Chapter 11

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During dinner, the girls tried to behave normally around each other but their hearts just would let them eat peacefully after everything. Kiana stared at her plate and looked up staring at Mei. Her cheeks turned slightly pink as she only looked at her future girlfriend really beautiful and pretty. Her soft hair...and dazzling ey-
Kiana jumped as she shook her head. She looked at her plate and gulped a bit
"Hm? Kiana, are you feeling sick?" Theresa asked
"H-huh? What eh?" Kiana asked as she snapped back to reality
"What's gotten into you now? You usually devour your food in about a minute" Fu Hua said
"A-ah it's nothing hehe. I just...I guess I'm not that hungry" Kiana said as she smiled nervously while rubbing the back of her neck
"You need to see a doctor. Let's go" Himeko said as she stood up from her seat
"Wh-what? Eh?!" Kiana exclaimed
"Something is definitely on your mind right?" Rozaliya asked as she smirked playfully. Kiana only looked at the girl and trembled a bit
"J-just some stuff okay? Don't worry about me. I am fine" Kiana said as she kept eating
"Well if you want to talk with someone just remember I am here for you" Mei said as she held a napkin to wipe Kiana's lips. Kiana only blushed deeply and looked away
"Y-yeah okay. Thank you" Kiana giggled softly
" see that, Lili? She is definitely going crazy" Rozaliya whispered
"Don't bother them. Kiana will die from embarrassment" Liliya whispered back
"And our dear Seele needs a little help as well" Rozaliya whispered
"No" Liliya said as she grabbed her shirt
"You are no fun" Rozaliya said as she pouted
"Just don't cause any problems for them" Liliya said and picked up her food. Mei glanced over at Kiana and felt her heart beat
Still can't believe she asked me out so suddenly. Did she finally...find out about how I feel? It should be it right? Because there isn't any other explaination
"Hm? Seems like Kiana isn't the only distracted one here" Theresa said
"H-huh?" Mei asked as she looked up
"Do you have something in mind senpai?" Rozaliya asked and Liliya tugged her hair gently
"Don't grab my hair so suddenly" Rozaliya whispered
"I had to stop you from saying stuff" Liliya said
"What stuff?" Bronya asked
"Oh nothing interesting" Rozaliya said as she smiled warmly
"I-I uh...I'm stuffed" Kiana said. The girls gasped as they looked terrified
"Wh-what?" Kiana asked
"Theresa, we need to take her to the doctor. Immediately!" Himeko said as she stood up from her seat
"I-I think it's nothing to be concerned about" Fu Hua said as she tried to calm Himeko down
"Kiana, does your stomach hurt or something? I can prepare some tea an-"
"Th-thanks Mei but I-I'm quite alright. I-I'll just get washed up and rest since I've had an exhausting day" Kiana said as she picked up her dish and left to the kitchen
"Don't you dare go and skip classes again" Theresa said as she glared at her
"N-no worries Aunt Teri. I learned my lesson. I won't do it ever again" Kiana said as she smiled nervously and walked pass the table before heading to her room
"Mei, did you do something to her or?" Fu Hua asked
"Wh-what? No it's" Mei said as she looked at her plate
What happened to her? She barely ate...did something happen?
