Chapter 13

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Ophelia had agreed to pick up Reyna and Pops in the golf cart that Sullivan had left for her. They were filming the first thing in the morning and didn't want to hang around when they were done. She parked outside of the house they were using for the production and walked towards the front door.

"May I help you?" the security guard asked, looking her over as he spoke.

"I'm here to pick up Reyna and Carson Richards. My name is Carter." Ophelia waited while he radioed her name to wherever the control center was located. It wasn't odd, and she didn't take offense. She had to go through it plenty of times in L.A. when she met one of the Richards on set.

"You're clear." He nodded and stood aside, allowing her to enter the house.

It felt like she was stepping back into the past. The furniture was heavy and dark, and there were tons of photos and potted plants everywhere. It looked like it would have over one hundred years earlier.

Ophelia looked around the camera and light rigging, trying to gain her bearings as she searched for Reyna and Pops. She saw them in a corner talking to Sullivan. Ophelia's eyes moved on and noted Marc and Giselle sitting in director's chairs off to one side. On the other end of the room, well away from everyone, she noticed Kaylee and her mother, Noelle, sitting in similar chairs, watching Sullivan and whispering to each other.

"Thank God, they always seem to go for Sully when he's in the room,' Sawyer said in her ear, causing her to jump in surprise.

"Poor Sawyer, you've had it hard being in his shadow your whole life, haven't you?" Ophelia asked, partly joking and partly serious.

"Sure, there was Amanda and Gail. He stole them, and let's not forget about Margo, the light of my life!" Sawyer gave a long-suffering sigh.

"One day, you were complaining because she was crazy, keying your car, and the next, you were upset because she decided to turn her attention to Sullivan." Ophelia smiled as she remembered.

"I know. What was Sullivan's earlier word? Fickle? Margo was very fickle." Sawyer said.

"Either way, Sullivan was not as nice as you were, and he had no problem getting rid of her." It had taken Sullivan less than forty-eight hours to deal with the Margo situation. Ophelia still wasn't sure how he had handled it.

"That's because he has a stick up his bum. I think he was born that way. The man has no clue about fun." Sawyer dragged Ophelia to some chairs in the corner, and their movement caught Kaylee and Noelle's eyes.

"You've been spotted," Sawyer whispered into her ear. "By the boss too."

Ophelia's eyes moved from the two women to Sullivan, who looked at her and Sawyer as he talked with his parents.

"He's been in a foul mood all day. It got worse when they arrived. What names are we calling them by, mother and sister, Noelle and Kaylee, the wicked witches?"

Ophelia looked at Sawyer, and they both grinned. "The Wicked Witches!" They both said at the same time, then started to laugh with their heads close together.

"You know I shouldn't be upset that they're so into Sullivan. It saves me a lot of drama." Sawyer leaned back in his seat, watching his brother. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Ophelia smiled as she did her best to forget Sullivan's presence across the room and focus on Sawyer.

"I get what you said about your father and brother taking your mother's betrayal out on you, and I get the reasoning for the town. What I don't get is your mother. Why did she and your sister turn against you?" Sawyer frowned as he thought about it.

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