Chapter 13

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The weather seemed perfect as the girl's date has officially begun
"Meiiiiii! Senpai!" Kiana shouted. Mei gasped and turned around to only get hugged by Kiana
"Mei! Mei!" Kiana said and cuddled her
"K-kiana-chan!" Mei said and blushed
"Ready for our awesome date?" Kiana asked
"Yes" Mei said and Kiana held her hand
"Me too!" Kiana said and walked away with Mei
"Let's start with a walk at the park. It's quite a bright sunny day and we can go out to buy snacks!" Kiana said. Mei smiled warmly as she giggled a bit
She's...really cute
"You look really cute today, Kiana" Mei said and Kiana turned to look at Mei blushing deeply
"And Mei-senpai is cute...especially up close" Kiana said as she cupped both her cheeks and held her close
"K-kiana why are y-you close?" Mei asked as she kept blushing
"Because I want to see Mei's cuteness. Eh? Mei-senpai why are you burning up? Don't tell me you got sick!" Kiana said and faked cry
"K-kiana no...I'm fine. Don't worry about me" Mei said
"But your cheeks are red...and warm" Kiana said
"I-it's really nothing Kiana..." Mei said and Kiana only noddles
"Heh okay. If Mei says she's alright then I'll trust you. But seriously if you end up feeling sick then you'll tell me right?" Kiana asked as she held her hair and Mei nodded
"Of course Kiana. Now let's go back to our date" Mei said
"Ah right! I want to spend the entire day with you!" Kiana said
"Where would you like to go first?" Mei asked
"I want food!" Kiana said
"Haah...why am I not surprised?" Mei said as she sighed
Kiana will never change...
The two girls walked by on the sidewalk as they arrived at a small little dining place
"Ah! Here" Kiana said
"Hm this place looks nice" Mei said
"Yes. Now let's get going because I'm very hun-oh? Oh hey! Mei look!" Kiana exclaimed as she looked at the poster outside the dining place
"Oh? Couples get a free meal! Oh and we also get dessert too!" Kiana said and drooled as she saw the image of the dessert
"Looks great uh says for couples" Mei said and Kiana held her hand
"Mei, let's get that free meal" Kiana said
"H-huh? Meaning?" Mei asked as she blushed
"We're a couple!" Kiana said
"C-couple!?" Mei exclaimed and Kiana nodded
"No one will ever know besides...we've always been so touchy and close. We can definitely behave like a couple right?" Kiana said as she pulled her body close wrapping her arms around
"We must have that dessert" Kiana said and Mei nodded. The two girls entered inside and Kiana the place
"Welcome. Table for two?" The woman asked
"Yes and it true that couples have the special free meal along with a dessert?" Kiana said
"Ah yes. So you two are a couple right?" The woman asked
"Yes! This is our one year anniversary together, right babe?~" Kiana asked and kissed her hand softly
"R-right" Mei said as she looked away getting all flustered
"Oh congratulations! Please come with me to take couple picture together" The woman said and the two girls followed her to take the picture with a decorative background
"Alright. Now do a cute pose" The woman said as she held the camera. Mei and Kiana blushed as they held onto each other then created a heart using their hands
"Done. You two look very cute" The woman said as she smiled warmly
"Oh! I'd like to see" Kiana said as she walked up to her and looked at the photo
"Aww! Mei, you look as cute as ever!" Kiana said and Mei blushed hard
"Th-thanks Kiana" Mei said
"Here's your photo" The woman said as she handed them the photo
"Oh! Thank you very much' Kiana said as she smiled
"You're welcome. Now I'll take you to your table" The woman said and took the girls to their table
"I'll get your special Couple's Meal" The woman said and pulled out her note pad taking
"Hehe see Mei? We did it" Kiana said
"We're lucky we went out today. This is only for a limited time" Mei said
"Haah I'm glad" Kiana said and looked at the picture
"Mei, we should get a frame for this picture" Kiana said
"Hm? A frame?" Mei asked
"For our first date" Kiana whispered and Mei blushed deeply
"R-right. Sure I think there is a store nearby" Mei said
"Great! We should keep this as a memory. We should come and check by sometimes in case they do a free couple's meal again" Kiana said and giggled
"Sure cutie" Mei said and Kiana blushed deeply
"E-eh?" Kiana asked and Mei smiled at her
"We have to behave like a couple right?" Mei said as she held her hand and intertwined their fingers together
"R-right" Kiana said
Are we still...pretending?
"Here is your milkshake" The waitress said as she came back with a large milkshake that had two straw
"Ooooh thanks" Kiana said as she smiled at the girl and the waitress only nodded before walking away
"This looks delicious" Kiana said as she looked at the drink
"It's quite big" Mei said as she looked at the size of the milkshake
But I bet it's nothing for Kiana since she always...devours anything delicious
"Come on Mei. Let's give it a try" Kiana said and Mei leaned in as she took the straw to her mouth while Kiana took the other straw. They both tried the chocolate milkshake and were surprised by the taste
"Mmm~ It's sweet" Kiana said as she licked her lips
"Not too sweet though which makes it better" Mei said and took another sip of the milkshake
"I want the cherry" Kiana said as she took the cherry from the top of the milkshake and ate it. Mei blushed a bit as she noticed Kiana having a bit of whip cream beside her lip. She leaned forward a bit which caught Kiana's attention
"Eh?" Kiana asked
"Come closer" Mei said and Kiana leaned in quite close to her face then closed her eyes as Mei leaned in. She felt a small lick by her lips as Mei licked up the whip cream Kiana had
"You had a bit of whip cream" Mei said as she smiled softly. Kiana's face was flustered completely as she didn't know what to think
Sh-she licked me!
"Hehe Kiana are you okay?" Mei asked as she smiled softly and Kiana only got to the milkshake before getting some whip cream on her lips
"Help me senpai" Kiana said and Mei blushed a bit
"Wh-what?" Mei asked
"Please help me" Kiana pouted and Mei blushed before she grabbed a napkin
"Here" Mei said
"Awww Mei please..." Kiana said as she held her hand and Mei only blushed before she wiped the whip cream off with the napkin
"People are's a bit embarrassing" Mei said and Kiana only whined but sighed
"Heh okay then" Kiana said as she smiled softly and Mei blushed a bit
"Next time..." Mei whispered softly
"Eh?" Kiana asked and the waitress appeared once again with their meals
"And here we have your food" She said
"Thank you" Mei said
"W-wow...thank you so much!" Kiana said as she drooled a bit and stared at the meal with her hungry eyes
"Enjoy your meal" The waitress said before walking away
"Haah...I sure will" Kiana said
"Oh Kiana...don't try and eat it all so quick. Remember to take small bites and savor your food" Mei said and Kiana only nodded
"Yeah yeah I got it" Kiana said as she started to eat her meal. Mei giggled softly and soon started to eat her food as well. Kiana gulped down the delicious steak and licked her lips
"Mmm! This is the best" Kiana said
"Mm it sure is. It's cooked white well too" Mei said as she smiled softly
"I wish to have more" Kiana said
"Eating more will end up giving you a tummy ache" Mei said"
"Relax Mei-senpai. My stomach can take it" Kiana said as she smiled
"I just want you to eat slow" Mei said
"I have you with me, Mei. If something happens then you're here by my side to save me if I ever end up choking" Kiana said
"Yeah but I don't want that to happen to you" Mei said and took a bite of her meal. Time passed by and Kiana sighed as she leaned against her seat
"I'm stuffed..." Kiana groaned
"You ate everything on your plate" Mei said
"Because it was delicious" Kiana whimpered softly. Soon the waitress showed up to attend her customers
"How was the meal?" She asked
"It was amazing" Kiana said
"It was great" Mei said
"Well I hope you two saved room from dessert" The woman said as she placed the dessert ice cream in between. Kiana gasped and looked at the dessert with her hunting eyes
"Enjoy" The woman said
"Kiana calm down..." Mei said
"But it's ice cream" Kiana whimpered and Mei sighed
"I want you to learn to eat slowly" Mei said as she took one of the spoons before scooping a bit if ice cream
"Here" Mei said and Kiana leaned in taking the ice cream
"I'll feed you" Mei said
"Ah...f-feed me?" Kiana asked as she blushed deeply and soon nodded excitedly. Kiana opened her mouth as Mei got the spoon close to her mouth
"Mmm~" Kiana said as she licked her lips
"How does it taste?" Mei asked
"Very sweet and delicious!" Kiana said and Mei smiled softly really going well. Just us together

