Chapter 15

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Everyone went back to their corners. It had been over a week since the kiss, and Ophelia and Sullivan had spoken to each other only when it was necessary. The Christmas holiday had started, and the cast and crew were given extra time off so that they would have time to spend it with their families.

The Richards family was staying put and celebrating the holiday on Oak Island. It would be a few quiet and restful days, which was something thatOphelia was looking forward to, deciding to start her little mini-vacation with a walk on the beach with Polly.

Ophelia had asked Sullivan the night before if she could have Polly for the morning, and he had agreed. It was six o'clock in the morning when she knocked on his door, hoping that he would remember their agreement. She had rarely seen Sullivan so early in the morning, and she had never awakened him before, so she didn't know what her reception would be when she knocked on his door.

It caught her by surprise when he opened the door dressed in his clothes and wearing a light jacket. He had put on a knit cap as well.

"Do you mind if I join you?" he asked, watching her reaction to make sure that she wasn't upset by his request.

"No, not at all," Ophelia assured him as she greeted Polly.

Ophelia was still no better at controlling her irregular heartbeat when he was around despite their agreement, and her hands shook slightly as she secured Polly's leash. They moved quietly down the hall and onto the porch. A cold front had moved through, and the air was crisp and cool. It wasn't really cold, but it was refreshing enough to make a person's cheeks red.

"Perfect hot cocoa weather," Ophelia said, more for something to say as they started down the bike path towards the parking lot at the hotel where her car was kept.

"We could take the golf cart?" Sullivan offered.

"Then what would be the point of going for a walk?" Ophelia frowned. "I'd walk all the way to the beach if it wasn't on the other side of the island."

"Fair enough," he said with a smile.

They reached the car, and Polly jumped in, ready to go on an adventure. Ophelia's car was much smaller than Sullivan's rental, and they were close in the small space. She could smell his aftershave and feel the heat radiating off him. She could also feel Polly's warm breath on the back of her neck.

"Polly, stop breathing so hard, you're fogging up the windows," Ophelia said as she patted the dog on her head. The car started, and she turned on the heat, giving it a minute to warm the car before she backed out of the parking space.

"I hope you don't mind the early hour, but the beach won't be as busy now as it will be this afternoon." Ophelia pulled out onto the road that ran the island's length without having seen another living soul. It was as if she and Sullivan had the whole island to themselves.

"Do people still go to the beach in this cold weather?" he asked with surprise.

"This beach they do," Ophelia nodded without saying more.

It only took them a few minutes to reach their destination, which was a line of parking spots on the side of the road. Ophelia parked, and as they got out of the car, she motioned to a small trail.

"The beach is right through there." She grabbed Polly's leash and a blanket before she and Sullivan walked side by side down the narrow path. When they crested a small dune, they landed on a beach full of dead trees and driftwood.

It was eerily beautiful.

Ophelia peeked up at Sullivan, watching his reaction. It had always been one of her favorite places. It reminded her that there was beauty in everything, even death.

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