Chapter 1

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The morning sun rose above the dorms and soon woke up the young sleepy girl. The white hair girl groaned and rolled over on the bed
"Five more minutes..." She groaned as she heard her alarm go off. She grabbed the pillow and covered up her head trying to block off the noise
"Mmgh! Make it stop!" She whined before she reached out then slammed the alarm turning it off. The girl sighed in relief as she found some peace and quiet
"Nighty night..." She sighed as she started to drift off to sleep
"Kiana!" Another girl said as she burst into her room. Kiana was already asleep once again and moved around in bed
"Kiana...don't sleep in. We have to get up" She said before walking up to her then pulled the blankets off
"Noooo!" Kiana whined and her friend sighed before leaning in
"If you don't wake up then you won't be able to eat one of my special fluffy pancakes" She whispered softly against her ear
"Eh?! I'm up! I'm up!" Kiana said as she got up and met up with the taller girl's light purple eyes
"Morning Mei-senpai" Kiana said as she smiled brightly
"Morning Kiana. Now go get ready. Breakfast will be ready soon" Mei said as she smiled softly
"Okay!" Kiana said as she rushed out the room and headed straight to the bathroom to get herself ready. Mei couldn't help but let out a giggle as she blushed a bit
She is so cute...
After getting ready, Kiana went back to the kitchen where she found the other girls setting up the table
"It's about time you woke up. You're lucky I sent Mei over" The yellow eyed woman said
"Now now Major Himeko. No need to go hard on her" Mei said as she patted her shoulder
"I just hope she doesn't skip class like last week..." Himeko said as she gave her a glare. Kiana only trembled at the sight of the woman and nodded
"Y-yes Major Himeko" Kiana said
"The Bronya has set up the plates and utensils..." Bronya said as she looked up at Mei
"Thank you so much Bronya" Mei said
"Mm! What is that delicious smell?" The shorter woman said as she walked pass Kiana
"Morning Principal Theresa. That smell if from Mei's special fluffy pancakes! Mmmm! I'm starving! I need to eat" Kiana said as she went to take a seat at the dining table
"Kiana, don't devour everything like you always do. We have to wait for the others and eat together" Fu Hua said
"Yeah okay Fu Hua" Kiana said
"Bronya, where are the other girls?" Mei asked
"The Bronya woke them up and told them to get ready for breakfast" Bronya said
"Morning!" Rozaliya said as she smiled brightly
"Hello everyone" Liliya spoke softly as she yawned
"We're finally here" Seele said as she smiled
"Seems like everyone is here. Let's start serving. Fu Hua mind helping me please?" Mei asked
"Of course" Fu Hua said as she nodded and walked over to help her serve breakfast for the other girls
"Ah! We're having pancakes?" Rozaliya asked as she noticed the plates
"Yes. I hope you enjoy" Mei said as she placed down the pancakes while Fu Hua came in with other plates
"Let me help you with that" Himeko said as she took the plate from her hands
"Thank you" Fu Hua said. Kiana only drooled at the sight of food in front of her and felt a hand on her shoulder
"And Kiana please remember to not eat too fast. It worries me that you'll choke..." Mei said
"When have you ever seen her choke though?" Theresa asked
"Yeah Mei-senpai. I can eat an entire plate in seconds" Kiana said
"But please do eat slow because there might not be enough" Theresa said
"Okay enough chit chat! We should dig in now before it gets cold" Rozaliya said as she started to eat her breakfast. The group started to eat their delicious breakfast
"Mm...Mei's pancakes are good~" Kiana said as she smiled brightly
"Don't speak with your mouth full, Kiana. You might choke" Mei said. Kiana only gulped down her food and picked up her glass of milk
"Relax Mei-senpai" Kiana said as she giggled and used a napkin to wipe her mouth
"Since when did you become extremely worried about her?" Himeko asked
"I always have to look after her..." Mei said
"The Bronya has noticed Mei's concern over Kiana" Bronya said
"She's just a big sister caring over her little sister" Seele giggled
"We should finish quick because of classes" Himeko said and sighed
I still haven't finished grading those papers...
"Look at my pancake. It has a smiley face" Rozaliya said
"Don't play with your food, Roza" Lililya said
"I'm not playing. I'm decorating it" Rozaliya said. Mei ate a piece of pancake and looked over at Kiana. Her cheeks burned up a bit and looked away once Kiana looked at at her
Ugh...did she see me?
"Mei-senpai will you be able to make fried chicken when we get back from classes?" Kiana asked
"No" Mei said
"Eh? Why not?" Kiana asked as she pouted
"You need to start eating your vegetables. Too much fried chicken isn't healthy. Besides I made fried chicken yesterday" Mei said
"But it's delicious, crispy, and juicy too" Kiana said
"I'll make them some other day but I want you to eat your vegetables" Mei said
"Mm...alright" Kiana said as she sighed
"It's like watching a mother scolding her child" Himeko said
"She is a child" Theresa said
"Hey! Lili, stole my last strawberry" Rozaliya said as she grabbed her sister
"You stole my blueberry last week. I told you that you were going to pay" Liliya said
"Or we can go and buy some more" Seele said
"I was saving that strawberry for later" Rozaliya said and pouted
"There there Roza. I promise to get you more strawberries" Liliya said as she patted her head
"They better be sweet" Rozaliya said. After finishing breakfast, Kiana picked up the plates and walked to the kitchen
"Ah Mei! I want to wash the dishes this time" Kiana said
"Alright but I'll have to stay and help you. Just in case you end up breaking something" Mei said as she took the plates from her hands and placed them in the sink
"Eh?! I told you that was an accident. My hands were so soapy! I couldn't get a tight grip on it" Kiana said
"I know but I just want you to be careful next time. You could've hurt yourself if you'd pick up the pieces" Mei said
"You're always looking after me, Mei. I know how to take care of myself okay? So don't worry so much" Kiana said as she gave her a bright smile. Mei couldn't help but blush at the bright sunshine in front of her and smiled back
"I just care about you, Kiana-chan. Come on let's wash these dishes" Mei said. Meanwhile the girls at the dining table were picking things up
"I told you I was going to do this side" Rozaliya said
"Alright. I'll just wipe down this side of the table" Liliya said. Seele turned to look at Bronya who was spaced out for a moment
"Bronya-neechan" Seele said as she poked her shoulder
"Huh? Oh Seele...sorry. The Bronya was distracted for a moment..." Bronya said
"What were you thinking?" Seele asked
"Don't worry about it, Seele" Bronya said and glanced over at Mei
Hmm? The Bronya needs to do more research...

