Chapter 4 - Poetic?

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Like I say below... I got inspired. So... Here you go! I already have Chapter 5 done, but you probably won't get it until Saturday. I want to have a backup in case something happens, but enjoy this for now!

WARNING: Some SUPER poetic stuff in here...

Peter's POV

The next few days were absolute torture. Literally.

Every day that Mr. Stark didn't come with what they wanted, whatever it was, Douglas would hurt me more and more.

His rule, was that everyday he didn't come, I got 20 extra cuts. After 5 days, it added up to 100 cuts, each one being excruciating. Sometimes, he would do 50 lashes instead, but either way, I was miserable. He stopped at 100 cuts, knowing that any more could cause me to bleed to death, which he didn't want. He still saw me as valuable.

I only got to eat one small meal a day, and with my fast metabolism, I was getting just enough food to survive. I was used to missing a meal a day every once and a while because of Flash, but this was insane. The hunger was like nothing I had ever felt before. It felt like something was eating and tearing and ripping at my stomach 24/7. I was sure the pain would've kept me up all night if I wasn't so exhausted from blood loss, sedatives, and just the physical toll everything was having on me.

It had been a full week since Douglas filmed the video. Mr. Stark still hadn't come, but I knew he was just still trying to figure out where I was, or what Douglas wanted. At least, that's what I hoped.

At this point, I had mostly gotten over May's death, or that's what I thought. I knew it might be because of all the awful things happening that her passing was the least of my worries, but I figured it was better to let myself get over it. When all this stuff was over, then I could grieve, but I had some other priorities at the moment.

Douglas entered the room again, snapping me out of my thoughts, which I had realized had become quite depressing...

I had gotten a new "room" yesterday. This one was no nicer than the last except for the poor excuse for a bed in the corner. I was never restrained anymore, mainly because I was just tok weak to hold myself up, so I guess they thought I could have an actual bed, rather than a chair with restraints.

"Stark still hasn't come." Douglas spoke. "Disappointing. I don't believe we've had todays punishment?" He said. It sounded like a question, but it was clear he wasn't asking. "What do you think? Should it be worse today?" He asked. I just hung my head and swallowed silently. I hadn't been allowed to speak much, and when I did it just resulted in punishment, so I wasn't used to being asked questions. 

"ANSWER ME!" He shouted, slapping me harshly.

"No, s-sir." I stuttered fearfully, not taking my eyes off of the floor. I knew he was just playing with me, and that if he asked if it would be worse, it would, most definitely, be worse. No matter what I answered. I had learned that if I was allowed to speak, I was always supposed to call or address him as sir. I had learned that quickly.

"No?" He asked amused. "Really? I disagree." My mind shattered. Something terrible was about to happen. Something painful. "Clearly Stark is learning nothing. We don't want to send him another video. It took us a long time to stop him from finding our location with that last one. We don't want to go through that trouble again. Besides. He doesn't need to be here for us to hurt you." Douglas said, crouching down to my level and looking me in the eyes, which were still directed to the floor.

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