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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

A crowd of people were being stopped by guards.

Wicked guards.

The sun had scorched their world. The Flare was going on.

A little bit in the middle of a crowd, stood a woman, two kids by her side. One was a boy with light brown hair and blue eyes, holding the woman's hand. The other one, was a h/c girl with e/c eyes, being held my the woman.

The little girl looked to be about about a couple years younger than the boy. The woman, their mother, tried getting through the crowd and to the front. She wanted to keep her kids safe from the scorched world. From the Flare.

She had finally made it to the front, begging them to take her kids, they agreed. She knelt down to the boy, putting the girl down right in front of her and beside the boy. The little boy grabbed his little sisters hand.

"Okay, you guys are gonna be safe here," their mother started saying, trying to keep her tears in while saying goodbye to her children, "These people are gonna take care of you," she turned to the little boy, "Gally, you watch and take care of your sister, okay?" He nodded, making it his goal to protect his little sister from anything. Their mother turned to her daughter, "You listen to these people, you listen to your brother, he'll take care of you. Okay?" She instructed her daughter, making the little girl nod. She was confused of what was happening, but she always listened to her mom and brother and always would.

She didn't know that this would be the last time she would see her mother.

All of a sudden, a guard came up and grabbed the boy, Gally, taking him away from his mom and sister. The girl called for her brother, until she was being taken away by a guard as well. Looking back at her mother, she saw tears laying on the woman's cheeks. She started calling for her, not wanting to be separated from her mother. Eventually, she was out of her sight, she couldn't see her mom anymore.

She was in a room, other kids in here. She met brown eyes of a little blonde boy, who looked to be about her age. He smiled at her softly, but she didn't smile back, she was looking for her brother. There were guards around her, some other adults too, but they didn't look like any parents of these kids.

After looking for her brother from where she was sitting, she soon gave up before looking down at the ground. She then heard a little 'hi' come from the left of her, she turned her head, seeing a girl, about her age with dark hair and blue eyes. She smiled a little at her, not wanting to talk. The other girl could tell she was upset about something, so she softly rubbed her back, making the h/c haired girl jump, but then realize it's the other girl, she let her back get rubbed by her.

Soon, a blonde woman came into view, looking right at the h/c girl. With the woman, her big brother came into view also. The blonde woman, Ava Paige, walked towards the girl. The blue eyed girl who was still rubbing her back, saw the woman come towards the other girl, so she scooted away, letting them talk in private.

The little girl looked up a little in confusion, not feeling the other girls hand on her back anymore. When she looked up, she met the eyes of the blonde woman. She sat beside the girl, putting her hand on her shoulder lightly, before whispering in her ear, "Y/n, Wicked Is Good." She told the girl.

The girl, now known as y/n, nodded, still not wanting to talk until her brother was back right beside her. The woman, known as Ava Paige noticed and motioned for the little boy a few feet away to come back to his sister.

Upon hearing footsteps coming towards her, she looked up, meeting her big brothers blue eyes before tackling him in a hug. Ava Paige smiled softly at the girl before leaving. The brother and sister pulled away a little, but kept each other in their arms. They sat down, before the boy, Gally, pulled her into his side, keeping her in his arms.

The girl glanced around the room full of kids, before meeting the brown eyes she met earlier. The brown eyes of the blonde boy who smiled at her earlier. He was looking at her in awe. He thought she was so beautiful, he couldn't stop staring at her. When she met his eyes again, he quickly looked away, blood rushing to his cheeks a little. He looked back at her, seeing that she was still looking at him, but now she had a small smile laying on her lips, making him smile back.

She looked away, burying her face into her brother's side more, holding his waist tightly while he held her close to his body tightly. The whole time, she was thinking of that blonde little boy.

But what she didn't know, was that he was thinking of her too.

And little did they know, they would get closer in the future than they thought they would.

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