Chapter 3- Games and Rules

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Peter's POV

The man left, and didn't return for hours. I was starving. I had no idea how long I had been unconscious, so it could've been days since I last ate. With my fast metabolism, that was like a week and a half. I had regained the ability to move completely, but I still wasn't able to go anywhere, due to the restraints on my wrists and ankles.

When the man finally came back, he was holding a small device, which looked like a video camera, but it was too dark to be sure. There were also two men dressed in completely black who followed him inside.

"Hello little spider." The guy from earlier said. Something in his voice sent chills down my spine, and as he spoke, the raspy sound seemed to be soaked in insanity. "Are you ready to play?" He asked. I immediately wanted to leave. To get far away from whatever evil lay ahead.

I just stared at him, as he nodded to the men who had followed him inside my cell.

"I'm Douglas by the way. Douglas, in case you didn't know, means Black River." Ugh. This guy was even named to be evil. I thought. As he was talking, the men who had followed him inside came around to the sides of me, and one of them had injected me with a strange serum... I assumed it was some sort of sedative, but I had no real proof.

Douglas set up the camera he was holding, and clicked the record button.

"Whenever you're ready." He said to the men who had injected me with the serum. They nodded back, and I knew immediately what was going to happen.

Oh please no. I thought to myself. They were going to use me as leverage. They were going to mke Mr. Stark feel guilty, and make him give them things to guarantee my safety.

Douglas must have noticed the look on my face, because he let out a terrifying laugh of pure insanity. "What's wrong little spider? You'll be a great motivation for Stark." He spoke in a soothing voice. At the word great, his bloody hand stroked my face calmly, in a soothing motion, but was mocking, and disgusting coming from Douglas. I took in a shaky breath as his hand made its way up my face, and ruffled my hair. Douglas merely laughed.

"May we begin?" One of the men spoke from behind.

"Of course. This will be-" He paused, debating what word fit "fun." Douglas spoke finally.

I suddenly felt weak. Probably a mix of fear, disgust, and whatever they injected into me. The men who I didn't know released my restraints, but I was too weak to even stand properly so I immediately fell onto my knees.

In both shame and difficulty to move, I let my head hang as I stared at the floor. I knew Mr. Stark would see this, and I was ashamed that he had to see me so weak, so vulnerable. I was Spiderman! I should be able to handle this myself. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a swift foot come crashing down onto my back, forcing me to lay on my stomach. I don't remember when it happened, but my hands were now tied behind my back.

"Stark. Wonderful to finally be in business with you. As you can see, I have your precious little spider." He spat in a creepily happy tone. "Hope you don't mind if we keep him for a bit." He said, shoving his foot deeper into my back as I let out a small cry of pain. There was going to be a bruise there. Even though I couldn't see Douglas's face, I knew that his face had twisted into an evil grin.

"We want something Stark. You know what." He spat, stepping off of my back.

He paused, and I rolled onto my back just in time to see him nod to the other two men, who walked over to me, and threw me over to Douglas like a rag doll. The two men then left the cell, letting the large door clang shut. Using my arms to support my weak body, I panted heavily, my head hanging low.

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