Chapter 7 - The CALL

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Tony's POV

A call? Did FRIDAY just say a call? Last time, they just sent a video. I could track a call easily though... Maybe that's what they wanted? Maybe they were just stupid enough to not realize I would be able to track them this way?

It doesn't matter. Right now, I just need to see what this is all about. 

Who knows? Maybe it has nothing to do with Peter.


"I'm coming Fri."

I ran over to the counter, and picked up a tablet that was just lying around.

"Answer." I said.

The screen was black, but  heard a familiar voice come from the tablet.

"Good to see you, Stark. I'll let you see me when you are alone. No one else around. Understand? You are the only on invited to this show."

It was the same person who had "starred" in the video they sent us a while back. It was the man who had hurt Peter over and over and over.

I could feel the hatred coursing through my body. Thor forbid, if I ever met the man in person, he would be dead before he could show one crooked tooth of his evil grin.

No matter my hatred for the man, I had to obey his wishes for the time being if I ever wanted to see Peter again, so I walked out of the living room, receiving worried looks from the others, and went to my bedroom.

"Good. Now that you are alone, let's get down to business." The man said. He took a finger off the screen, to reveal him standing in front of a dark wall. Nothing else in the room could be seen. "I can't remember whether or not I introduced myself, but my name is Douglas."

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked. I was actually genuinely curious. I mean, why do villains reveal their "top secret" plans to the good guys? The good guys (usually) win in the movies anyways...

"So you can figure out what I want."

"Why don't you just tell me?"

"Because it is more fun this way." Douglas said. I knew what that meant, and it was clear that he knew it would trigger me because I found my next words coming out of my mouth before I even knew what I was saying.

"I swear to Thor you better let me see my kid right now." I snapped. The venom in my voice was overwhelming. It even scared me.

Douglas smiled.


Peter's POV

Another video. Those words repeated in my mind over and over and over. Well, that along with crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap.

I was absolutely dreading what would happen. Videos never ended well. Punishments were always more painful and violent. The only positive is that they would (for the most part) leave me alone for a while after a video.

"Actually," Douglas spoke again, "I think we'll call."


Please don't call. I thought to myself. That would destroy Mr. Stark. Please please please don't call.

"Like that do we?" Douglas asked. He must have noticed my facial expression change. The smirk on his face was enormous and made my blood boil. However, I kept my eyes on the floor since I didn't want to be punished for eye contact again. Yes. Again.

"If I hear one word out of you, you better expect to never see the light of day again. And you better bet you won't be dead."

I obeyed, and watched out of the corner of my eye as Douglas pulled out a small phone, and covered the camera with his finger, causing his screen to be black when he called.

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