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Okay... This isn't the regular chapter. PLEASE READ though... This is really important.

I want to start a charity.

I know. I know. It probably sounds like some 7th grader impossible dream, but this is something that has really been on my heart recently. I want to know what you guys think.

Is there a cause that you guys wish more people focused on?

Is anyone interested in helping?

Do you think I should wait?

I really need your help guys. If you have any ideas, please comment on here, or email me at:

I really need your guy's help. Please let me know what you think, your ideas, EVERYTHING.

I'm kind of wanting to help people in 3rd world countries get food, jobs, money, and other stuff like that. Maybe help start schools, and provide more job opportunities for the people who live there, and help build houses for people.

But I don't know.

What do you guys think?

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