Chapter 18

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They sat for hours without any news. Ophelia took care of a few necessary things, such as their hotel and another rental car. Then Shay was called, and after a long conversation, she decided to catch the first flight she could get. When word came that they were bringing the first of the injured back to the base to be transported to the hospital, they were informed that Reyna was among them. They were also told that Pops was not injured and would be on the next flight.

Upon Reyna's arrival, they learned that she had a severe head injury and had been unconscious since she had hit her head. Sullivan, Sawyer, and Ophelia were allowed to be there while she was removed from the helicopter on a stretcher. She looked so pale, and they only had a moment to be with her as she was moved to the waiting ambulance.

Ophelia hung back so that Sawyer and Sullivan could offer her words of support and let Reyna know they were there even though she may not be able to hear them.

Lieutenant Moore didn't wait long to take off again for the second rescue.

The three of them were torn in two. Reyna was going to the hospital, and their father was still stranded in the middle of the ocean. After a long discussion, Sullivan and Sawyer decided that Sawyer would stay and wait for his father while Sullivan and Ophelia headed to the hospital to be with Reyna.

"Sawyer, I've texted you the name of the hotel where I've booked us rooms. I could only get two doubles, but I figured we would all be taking turns at the hospital, so it didn't matter. It is as close to the hospital as I could get if you and your father want to stop off there first." Ophelia told him.

"Thank you, Phee. I hadn't even thought about that," Sawyer said, offering her a grateful smile.

"I've also called a car rental company and had them deliver a car. The gate watchman has the keys and the make and model of the car." Ophelia gave him a quick hug then followed Sullivan out of the hanger.

The drive to the hospital was a quiet one. The car's navigational system was the only one doing the talking in the tense silence as the car raced down the still quiet highway. The sun had just risen on a new day, and thankfully Reyna and Pops were alive.

The next few hours were spent waiting in a private waiting room of the emergency department.

The odd passerby would ask them if they needed anything, but Ophelia got the feeling that it was simply to get a look a Sullivan.

Eventually, Sawyer and Pops joined them, and when Pops walked in and saw Sullivan and Ophelia, he offered them both tight hugs.

"Any news?" he asked, holding on to Ophelia.

"No, not yet," Sullivan said with a shake of his head.

Pops looked drawn and much older than he ever had as worry creased his brow. Ophelia guided him to one of the chairs, and they sat next to each other, holding hands.

"What happened, Pops?" she asked.

He took a deep breath. "I hardly know. We were in the water, everything was fine, but some dumbass had decided to smuggle some fireworks on board. Something set one of them off, which set all of them off. The boat survived, but the power didn't. We were lucky the entire boat didn't catch fire. Then, as we drifted and they tried to fix the radio, a storm quickly moved towards us. We were sitting duck at anchor, but with no power, there was no way to outrun it."

Pops rubbed his chin, which was covered in beard stubble. 

"They managed to get an S.O.S. out shortly before the storm hit. We were all hunkered down, but there was a woman who was pacing in her anxiousness, and your mother decided to play the hero. As she approached the woman to calm her, she slipped and hit her head on the corner of a table. There was so much blood."

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