Chapter 24

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Ophelia had no trouble finding the letter that Sullivan had written. He had posted it on his website, and it was a beautiful declaration of love from the family. It began by talking about how much the Richards family had been through and that some bitter, petty, and jealous people were hurting their family and themselves in the process. It talked about how Ophelia had been hired as a personal assistant to Reyna but had quickly become a part of the family who was cherished by them all. A daughter to Pops and Reyna, a sister to Sawyer and Shayne, and someone precious to Sullivan.

Ophelia's heart stopped at the word. It wasn't an outright declaration of love, but it did tell everyone that she was important to him, and for Sullivan, it was a big deal. He was never one to talk about emotions unless it was regarding a part in a film.

He had told the world that she was precious to him.

Ophelia looked at the clock and realized she didn't have long to get ready and get across town. She was no longer an employee of the Richards, so she didn't have to wear her usual business garb, and blue jeans seemed a little too casual, so she chose a wrap jersey dress in a peacock blue and paired it with black boots and a black dress coat. She also decided to wear her hair down but pulled it back with combs. It was a much different look than she usually went for, and maybe that was because she was trying to impress Sullivan a little. She had never outright tried to impress him with her appearance before.

Ophelia decided to take a taxi to Sullivan's apartment. Traffic was heavy, and she was late getting there. As the taxi pulled away from the curb and Ophelia looked up at the modern house, she wondered for a moment if she was in the wrong place, but Polly appeared to know where she was going as she started up the steps.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door, holding tight to Polly's leash. It took a moment, but it was finally opened by a young twenty-something who was petite with a sleek, light brown bob cut. When she saw Ophelia, she eyed her suspiciously.

"May I help you?" she asked before she looked down and noticed Polly.

"Yes, my name is Ophelia Carter, and I'm here for dinner. Sullivan invited me." She gave the woman her sweetest smile.

"Yes, come in," she said, aware that Ophelia was expected.

As soon as they entered the house, Ophelia dropped Polly's leash, and she walked past the girl without a sniff or a glance, and that told Ophelia all she needed to know.

"They're all in the living room," the woman informed her as she closed the door behind them.

A modern front hall surrounded Ophelia. It was all marble and cold to look at and to make it even more unwelcoming. Every door was closed.

"Which one is that?" Ophelia asked, looking over her shoulder. She couldn't miss the young woman's smirk that Ophelia didn't know her way around.

Ophelia reminded herself that Sullivan had called her precious.

"It's through here." The still nameless woman walked over to a door on the left and opened it for her. She even entered the room before Ophelia did, probably hoping to catch a few negative reactions.

As she entered it, Pops jumped out in front of the young woman laughing maniacally, and the woman jumped so high she scared poor Polly. Pops startled Ophelia, but it didn't cause her concern like it did the young lady.

The awkward moment was finally broken by Shay, as she called Ophelia's name and rushed over to embrace her. Then she was passed to Reyna, who had tears in her eyes as she cupped Ophelia's face in her hands and told her how much she was missed. Pops came up behind her and tickled her with the same maniacal laugh before disappearing into the center hall.

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