Chapter 16

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It was a week later, the Christmas decorations had been taken down, and Paloma had arrived.

Ophelia had been on set reviewing her to-do list with Sullivan when Paloma had walked in and stopped everyone in their tracks. She was one of those rare people who commanded everyone's attention without even trying.

Her golden hair, vivid green eyes, and legs that went on forever made every woman want to be her, and every man want to have her. Ophelia took a fortifying breath as Paloma crossed the room and wrapped her arms around Sullivan in greeting. Then she had turned to Ophelia and did the same with her.

It was a warm hug, and Ophelia kind of hated herself when she returned it, but she had always liked Paloma and couldn't help herself.

"Paloma!" Sawyer had called across the set when he saw her, opening his arms in welcome.

Paloma had smiled and gone to hug him as they laughed and whispered about what was obviously a private joke.

Ophelia had moved away to a small table in the corner to write down notes on what she and Sullivan had been talking about when she felt a presence behind her. She turned to find Kaylee looking over her shoulder at Paloma.

"Is that Paloma Clark?" she had asked in awe.

"Yes," Ophelia confirmed, turning back to her work.

"Didn't she and Sullivan used to be an item?" Kaylee turned all her attention back onto Ophelia. "I guess this leaves you out in the cold." The smile on her face was pure malice.

Ophelia ignored Kaylee, and after a minute, Kaylee turned and wandered off.

There was a New Year's Eve party at the hotel that evening, and Paloma had arrived just in time to be the one to kiss Sullivan at the new year. Ophelia wondered if he had planned it that way. It was one way to squash a woman's hopes of gaining his interest.

"Ophelia," Paloma said with her slight accent as she joined her at her small table. "Sully said you would show me where I will be staying." She threw her arm around Ophelia's waist and looked at what she was writing. "Lord, Sullivan has you doing all of the dirty work, doesn't he?"

"Yes, but I have time. His parents are away, which gives me plenty of free time to help." Ophelia packed up her things and walked with Paloma to the door, watching Paloma wave as they left.

"Who was that young girl you were talking to earlier. She looked like she was attempting to upset you?" Paloma was a very observant person.

"She's my half-sister, and she likes Sullivan. She wanted to know if you were who she thought you were." Ophelia and Paloma climbed into the golf cart that held all her luggage.

"But that's not all she said, is it?" Paloma smiled knowingly. "I'm guessing that you and Sullivan haven't figured it out yet."

"Figured what out yet?" Ophelia asked, looking over at Paloma quickly before looking away.

"That you're both madly in love with each other." Paloma winced as Ophelia took a speed bump a little too hard.

"Excuse me?'" Ophelia asked but had to clear her throat to say it a second time because it came out as a squeak.

"It's the way you two look at each other. I used to watch you two argue about every little thing, and I always thought that if you could redirect that passion into the bedroom, it would be..." she sighed romantically.

"We don't fight as much as we used to," Ophelia denied in an attempt to make the situation better.

"So, you and he did redirect?" Paloma asked, causing Ophelia to hit the breaks a little too hard as they rolled to a stop in front of the house where they were staying.

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