"Heh this is great" Seele said as she smiled
"Do you like the cake?" Bronya asked
"Yes. It's delicious" Seele said as she smiled softly and Bronya gave her a small smile while her cheeks turned slightly red
"Would you like a bite?" Seele asked and Bronya nodded
"Sure" Bronya said and Seele took a piece of her cake before holding out her hand. Bronya opened her mouth and Seele fed Bronya
" taste great" Bronya said and Seele leaned in wiping some frosting she had on her lip
"You got some frosting" Seele said and licked the frosting off her finger. Bronya blushed a bit and took a bite of her cake she had
"Where would you like to go next, Bronya?" Seele asked
"Mm...I don't mind where we go next. As long as Seele is happy and having fun" Bronya said and smiled softly
"But I also want you to choose a place. Th-this is our date...r-right? So we can both choose where we would like to go next..." Seele said
"Hmm well I don't have a place in mind yet. Maybe after this we can walk for a bit and I'll probably come up with a place" Bronya said
"Sounds good to me" Seele said. After the girls finished up their small cakes. They decided to walk around in the streets for a bit until they bumped by a few machines which caught Bronya's eye
"Eh? Bronya-neechan are you okay?" Seele asked
"The Bronya would like to try..." Bronya said and Seele followed Bronya to one of the machines
"You were always so great at these" Seele said as she giggled
"It wasn't so easy. It took me a bit of time to be able to do this..." Bronya said and put in some coins in the machine. Seele watched her and Bronya moved the claw around as she tried to grab a plushie. Her eyes kept preying over a certain plushie she'd like to catch and soon pressed the button dropping the claw down. The claw closed as it grabbed a plushie
"Ah! Bronya-neechan did it!" Seele cheered as Bronya managed to get a prize from the machine. Bronya grabbed the plushie from the machine and handed it over to Seele
"Here. For Seele" Bronya said and smiled softly. Seele blushed and held the plushie
"Th-thank you Bronya" Seele said as she smiled warmly. Bronya smiled and held out her hand
"We should head over to the park for a walk Bronya said
"Sure. I'd love that" Seele said and reached out to hold her hand before walking away with her
My heart is going to burst from this!

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