Chapter 2: Not The Only Maze

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

I was leaded to a cafeteria, filled with other kids. I looked around confused before looking for the boys. I walked forward a little, till I heard my name being called. I turned my head to the voice, seeing Newt walking up to me in a fast pace.

Next thing I knew, I was tackled into a hug by him, his arms were around my waist, holding me tightly while I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, running my fingers through his hair. We soon pulled away a little but still held onto each other.

"Newt, what's going on?" I asked him, glancing at the people in the cafeteria.

"We weren't the only maze." He informed me, pulling me to their table, to see Minho, Thomas, Frypan, and Winston sitting there with two other boys. I'm guessing from another maze.

"And there was this big, loud explosion and these guys came out of nowhere. Started shooting up the place." The boy with poufy hair explained to us.

Then the other boy spoke up, "It was intense."

"They pulled us out of the maze and brought us here." The other boy said.

"What about the rest?" I asked them, "The other people left behind in the maze, what happened to them?" They seemed a little shocked to see me. Probably because I'm a girl.

"I don't know," the one with poufy hair shrugged, "I guess Wicked still has them."

There was a silence at the table, until Thomas spoke up, "How long have you guys been here?"

"Just a day or two. That kid over there," the boy motioned over to another boy at a table, "Has been here the longest. Almost a week." He informed us.

I looked over at the boy, seeing him by himself at a table, his hood over his head, looking down. I wonder if he knows something about this place that we don't. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Here is this weeks list." I turned my head to the familiar voice, seeing Janson standing there at the front of the cafeteria, a clipboard in his hands while he started calling peoples names.

He began naming off the people on the list he had. Several people from different tables got up and formed a line behind him, they all looked so excited that they were called.

"Where are they going?" I asked the two boys at our table.

"The East Wing. From what we know, they don't come back." One of the boys informed me.

"That's it, don't fret. Your time will come, there's always tomorrow." He reassure the people who groaned, upset that they weren't called. While he was walking out of the room, I glared at the back of his head.

I don't trust this guy.


~Y/n P.O.V.~

We were lead to our rooms. Once we got there, Minho already started calling the top bunk of the bed. I rolled my eyes at him slightly, but I had a small smile playing on my lips, amused at my friend actions.

We all soon got ready for bed, Newt and I shared one. I had my back against his chest, while his arms were around my, holding me closely, not wanting to let go anytime soon. I was holding one of his hands, intertwining our fingers.

This is how we always use to sleep in the maze. Sometimes I'd sleep in my own hammock back at the homestead, but usually I'd sleep in his hammock with him, and this is how we always slept. Him cradling me in his arms, our fingers intertwined together.

After a little while, I still couldn't sleep. I could tell everyone else was, but I wasn't. After a couple more minutes, I heard something happening under mine and Newt's bed.

"Psst, hey," I heard some whisper, "Down here."

I bent over the edge of the bed, seeing a boy under it, in a vent.

"Oh my god." I whispered in surprise. He shushed me.

"Come on. Follow me." He whispered.

I looked at him more, till I realized that this is the boy in the cafeteria. The one who was sitting by himself. He began moving back into the vent more, wanting me to follow him.

I tilted my head at him, but started to get onto the floor anyway. I cautiously unwrapped Newt's arms from me, making sure not to wake him up. I then slowly crawled into the vent, following the boy.

"Hurry, this way," he ushered me to keep following, "Come on."

I continued following him, till he stopped, looking down at something. He saw I wasn't coming up, so he waved me over, "Come here," I crawled over to him, "Watch." He motioned down to what he was looking at.

I looked through the vent, seeing a hallway. There were footsteps coming. It revealed a doctor, she had a keycard on her. She approached a door, sliding the keycard and it opened. Then, more people came, pushing beds with human bodies on it, but they were covered with a blanket. The people pushing them, walked into the room before the doctor followed, the doors automatically shutting behind them.

"What the hell was that?" I asked the boy next to me quietly.

He looked up at me, "They bring in new ones every night, like clockwork." He informed me.

"Do you know what they do to them?" I questioned, looking at him curiously.

"I don't know. This is as far as I've ever gotten," he looked around in the vents, "The vents don't go into that section. But, once they go through that door, they don't come back out." He said, looking back at me.

He thought for a moment before speaking again, "I don't think anybody ever really leaves this place." He said quietly.

I thought about what he said, he might be right. What if Teresa was in that room? I promised I'd be by her side. I already lost my brother, I can't lose my sister as well.

"Come on. We've gotta go before somebody notices we're gone." He told me, starting to back away a little.

"Why did you show me this?" I asked him before he could leave.

"Because maybe the others will listen to you. I saw the way you looked at Janson, I can tell you don't trust him," he paused, "There's something weird going on here. And I know you think so too." He said, crawling back, I guess going back to his room.

But, before he could leave, I stopped him once more.

"Hey, wait. What's your name?"

"Aris." That was the last thing he said to me before he left.

I started crawling back to my room with the boys, but not before looking back at the doors in the hallway. Once I got back, everyone was still asleep. Good. I slowly but quietly crawled out from under the bed, and got back in with Newt, his arms immediately going around me, pulling me into him.

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