned against the door. She looked at her hand and smiled a little
After helping me back in middle've been by my side. You're the first who has ever cared about me...
"I don't want to ruin our strong friendship but..." Mei paused before grabbing her chest tightly
"I just can't stand being your friend...I want more from you..." Mei mumbled to herself as her heart started aching and gritted her teeth
I need to control myself...don't want her to leave me
"But how long will I be able to stay like this...?" Mei asked as she trembled a little. She shook her head before letting out a sigh
"I need to take a shower quick so I can spend time with her..." Mei said

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