Chapter 8

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When Ophelia was finished getting ready, she and Sullivan left the room together with Polly and headed downstairs in the elevator. Sullivan's large presence made her feel small in the confined space. As usual, she was very aware of his presence. The way his large hand rested on Polly's head, the way his shoulders filled out his dress shirt, and the way his hair curled on the collar.

Justin wasn't completely wrong. She did have stalkerish like tendencies where Sullivan Richards was concerned.

The elevators opened to a busy lobby, and all eyes turned to them as they stepped into the open space. Ophelia was used to being stared at when she traveled with the family, but it felt odd to have it happen in her hometown with familiar faces.

Sullivan placed his hand in the small of Ophelia's back, ignoring the stares, and directed her towards the back of the lobby, to a private meeting room that was set up for their dinner. The low murmur of voices from the lobby was cut off as Sullivan closed the door behind them.

Ophelia noted the mayor in the corner talking with the manager and Justin in hushed voices as soon as she entered.

"The mayor was at dinner with us. That's why they're here," Sullivan whispered in her ear, giving her goosebumps.

"I asked to see the manager as you did, but instead of getting him, Justin chose to answer the phone. I really did try..." Ophelia's voice trailed off as she felt hopeless. "My being here might be a problem after all," she admitted, unable to look at him.

"I'll take care of it, Ophelia," Sullivan assured her in a gentle voice.

Reyna calmly glided across the room towards them and caught Ophelia up in a tight hug before pulling away and looking at her closely. "You look tired, dear." She patted Ophelia's cheek. "A good night's sleep will set you right."

Ophelia's stomach growled again.

"Ophelia's hungry, Momma," Sullivan said as he moved towards the buffet. Evidently, he hadn't had his dinner yet either. It made Ophelia feel even worse.

"Oh, dear! Come and eat, tell me all about your trip." Reyna said, turning to Sawyer, who had joined them. "Sawyer make Ophelia a plate," Reyna softly insisted as she sat them at a table that was a little away from the rest of the cast and crew.

Reyna's warm greeting made her feel welcome and self-conscious as a spotlight was placed on her, and everyone was staring. Ophelia looked around and noted a few faces she knew for L.A. and plenty that she didn't.

Sullivan had made a plate and sat at the same table as Reyna just as Pops moved to join them while patting Reyna on the shoulder. Sawyer finished making  Ophelia a plate and sat next to her, reclining in his seat with his arm on the table.

They all appeared so relaxed as if they had no worries, but they knew something was up because Ophelia had never asked for help before.

"So, what's going on?" Reyna asked in a low voice as Ophelia began shoveling food in her mouth. Not worrying about manners.

"When was the last time you ate?" Pops asked, watching her.

In fact, everyone in the room watched her, so she forced herself to put her fork down and wipe her mouth. "I ate in Louisiana."

"I've never heard someone describe the last time they ate in a location before," Sawyer grinned.

"It was a while ago," Ophelia said as she side-eyed him while taking another daintier bite of food.

"They gave Ophelia's room away, Momma," Sullivan said, answering Reyna's initial question.

"What? Why?" Reyna looked confused.

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