The girls headed straight to their school where they ended up going their separate ways
"Ah!" Seele exclaimed as Rozaliya wrapped an arm around her
"Hey Seele. You'll help us with our script right?" Rozaliya asked
"H-huh? Script? You made another one?" Seele asked as she looked at her
"We came up with a great story to tell..." Liliya said
"Yes! Seele, you don't mind reading it right? We need an honest opinion about it" Rozaliya said
"U-uh sure I-I guess" Seele said as she smiled a little
'Huh? Did you really have to agree with them?'
Hm? But it's just helping her with a script
'You're way too nice with them...'
They're my friends
'Tch...whatever. Fine'
"Yay! Thanks. Now we should get going" Rozaliya said as she grabbed Seele
"Ah uh b-bye Onee-chan!" Seele said as she left with the two twins
"Bye Seele..." Bronya said
"Ugh...I'm not ready" Kiana pouted
"We should get going girls" Mei said as she walked forward and Kiana followed her from behind
"Subject Kiana better not skip again like last time. It will only cause problems..." Bronya said
"I won't skip again. I don't want to get lectured by Himeko and Theresa..." Kiana said as she trembled
Both of them are so scary...especially principal Theresa. No worries though. I ate very well this morning so I should have the energy to try and listen in class...hopefully

As time pass by, Kiana only groaned softly as she trembled a little
I regret what I said...this is getting boring
"Kiana..." Mei whispered as she tapped her shoulder
"Hm? Eh?" Kiana asked as she looked at her then flinched as the woman stood right in front of her
"Kiana Kaslana" Himeko said as she glared at her
"A-ah hey th-there M-major Himeko" Kiana said as she waved at her and trembled
"What am I going to do with you?" Himeko groaned before hitting her head softly with the papers
"Pass these out please" Himeko said as she handed her the papers
"Y-yes ma'am" Kiana said as she stood up and passed out the papers while the students around her let out soft giggles
Ugh...I got distracted again!
"Now everyone you will have 20 minutes to complete this worksheet so please use this time wisely because we will be having a test next week" Himeko said before she walked back to her desk. Kiana only stared at the sheet of paper and let out a deep sigh
"I won't be able to complete this on time. I barely know anything..." Kiana mumbled to herself as she played with her pencil. She started to scribble a few lines on her paper
Okay...I had enough of sitting around in class
Himeko lifted her head up and noticed the girl's hand
"Yes Kiana?" Himeko asked as she removed her reading glasses
"May I use the restroom? I really need to go" Kiana said as she started to move around in her seat. Himeko only seemed frustrated and sighed
"Fine. You may go but don't you dare skip this time" Himeko said as she spoke sternly
"Yes ma'am" Kiana said as she stood up from her seat and walked towards the doors before leaving the class
"Mei, can you please go after her and look after her? I have a feeling that girl will only cause problems..." Himeko said
"Yes Major Himeko" Mei said as she stood up from her seat and walked out of the class to find Kiana. She stood out and looked around the hallways
Please don't tell me she just skipped...
"Kiana..." Mei groaned and started to walk down the halls until she found a certain white haired girl opening the window
"Kiana!" Mei said and Kiana flinched once she heard her from behind
"E-eh? Oh h-hey Mei-senpai. Wh-what are you doing here?" Kiana asked as she trembled a little
Oh no... I've been caught. Well at least it's Mei. She wouldn't dare-
"Agh!" Kiana whimpered and rubbed her head softly
"Unbelievable. You were planning to skip class again?" Mei asked
"U-uh...not r-really" Kiana said
"Then why were you by the window?" Mei asked
"Uh...enjoying the view?" Kiana said as she smiled softly
"Ugh Kiana...why are you like this?" Mei asked as she pinned her against the wall
"E-eh?" Kiana asked as she blushed deeply
She's so close
"If you pay attention in class for today and eat dinner. I will give you something sweet" Mei said as she looked down at her
"S-sweet?" Kiana asked
"Dessert silly. I'll make a red velvet cake" Mei said
"Ah! Red velvet? You can make that?" Kiana asked
"Only if you pay attention and finish the dinner that I will be making once we head back to the dorms" Mei said. Kiana only thought for a moment and nodded
"Okay! I won't skip" Kiana said as she smiled
"Good and don't think I will be doing this everytime. I am only doing this for today okay?" Mei asked as she smiled softly
"Alright. I understand" Kiana said
"Let's head back" Mei said as she held her hand and started to walk back to class. Her heart started to beat fast and trembled a little
"Hm? Mei-senpai, is everything okay?" Kiana asked as she noticed her strange behavior
"O-oh I'm fine" Mei said as she looked away trying to hide her blush
Ugh...I'm blushing a lot

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