Chapter 5 - Numb

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

             Torture and blood

Tony's POV

WHAT? Did he just say he might know where my kid is? MY kid? Please please please please please let this be real. I needed him. He was the only person that made me feel so wonderful. He had a smile that lit up the room and made everyone else smile. It was like after not eating for a week, then being given access to as much food as possible. You can only have so much, otherwise you won't be able to take it all in. It becomes too much for your body to handle. It's not the food, it's just that you aren't deserving, and used to it. No matter how bad you want it, you can't handle that amount of sunshine.

I needed that back.

Would it ever be back? 

That question burned in mind. If we managed to rescue Peter, would he be the same? Would he still be- No. I can't let myself go there. He would be ok. He would be ok because I needed him to be. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't.

"TONY!" Someone shouted. I soon identified the voice as Cap's. The patriotism was seeping out of it. GOSH did I hate that voice.

"You with us?" Nat's voice rang out.

"Y- Yeah." I responded. Was I though? I needed my kid. He was part of me, and until he was back, I wouldn't truly be there.

"Go on Ned." Steve said sounding both annoyed and worried at the same time, if that was even possible...

"Well... The note mentioned breathing, Spiderman, Crushed, Bird, and some other stuff. It also happens to describe very well the time Vulture dropped a building on Peter, and he had to get himself out on his own. He told me about it, and said he couldn't breathe." Ned paused. "He said he thought he was going to die."

There was a long moment of silence. I suddenly remembered all the times when Peter would become very claustrophobic all of a sudden. I had noticed that he had never had that problem before... Why didn't I see it before?

"Where was it?" Someone asked. The voice belonged to a female, but I didn't bother to identify who.

"What?" I asked.

"What building?" They asked again. Oh. I'm so stupid.

"I don't know what it's called, but I can pull it up for you..." Ned said. When he was speaking a few seconds ago, he sounded nervous, which was understandable, considering he was in a room full of Earth's mightiest heroes, but now he sounded determined and incredibly brave.

Peter's POV

The next few hours of my life were most definitely the worst. Filled with knives and burns. Nothing else. Just those.

A piercing, yet muffled scream escaped my lips, as a white hot piece of medal was pressed against my bare back. I had been gagged a while ago, but not before Douglas was given the pleasure of carving something into my back and letting my cries of pain fill the room.

Every act of torture was worse than the last. Each one made my scarred skin scream in agony. I just wanted it to be over. I didn't want to die... I just wanted the pain to end. Although, I didn't know if that was even possible anymore.

Eventually, everything stopped. After who knows how many cuts and a large number of burns, the pain was over. Physically at least.

Someone took the gag from my mouth, but the world was too fuzzy to make out who. I wanted to stand, but the pain had made me so numb. So helpless

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