Chapter 7

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Ophelia found Sullivan's room with no trouble and pushed her way through the door with Polly's leash in one hand and her luggage in the other. As soon as the door closed behind her, she took a deep breath, relieved that she could relax for a while.

Looking around the room, she noted little things. There was a toiletry bag on the desk, along with a sweatshirt on the chair in the corner. Ophelia saw a sheaf of papers on the top of the chest of drawers and walked towards it, picking it up to look. It was what she wanted, the shooting schedule.

Everything was very impersonal, and Ophelia knew there would be nothing personal lying around because the Richards had had people go through their rooms on several different occasions.

Ophelia found the day's shooting schedule and saw that they were filming at dusk and an evening scene, which meant that it would be a late night. That gave her plenty of time to take a shower and maybe get a nap before it was time to figure out a place to stay.

She was super tired, and she would make better decisions with a rested mind.

Ophelia took her time in the shower, using her own soap and shampoo. She knew she was overstepping, but she was in a bind, and she didn't need to push the issue by using Sullivan's personal belongings.

She finished her shower and reached out, grabbing the big white fluffy robe that hung next to the shower. It smelled like Sullivan's soap, and she let herself smell the collar as she walked over to the mirror to look at her pale face.

A four-day road trip was not the best way to keep oneself looking fresh-faced.

Looking at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed, Ophelia thought a two-hour nap should give her plenty of time to get dressed and get out of Sullivan's room before he returned. Her stomach was grumbling, but she could figure food out later.

She laid down on the wonderfully soft bed and fell immediately to sleep, only to be awakened three hours later by a scream. It jolted Ophelia awake, and she looked around her, wondering where she was and what was going on.

Polly gave a little growl from next to her, and Ophelia put out a comforting hand to calm her while looking from the clock to the woman standing in the door shouting something at her as she sent a text. The woman was a maid, and judging by the time, Ophelia guessed that she was there for turndown service. She had slept a lot longer than two hours.

"It's fine! Stop screaming!' Ophelia said, jumping up from the bed and moving to grab her phone. "I'm a friend of Mr. Richards. It's alright!"

The maid was having none of it. "You can't be here! You're trespassing! Help!"

"I'm not, Mr. Richards gave me the key!" Ophelia pointed to the key on the desk where she had placed it, but the maid was having none of it as she began to scream for security.

There was no helping it, she wouldn't' be able to talk her way out of this, and even if she did, the least everyone would think was that she and Sullivan were having an affair. The rumors around town would be rife. Her only option was to get Sullivan.

Polly jumped off the bed and got between Ophelia and the woman. She didn't bark or growl. She just sat between the two, waiting and watching while Ophelia sent Sullivan a text.

'I need you ASAP!' she wrote. She hoped he wasn't still filming because if he were, it would be a while until he returned her message.

'Are you still in my room?' came his quick reply.

It caused Ophelia to catch her breath. The only way he could know if she was in his room as if he had been in his room too. Had he seen her sleeping in his bed, in his bathrobe? Heat stole up to her face at the thought of it. She wasn't wearing anything under the robe, had it come undone? Had she flashed him? Why hadn't he awakened her?

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