Chapter 1

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Ophelia Carter sat at the counter in the kitchen, nursing a cup of coffee and scanning her employer, Reyna Richards', social media. It was the way she started every day.

Reyna Richards was a much-admired actress who had all but reached Hollywood royalty status. She was married to the infamous actor Carson Richards, and they had produced triplets, two of whom were now famous, which had only added to her fame. The triplets, two boys and one girl, were as beautiful and outgoing as their parents.

"Is it going to be a busy day?" Sage, the Richards' new chef of three months, asked as she looked at the clock from where she stood next to the sink as she tidied up the kitchen.

"The morning will be," Ophelia informed her. She had followed Sage's gaze, noting that everyone should start arriving any minute. It made her stomach turn, and her hands shake, so she set her coffee down before she spilled it. This happened every time she was about to see Sullivan Richards, Reyna's oldest son.

Today was the first informal production meeting for the next movie that Sullivan was about to begin shooting. It would be a family affair as both his parents and his brother were starring, and he was directing and producing.

Ophelia hadn't seen Sullivan in four months. He had been away shooting a movie in the wilds of the Amazon jungle, taking his brother, Sawyer, with him. It had made the house very quiet, and they had all missed them very much.

Well, everyone but Sage had missed them. Sage had never met the brothers, which was probably why she was eager for them to arrive and kept looking at the clock.

Sullivan was the oldest of triplets. He was a writer and director who would occasionally act when the mood struck. He was always worrying and trying to control the outcome of most things, which was futile with his family.

Ophelia took a deep breath to steady her nerves when she heard a car in the driveway.

She had fallen in love with Sullivan the moment she had met him four years earlier. At first, she had thought it was because he was so handsome and famous, but the feeling hadn't waned even as she came to know all of his faults.

Sullivan didn't care much for her, and she got a distinct feeling that he only tolerated her because his dog and mom liked her. It was better than outright hostility, she supposed, but in her dreams, Sullivan always realized he loved her and kicked himself for not seeing what had been in front of him for the past four years. 

As if on cue, the door opened, and Sullivan stomped into the kitchen. He looked for a long moment at Ophelia, and she swore she could see him sigh in resignation at her presence. He then turned and looked at Sage, taking in her slight form and pixie haircut.

Sage had stopped her cleaning and turned to look at him with bright red cheeks.

"The prodigal son returns," Ophelia said in a calm voice as she looked back down at her computer while trying to pretend that his dark good looks were not affecting her. He had lost a lot of weight, and her heart lurched at the sight of him. Was he ill?

"Where's the fatted calf?" he asked as he moved to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"I'll tell Sage to get right on that, although I don't think it's on your mother's new diet plan. Sage, this is Sullivan, Sullivan, this is our new chef, Sage." Ophelia introduced, looking from one to the other. 

Sage looked like she was about to start fangirling.

"I see you've been on a new diet plan yourself," Ophelia nodded in his direction as she pretended to type something on her computer. It was an attempt to distract him from staring at Sage.

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