Chapter 9- Rescue

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Tony's POV

As soon as I remembered that FRIDAY could track calls no problem, I immediately asked her to do so.

I managed to discretely make my way into the Ironman suit as Pete was drowned, and whipped. It hurt my heart to know that a kid, my kid, was being hurt so badly, and I wasn't doing anything to stop it. I had to remind myself that there was nothing I could do until I got there, so I used Douglas's evil thirst for blood against him.

While he was focused on Pete, I managed to sneak into the lab, and into the suit. Douglas had yet to notice the change, and as soon as I was in the suit, I had Friday send the call to my suit. I saw recognition flash across Peter's eyes, and prayed that he knew I was coming. I remember feeling so hopeless at times in Afghanistan, and that was when I had a friend there too. Peter was alone. I had to get to him as soon as possible.

Peter begging me to help him made me want to destroy everything that moved. My baby was in pain, and I wasn't doing anything.

No. I told myself. You are doing something, and you're going to save him.

As soon as FRIDAY had tracked the call, I was flying at full speed to the small red dot on the map. I could get there is 8 minutes if I hurried. I was able to have FRIDAY mute the sound of my thrusters on the call, otherwise Douglas surely would have heard them, and any chance of saving Peter would be lost.

"Stark?" Douglas's raspy voice spoke through the speakers. "I think he said that name quite a few times. Petey knows what that means. Don't you Pete?" I watched as Peter slowly nodded, his eyes full of pain, and his face coated in blood. His blood.

I was still watching the screen, having FRIDAY take control of flying. There was something about Douglas and Peter's interaction that just made it impossible for me to take my eyes off the screen for more than a few seconds. It would also seem suspicious if Douglas saw me looking around, with my "flying face" as Peter called it.

After about 9 or 10 minutes, I had reached a rusty old building that looked like it had once been an apartment complex.

"FRIDAY call SHIELD." I said. I knew they had a base somewhere near here, and they would be able to get here in just a couple minutes. They would probably have to stop me from killing Douglas.

"What was that Stark?" Douglas asked. I looked back at him, and saw that he was pinning Peter down, a knife in his hand. The name Stark had been carved into Peter's chest over  and over again. I looked at Peter's tear stained face, and decided I couldn't let Peter think he was stuck with this evil  man any longer.

"I said, you better be prepared to die cause I'm about to whoop your-"

"SIR!" FRIDAY spoke.

"Sorry FRI. I forgot about cursing in front of the kid." I said, chuckling slightly. I burst through the door, revealing Douglas in the same position, a shocked expression on his face.

I raised my repulsers, and aimed them right at Douglas's face. 

"Get off my kid." I said. The venom in my voice was terrifying, and I didn't even care that I had just called Pete my kid because that's who he was

"Ah. You found me." Douglas said. "Now make one move and he dies." He said suddenly, yanking Peter onto his feet and cramming the blade against his throat.

Rolling my eyes, I fired my repulsers at Douglas's face, and sent him flying against the wall. Peter immediately collapsed, and pushed himself up against the opposite wall to Douglas.

I approached Douglas, a crazy look in my eye, then lifted him up by the shirt, and punched him, sending him flying to the other side of the room. As my fist connected with his face, I heard a satisfying crunch, and was sure I had just pulverized his nose.

Grabbing his shirt again, I lifted him up into the air, and slammed him down on his back, against the concrete. Leaning down, I punched him over and over. I didn't even bother to say anything, and neither did he.

"Boss, he's passed out." FRIDAY said. I sighed, and punched him one more time, just as a group of SHIELD agents burst through the door. I turned around, and looked at them with a deadly look in my eye. I wasn't mad at them, but my hatred for the man Douglas wasn't going away anytime soon.

"Excuse me Mr. Stark. We'll take it from here." One of the men said. I immediately recognized him as Agent Coulson. I still don't understand how he survived the whole "getting stabbed by Loki" thing, but I didn't question it. I just stepped aside, and let the agents to their work.

I suddenly remembered Peter, and ran over to him immediately. He had a tiny look of relief on his face, but it was hardly recognizable through all the blood and tears. I crouched in front of where he was sitting, ignoring the words carved onto his chest.

"Hey Pete..." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Mr. Stark?" He asked shakily? His tone sounded disbelieving, but hopeful.

"Yeah Pete. It's me. I'm here. You don't have to be afraid of Douglas anymore. We took care of him."

"I-Is he dead?"

"No. But if you want I can go kill him real quick." I said standing up. "You know what I'll go do that right now. I should've done it any-"

"Mr. Stark please don't kill him." He said pleadingly. Gosh this kid was too pure for this world.

"Okay." I whispered. I crouched back in front of Pete. It broke my heart to see his face twisted into something so full of pain. "How you feeling?"

"It- It hurts Mr. Stark. Mr. Stark it hurts." I immediately hugged him.

"Shh... Shh. I know Pete. Hey it'll be okay." I said soothingly. I rubbed his back gently, but felt something off.

"Hey Pete, can I look at your back?" I asked. He looked up at me, and slowly turned, allowing me room to get up, and reposition myself to be able to see.


Oh please no.

I looked at Peter's back, and nearly burst into tears.

The symbol of each Avenger was burned into his skin like a brand. But that wasn't the worst part.

The worst part, was that carved right in the center of everything, was an image of me. Of Ironman.


Word Count: 1113

Funny story... I actually finished this chapter yesterday. Along with chapter 10. And today I finished 11.

I had a SUPER POWERFUL burst of motivation, and I juts bust out a bunch of chapters so... Yeah. I only have chapter 12 to write, and that will be the end of the book. I'm excited to get something off my plate, but at the same time, I'm kinda sad about it. This was my first ever Wattpad story, and it's coming to a close.

What do you think of the picture at the top? I think that is going to be the cover of another fan fiction I'm writing.

Anyways... Let me know if you wanna do a Q and A or something. I have a lot of time on my hands, and even if I posted this chapter months before you see it, if I haven't done a Q and A yet, feel free to ask!

Also, if you want a Q and A to happen, leave me some questions you have! Like PLEASE. I would also be open to a possible face reveal if you want it!



What was the best fan fiction you've ever read?

I'll go now.



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