Chapter 14

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Ophelia was wrapping a plate of sandwiches when Sawyer joined her, freshly shaved and showered. He looked very handsome, and for a moment, Ophelia thought it would have been easier if she had fallen for him. 

"Are you ready?" he asked with his usual smile.

"Sure, I was just about-" Ophelia was interrupted by the backdoor opening and Sullivan entering the kitchen.

There was an awkward silence as he looked from her to Sawyer.

"Am I interrupting?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, we are just about to leave to go get dinner. Where are all of your girlfriends?" Sawyer watched Sullivan and Sullivan watched Sawyer. It reminded Ophelia of two big cats circling each other, each one waiting for the other one to make a move.

"They decided to eat at the hotel tonight," Sullivan finally answered, being the first one to cave, and it surprised Ophelia.

"I guess your little show this afternoon worked then." Sawyer was getting angrier by the minute, and Ophelia felt it was somehow her fault.

"It's fine, Sawyer. Sullivan didn't do anything that I didn't agree to first," Ophelia's voice was soft as she looked from one man to the other. "Should we go?" she asked in an attempt to diffuse the situation.

"May I have a minute to talk to you before you go?" Sullivan asked, turning his attention to Ophelia.

"Why, so you can kiss her and then walk away again? Tell me, do you think of anyone but yourself!" Sawyer demanded.

"I think of everyone but myself!" Sullivan defended. "I think about this family and what a relationship between Ophelia and I would do to it if it failed! I think about Ophelia getting hurt when it's time for us both to move on. I think about the potential lawsuit from an actress who's vindictive because her interest is not reciprocated! I think about a mayor who could pull the plug on a multi-million-dollar production because his little girl gets her feelings hurt. I think about a brother who might just give an Oscar-winning performance if he would only get his act together and focus on the project. Tell me, what do you worry about Sawyer?"

Sullivan watched Sawyer as his cheeks reddened. Ophelia didn't know if it was in embarrassment because he was being called out or anger because he didn't like what he was hearing. 

But Sullivan wasn't done. Once again, his words were like knives.

"Fine, if you don't want to answer that question, then answer this question, Sawyer. How does a broken heart feel? Do you really want that for Ophelia or me because I don't? Believe it or not, I want to keep her safe and this family safe."

"You want to keep your precious movie safe!" Sawyer insisted.

Sullivan's eyes narrowed, but he didn't get a chance to respond because Ophelia wouldn't let him.

"Stop!" she cried. "This is all because of me, and I'm starting to see Sullivan's point. If a simple kiss causes this much turmoil, then he's right. There could never be a relationship between us. I would sooner leave for good than come between any of you, and that's what is happening right now!" She felt tears on her cheeks.

Both men looked at her, their anger fading away at the sight of her tears.

"Can the three of us please go out to dinner and figure this out without fighting?" Ophelia felt that if they walked away now, a rift would open between them, but if she could keep them talking through it, then it would all be alright.

Ophelia wiped her eyes and watched the two men consider her request. She now knew that Sawyer was hurting, and he was taking it out on his brother. It had very little to do with her.

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