Chapter 3: W.C.K.D.

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

It was the next day, and I was in the cafeteria with the boys. Newt on my right, Thomas on my left. I hadn't taken my eyes off of the doors that Janson came into yesterday with the list of names.

I felt all the boys gazes on me, but I ignored them. I had told them what Aris showed me yesterday, I just didn't mention Aris. I could tell some of them didn't really believe me, but some did. Actually, just one believed me.


He was feeling the same thing I was feeling. He didn't trust these people. He didn't trust Janson. Speaking of Janson, he soon came in with the list of names again. He started listing the peoples names, them getting excited once they were called and formed a line behind him. While he was doing that, I still kept my eyes on the door.

"I wanna know what's through that door." I state to the others, my eyes not moving from it.

"We've been over this, love. You said that they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw." Newt told me.

"It could've been anything under there." Minho stated, looking at me.

"I know exactly what I saw. There were bodies." I paused, "Aris said they were bringing in a new batch every night." I finished.

"Who the hell is Aris?" Minho asked. I motioned over to Aris sitting by himself at his table, examining his food weirdly. "Well," Minho looked back at me, "I'm sold."

I rolled my eyes a little at him, but then my attention was back on Janson. He finished listing off the names and now they were going to the door. I got up from the table, walking behind them, trying to blend in. But, that didn't work because one of the guards stopped me from going through.

"Woah, hang on. You weren't called." He told me, pushing me back slightly.

"I know, I'm just gonna be a second." I informed him, trying to get by again.

"This is a restricted area, kid." He pushed me back again, making me sigh in frustration.

I nodded, pretending to go back to my table. I could feel the boys gazes on me, watching me closely. All of a sudden, I tried charging through the guards and past the doors, but I couldn't get through, they had grabbed my arms to stop me from going through. But luckily, I grabbed the card from his pocket without anyone noticing.

They started yelling at me and I yelled back, still trying to make my way through. I could hear the boys footsteps coming up from behind me, I felt their hands on my arms, trying to pull me back from the two guards. After a couple of more seconds of shouting, Janson came in and broke it off before looking at me.

"Y/n, I thought we could trust each other," he said to me, putting a hand on my shoulder, "You know we're all on the same team here." He 'reassured' me.

"Are we?" I asked him quietly.

He paused for a moment, a stupid smirk growing on his face, "Get them to their bunks."

They took us to our bunks, pushing us all inside. Once we all were, they closed it and locked it, trapping us inside. All the boys then turned to me.

"What the hell was that about?" Minho asked me.

"You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?" Newt asked me softly.

I began reaching into my pocket, "Nah, of course not." I said to them before pulling out the keycard and holding it up.

They all sighed and nodded a little, "I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that door," they all just nodded, but it didn't look like they believed me still, except for Thomas. He was looking at me, I could tell on his face he believed me, "Guys, their hiding something, okay? These people are not who they say they are."

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