Chapter 27 (The End)

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Ophelia awoke with a sudden urgency to see her father.

During her stay the previous year, she concluded that she was never to reconcile with her mother or sister, especially if they were willing to help Giselle with her plan to hurt her and the Richards. She had seen her brother, and he had no interest in renewing their relationship. She knew this because he had never called after being told he would have to talk to her about setting up a time to visit the set. Ophelia could only assume that it was because the idea of asking her for any favor was repulsive.

But she hadn't seen her father.

Things were finally coming together in her life. The man of her dreams wanted her, the Richards family had been restored to her, and there was potential for a new career path. It was all wonderful and exciting, but her father was like a cloud over her head.

She got dressed in a pair of old blue jeans and a t-shirt then braided her hair. She looked like she had when she was a teenager. Taking a deep breath, she left her room to meet Sullivan in the lobby. It was very quiet in vast cold space, but Sullivan was waiting for her by the front entrance, which warmed her.

When she joined him, he gave her a long kiss good morning, and it made Ophelia's heart flutter and her cheeks turn pink as she blushed.

"I don't know where we are going, but would you mind if we made a stop first?" she asked.

Sullivan studied her for a minute. "Is this stop going to upset you?" he asked.

"Probably, but I need to do it, and I would rather have you by my side when I do." Ophelia gave him a lopsided smile.

"Alright," he agreed, handing her the keys.

Sullivan sensed her need for quiet as they walked through the dark and foggy morning toward the car. It was a short drive to the docks, and as Ophelia parked, she saw her father and brother on the boat. They were preparing to head out for a day of shrimping.

She got out with shaky legs and headed toward the boat with Sullivan and Polly keeping a discreet distance. When she reached the boat, she stopped and looked up at the men who had paused what they were doing.

Ophelia met her father's eyes as he looked her over, noting the changes ten years had made. Ophelia did the same, noting that he looked older and less frightening than she remembered.

"Hello, Dad," she greeted.

"Have you come to work, girl?" he asked as he returned to what he had been doing.

"No, I came to say hello and see how you are doing." Ophelia tried again.

"If you're not here to work, I've no use for you." He turned his back to her, finished with the conversation

It was what she expected to happen, but it still hurt.

"Hello, Aaron," she greeted her brother.

"Ophelia," he said. "Is that Sullivan Richards behind you?"

"Yes," Ophelia looked over at Sullivan, who had a ball cap pulled low, but even in the dim light of morning, he was easily recognized.

"Betsy!" Aaron called.

A young woman who had been a few years behind Ophelia in school stuck her head out of the cabin. "What!" she called back. She had a toddler on her hip and another one in her belly.

"You wanted to meet Sullivan Richards. Here's your chance!" Aaron took the baby from Betsy and waved in the direction of Sullivan.

"Oh my!" Betsy said. "What's he doing here?" Betsy reached up and finger-combed her brown locks as she set her eyes on Sullivan. As sad and uncomfortable a moment as it was, Ophelia still felt some amusement.

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