"You didn't scold her so much right?" Himeko asked
"N-no but uh...well...I-I should check up on her" Mei said as she stood up
"Hey at least finish your dinner. Then you'll go check up on her later" Himeko said
"Sure" Mei said before sitting down and started eating again. She grabbed her glass of water before taking a sip
"She asked you out" Veliona said and Mei immediately choked on her drink
"M-mei!" Theresa said
"You okay?" Fu Hua asked. Mei only grabbed a napkin nearby and coughed a bit
"Y-yes I'm fine" Mei said as she tried to calm herself down
"Hey! I wanted to spill the beans" Rozaliya said. Veliona only stuck her tongue out and laughed a bit
"Uhm...Seele, I think I've already spoken to you about this" Bronya said and Veliona played with her curls
"Shut up" Veliona giggled
"W-wait...repeat that again? Who asked who out?" Himeko asked
"A-ah! Uhm! W-we should just keep eating and f-forget about this!" Mei said as she smiled nervously
"Kiana got the guts to ask her out" Veliona giggled
"Eh?!" The girls exclaimed
"Wait...Kiana asked you out on a date?" Himeko asked
"Fr-friend date!" Mei said as she blushed hard. The group only looked at each other then back at Mei
"Yeah no. You guys are seriously not just friends" Himeko said
"Is that why Kiana hasn't been herself lately?" Fu Hua asked
"When did she ask you out?" Theresa asked
"C-can we not...t-talk about this? It's embarrassing..." Mei whimpered a bit
"Aww! But I want to know more" Rozaliya said and yelped as Liliya tugged her hair back a bit
"Quiet" Liliya said
"They're not the only ones who will be going out" Veliona said as she smiled. Bronya froze in place as her cheeks burned up
"Eh? What do you mean?" Rozaliya asked
"I have a date with Bronya" Veliona said
"What?! Really?" Rozaliya asked
"Mm...yes. The Bronya will be going out with Seele" Bronya said as she kept blushing a bit
"Mind giving me a kiss, Onee-chan?" Veliona asked as she behaved innocently
"S-seele please...stop this..." Bronya said
"Why won't you love me?" Veliona whimpered softly
"I love you Seely" Rozaliya said and Veliona's eyes widened before glaring over Rozaliya
"Don't call me that, Strawberry Head" Veliona said as she forced a smile
"But it's a cute nickname" Rozaliya said
"Hehe yes but uhm...I-I don't like it" Veliona said and Bronya grabbed her arm before leaning in
"Control yourself" Bronya whispered
"Hah!? What do-I mean hehehe are so funny. But seriously what does it look like I'm doing" Veliona said as she whispered the last part of the sentence
Better get out of here. I'm getting tired
"Anyways thank you for the meal. I shall be heading to my room now. I look forward to our date, Bronya. We will definitely have fun" Veliona said as she stood up from her seat and took her dish placing it on the table before she headed upstairs
"Bronya...your face is red. You feeling sick?" Theresa said and Bronya only covered her face a bit
"N-no. I'm fine" Bronya said
My face is feeling hot...argh...
Meanwhile Veliona giggled softly upstairs as she went to her room but someone grabbed her
"Ack!" Veliona gasped before getting dragged inside the room
"Hey! What gi-mmph!"
"Shhh! Be quiet please!" Kiana whispered
"What is wrong with you now?" Veliona asked as she removed her hand
"I'm having so many thoughts th-that I can't think straight" Kiana said
"Maybe because you're gay" Veliona said
"Th-this is no time for jokes! Is that what l-love makes you feel? All nervous and sh-shaky?" Kiana asked
" should I know? I'm not interested in anyone" Veliona giggled
"Eh? But...didn't you and Bronya-"
"Pfft! Please! I would never date someone like Bro-ah! Ahem! I-I meant that uh...y-yes that's how you feel. Anyways I better head back to my room. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you don't stay up late since you barely had anything to eat" Veliona said
Shit! I almost blew my cover there...
"I just...I don't know. I got nervous and felt weird..." Kiana said
"Mei likes you back and you like her too. I don't get what you have to be nervous about" Veliona said
"Y-you just wouldn't understand" Kiana whimpered
"Heh good luck" Veliona giggled before walking out and went back to her room. She sighed before she let the body collapse on the bed
"E-eh?" Seele asked as she lifted her head and sat up
Wh-what happened?
"W-wait...did you just-"
"Just announced that you'll be going out with Bronya" Veliona said
"H-huh?! Eh?!" Seele exclaimed as she blushed
"Not so loud. Grab a pillow and yell on it. It's starting to annoy me..." Veliona said
"S-sorry..." Seele said
"Hope you don't end up so nervous like Kiana. You two are getting nervous of your crushes that already have a crush on you" Veliona said
"Wh-what? Bronya h-has a crush on me?" Seele asked. Veliona only looked stunned and turned her back on her
"I'm leaving..." Veliona said
"Ah! W-wait!" Seele whimpered. Veliona groaned softly as she grabbed her head
And here I thought Kiana was the only dumb one...
