Chapter 9

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Sullivan was right. Ophelia felt much better the next day. She had slept the clock around and awoke with a totally new perspective. As she prepared for her day, she looked over the shooting schedule and made a plan.

First, she would have breakfast, then she would check in with Reyna, and after that, she would probably be busy moving everyone's belongings to the newly provided house. Ophelia did not doubt that Sullivan would get his way. She only wished she knew if he were bluffing the night before when he said he would pull the plug on the production.

With Polly by her side, she went down to the lobby, which was still very quiet. Ophelia peeked over at the reception desk, expecting to see Justin, and was relieved when she saw a petite blond who looked to be about sixteen.

She took Polly for a quick walk around the gardens while she did her business, then they went to the dining room for an early breakfast. It took a few minutes to be served, and, in that time, Ophelia set up her computer and started work. Even when she had been on the road, she had done her best to manage Reyna's online presence, but she was still behind.

She was well into the responses when a young waitress approached her and offered to take her order. Ophelia didn't recognize the girl, nor she, Ophelia, so the transaction went smoothly.

Ophelia was halfway through breakfast and in the middle of sneaking Polly some sausage when Sullivan sat down across from her.

"Why are you eating in here and not at the private buffet?" He asked as the waitress practically ran to the table to wait on them.

Ophelia took a minute to look at him as he placed his napkin on his lap and ordered what she was having. He was wearing a navy cotton t-shirt and well fitted blue jeans with sneakers. He hadn't bothered to shave, and his hair was still wet from the shower, but she also noticed that he had put all the weight he had lost back on, and his muscles were back.

The way his biceps flexed when he moved his place setting about was impressive.

Why was he moving his place setting around? Was he nervous for some reason? Was he going to fire her or send her home?

"I like fresh food, not food that has been sitting out for hours with people breathing all over it." Ophelia reached for her glass of orange juice, lifting it to her lips with a slightly trembling hand. Was it his nearness or the fact that he was nervous that was making her nervous?

"Well, after today, it shouldn't be a problem. Can you meet me out front in an hour? Barrett found us a house, and I want you to go with me to look at it." Sullivan smiled his crooked show smile at the waitress in thanks.

Ophelia knew it was his show smile because when he smiled for real, his eyes crinkled at the corners, and he flashed his perfect teeth.

"Sure, but do you really need my approval? Isn't it a bit like rubbing salt in the wound to have me approving or disapproving?" Ophelia took a bite of her pancake, licking the excess syrup off her lips.

Sullivan paused with a loaded fork halfway to his mouth as he watched her.

"Did I dribble?" Ophelia asked, looking down at her sweater. Maybe he remembered the unladylike way she had hoovered her food the night before.

"No." He shook his head and finished taking a bite, and this time it was Ophelia's turn to stare.

"Oh, get a room already!" Sawyer said as he fell into another seat at the table.

"What?" Ophelia asked, confused. Was he telling Sullivan to get a room because he didn't like sharing? He did look a little rough around the edges. Or did he mean that he could see Ophelia's attraction to Sullivan? She felt her cheeks heat up at the last thought.

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