Chapter 12 ~ Home

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Peter's POV

It's been 3 and a half months since May died. 3 and a half months since I was kidnapped.

It's been 2 months since the whole thing ended. Since Tony found me.

It's been about a month and a half since Tony decided adopted me.

It's been one month since I stopped flinching at random things.

It's been 3 weeks since the panic attacks stopped.

It's been 2 weeks since the nightmares stopped.

It's been 1 week since Douglas was arrested.

And it's only 3 hours until he is killed.

I heard a soft knock on the door, and then Dad walked in.

"Hey Pete. How ya' doing?" He asked.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. Of course I wanted this man to be gone, but there was just something so... terrifying... about knowing that the man who had done so much to me, was going to be killed. I don't know what I feel exactly... Because it's just so... strange. 

"Let's go watch a movie huh?" Dad suggested. I nodded quietly, and followed him out of my bedroom, and into the living room, which was surprisingly empty. All the Avengers were home today, but Dad had probably told them to kind of just stay away from me for the day or something.

I plopped down on the couch next to Dad, and nestled my face into his chest. (In a father and son bonding way) 

"FRIDAY turn on Star Wars The Phantom Menace." Dad said.

"Right away boss." She responded.

Suddenly, the large flat screen switched on, and The Phantom Menace began playing. When I say the tv was a flat screen, I mean it. Like, when I went to turn on the tv a few months ago, I noticed that it was just barely thicker than a couple sheets of paper.

We sat there for a couple hours watching the movie. At some point, Dad had someone bring us soda, candy, and popcorn, which were all almost gone. For basically the whole movie, I sat there quoting lines and reenacting fight scenes, making Dad laugh and chuckle.

Once the movie was over, Dad told FRIDAY to play the next one, The Attack of the Clones. We only got about 45 minutes in before Dad and I got a text from an unknown number.

It's done.

Dad and I both looked at each other, immediately knowing what that meant. I stopped reenacting the fight scene that was currently playing in the background, and sat down next to Dad. I rested my head on his lap, and we continued to watch the movie, not completely paying attention, as he stroked my hair gently.

Soon, the movie was over, and FRIDAY immediately began playing the third movie in the trilogy, Revenge of the Sith.

That's how we spent the rest of the day until dinner, until Natasha came in and told us that Wanda and Steve had made Spaghetti.

"Alright. We'll be out in a second." Dad answered. Natasha left the room.

"We should probably get off the couch anyway." He added. I nodded silently. "You okay?" He asked.

"I-I don't know. It's just kinda weird. Ya' know? Like I never wanted to see him again, but the fact that he's dead, and it's also just bringing back a lot of memories and stuff."

"I get that." He responded. "When they found the people from Afghanistan, it was a similar feeling I guess." I nodded.

"Now we should probably get going before Nat beats my-"

"LANGUAGE!!!!" Steve shouted from the kitchen.

"Stupid enhanced hearing." Dad muttered to himself.

I chuckled, and followed him into the kitchen.

~Time Skip~

"Hey Pete. We're gonna watch A New Hope. Wanna join us?" Clint asked, popping his head in my room.

"Yeah sure." I said tossing my phone aside, and hopping off my bed.

I ran out into the living room, and threw myself down next to Dad.

"Hey Pete." He said chuckling at my enthusiasm. "Ready."

"Yes." I said, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it kind of was.

Dad made fun of a lot of the old graphics saying, they had this technology at the time they made this, and they could've just blah blah blah for a lot cheaper, plus it would've looked better stuff, being the billionaire and genius he is. Everyone found it kind of annoying, but I found it intriguing, and I loved it.

Eventually, I found my eyes growing tired, so I rested my head on Dad's lap.

"I love you guys." I said, and I closed my eyes, and fell into a dreamless sleep.


Word Count: 738

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! That's the end of the book everyone! Can you believe it! I think I started this about mid December, so it's been about a month and a half! And sorry that this chapter was short... There just wasn't much for me to put in here, so I just tied everything up best I could.

Let me know what you thought of the story! Be honest, and don't worry about hurting my feelings or anything like that if you didn't like it. Let me know some improvements I can make to the story in the future!

Let me know if you want a face reveal or Q and A or both! 

Also, we made it to 250 reads! Thank you so much to everyone who has read this story all the way through! I appreciate every single one of you!

Anyways... Here's the question:

What part of the story did you enjoy most and why?

That's it for the book!



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