"S-seele! Will you help me?" Seele asked and Veliona looked at her
"Huh? Help?" Veliona asked
"T-to ask her to be mine and help me during the date" Seele said as she blushed a bit
"H-hah? Why would you need help? You can just be yourself" Veliona said
"B-but I'm way too nervous! A-and uhm...I-I feel comfortable with you by my s-side. I know you're in me b-but I'm already used to you being with me always because I don't like the lonely feeling. A-and since Bronya knows about you then it'll be alright. Ah and that means we can all go on a date together" Seele said as she smiled and Veliona blushed before looking away
"L-like hell I'll join you and your stupid date" Veliona said
"Eh?! You don't wanna go on the date?" Seele asked
"It's between you and Bronya. Just stay calm and...I guess I'll help you during your little date" Veliona said
"Yay! Thanks!" Seele said before she reached out and hugged her
"H-hey! What are y-you doing!?" Veliona exclaimed and Seele pulled away
"I-I was just hugging you..." Seele whimpered
"D-don't do such thing...makes me uncomfortable" Veliona said
"Ah well alright then. And hey...if this goes well then maybe you could have a turn" Seele said
"Eh?" Veliona asked
"Since you've been with me this entire time and helped me quite often...maybe I should let you have a bit of fresh air. Don't you think? I always spend time with others and sometimes I don't find it fair that you're stuck inside me alone. Or well not alone but uhm you know what I mean right?" Seele said as she smiled and Veliona seemed confused for a moment until her cheeks burned up slightly
The way she smiles is...cute...
"'re saying you'll let me out?" Veliona asked and Seele nodded
"Huh...not a bad idea" Veliona said
"After my date with Bronya?" Seele asked and Veliona nodded
"Sure" Veliona said
Hmm...a day out? Won't be so long as I don't get annoyed by those damn twins

Meanwhile the rest downstairs were starting to clean up the table
"I knew something is going on between those girls. Kiana was definitely not behaving like herself today and Mei...well she has been making moves for sometime now" Theresa said
"Young love is something special when you first experience it" Himeko said as she giggled softly
"And I can tell you have never experienced that before..." Theresa said
"H-hey! Just because I've been single for quite some time doesn't mean I haven't experienced it before! Besides...I am still young to find love" Himeko said
"'ll be entering in your early 30's soon" Theresa said
"At least I don't look like a kid..." Himeko mumbled
"What was that?!" Theresa exclaimed as she looked up at her
"Haha! Sorry about that principal" Himeko laughed a bit before petting her head softly
"Don't treat me like a kid!" Theresa said and looked over at Fu Hua who held more plates
" I interupting?" Fu Hua asked slightly confused
"Not at all" Himeko said as she smiled
"Just a little argument" Theresa said. Fu Hua walked up to them and Himeko took the dishes
"Thanks Fu Hua" Himeko said
"Have those girls left?" Theresa asked
"Yes. They went to their rooms and it seemed unusual for Kiana to behave like that just because she asked her out but I guess it's normal to feel nervous" Fu Hua said as she thought for a moment
She was really red...
"Heh...seems like someone finally found out about Mei's feelings and decided to make the first move" Himeko said as she washed the dishes
"I don't mind if those girls start dating. As long as they do well in their training and exams. We're good" Theresa said
"I doubt Kiana will do bad now since she has Mei as her girlfriend" Himeko said
"I think that will make it worse..." Theresa said
"What makes you say that!" Fu Hua asked
"Kiana will only distract herself and all her focus will be on Mei. We might have to separate them if something like that starts to happen during class" Theresa said
"It'll probably hurt them. Don't you think?" Himeko asked
"Keep an eye on them and their grades. I don't want their lovey dovey love get in their way is studies" Theresa said
"I'll keep an eye on them but I really hope they don't-uh well nevermind that. I'll make sure they pay attention during class" Himeko said
"Mei would probably be the one who will pay attention. As for Kiana...I think we might know how she'll behave since we just witnessed it" Fu Hua said
"She didn't even finish her plate" Himeko said
"Be prepared for some noises in the kitchen. That girl will be coming out to eat something during midnight. Anyways I'll head up. Rest well you two" Theresa said as she walked away
"Sleep well Principal Theresa" Fu Hua said
"Goodnight" Himeko said. Fu Hua looked over at Himeko and stood beside her
"Should we stick around here for a bit if that girl decides to roam around?" Fu Hua asked
"You can go ahead and rest. I have a couple of papers to grade so I'll probably be up when she decides to hunt for food" Himeko said as she smiled at her
"I understand" Fu Hua said as she nodded

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