Chapter 6: The Scorch

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

I woke up the next morning. My head on Newt's shoulder, while his arm was still wrapped around my shoulders. I saw everyone else waking up, as well. I felt Newt pull me more into him, making butterflies come. I looked up at him, seeing him already looking at me with love in his eyes. He pecked my nose, making blood rush to my cheeks, before I pecked his lips before we started getting up.

"Are they gone?" Newt asked, helping me up to my feet.

I saw Thomas look around before answering, "Yeah, I think we're safe for now." He reassured everyone.

I nodded, grabbing my backpack, "Okay," I glanced at everyone, "We should get moving." I informed them, causing them nod in agreement.

While we were grabbing our things, I saw Winston try getting up, but failing. I watched him in concern, while Frypan helped him up, him groaning in pain while doing so. Once we saw that everyone was ready to go, we all climbed out and left.

We started walking in one direction, to the mountains. After a little while of traveling, we saw buildings, highways, roads. They were all broken, and abandoned. Everyone was silent, we were looking around the abandoned city we were in.

"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan spoke up.

It was silent again, till Newt broke the silence this time, "I don't know. It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time." He answered Fry's question.

"I hope the whole worlds not like this." I muttered, causing Newt to squeeze my hand in reassurance.

We continued walking for a couple more minutes, till Thomas spoke up this time, "Woah, woah, hang on, stop," we all turned to look at him, "Do you hear that?" He questioned us.

We all stayed silent, trying to listen to what he was hearing. Suddenly, I heard something coming from the sky. It sounded like it was coming closer.

"Get down!" Thomas all of a sudden shouted, running under a piece of concrete.

Newt grabbed my hand, pulling me under it before looking up a little to see what the noise was. It was Wicked. They were looking for us. And they probably weren't going to stop. Were they ever going to stop?

It was like Minho had read my mind, "They're never gonna stop looking for us, are they?" He asked, but no one answered.

Besides, we all knew the answer to that question.

Once the sound was far away, we all got out from under the concrete, "Everyone good?" Thomas asked us, making us nod in response.

While we continued walking, I glanced at Winston, wanting to know how he's doing. When I laid my eyes on him, his skin was so pale, and he was clutching his stomach.

"You okay, Winston?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He responded weakly. I hesitated, but nodded before walking with everyone else. We started climbing up a large hill. Newt was holding my hand the whole time, he could tell I was tired. My legs felt like they were going to give out anytime soon, but I refused to do that. Thomas was leading the whole group, Minho beside him, Newt and I a little bit behind them, Teresa a couple feet away, Aris right beside her, and Frypan and Winston at the back, not too far behind. Frypan was keeping a watch on him, making sure he was okay. Once we finally reached the top of the hill, we all stopped. The silhouette of the mountains in our sight.

"Those mountains. That's gotta be it. That's where we're going." I informed the group, pointing my finger at the mountains.

"That's a long way off." Newt said after a couple seconds of silence.

"Then we better get moving." Thomas told us.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Winston throw his bag down before he himself, fell down the hill, us chasing after him.

"Winston!" We all shouted.

Once we got to him, Teresa turned him so his back was against the sand. He was gasping for air. He looked worse than the last time I checked on him.

"He's hurt pretty bad." I said.

"What do we do?" Teresa asked in concern.

Thomas figured out a way, but it was going to be hard. We were going to have to carry him. It took awhile, but we got it together. After a little bit more of walking, we saw something in the distance. It had two large structures on the side of it. It looked like a bridge. We had to go up another hill, which was hard while carry Winston.

We eventually made it up the hill, before finding a place to rest. We had found a place with some shade, which was really nice, considering the sun shining down on us. Winston was resting, while we were drinking water. In the distance, I saw Teresa standing there, looking at the mountains, that were still pretty far away. I got up from where I was sitting before walking up next to her.

"It's like they're getting further away." She said, not taking her eyes off of them.

"We just gotta keep moving," I glanced at her, "We can make it." I reassured her.

It was silent again for a moment before Newt spoke up, "How's it looking?" He shouted from the shade we were all staying in.

I turned to face him slightly, "It's a little further." I called back. He nodded before turning back to the guys.

I looked back at Teresa, seeing her hand on her neck again. She's been doing that a lot, "What's going on with you?" I asked her, voice laced with a little bit of worry.

"They did something to me." She informed me, pulling her hair away from her neck, showing it to me.

I walked behind her, putting my hand on her shoulder while examining the back of her neck. There was marking.

"At first, it just felt like I was waking up from a dream or something. Then they all started coming back." She glanced at me, waiting for my reaction.

"Your memories?" she nodded, "What do you remember?" I asked her curiously.

"I remember the first time they brought you and Thomas in. I remember why we were there. I remember when we first met, as kids," she smiled at me, making me smile back. I remember that too, "We thought we could fix all of this," she paused, clearly thinking, "I think we should go back." She told me.

I looked at her with wide eyes, "What?"

"Just listen to me-" She started, but I interrupted her.

"What are you talking about? Go back? After everything they've done to us?!" I kept questioning her.

"No. You don't understand." She said calmly.

"What don't I understand?" I asked her, getting annoyed.

"Everything was fine until you!" She exclaimed.

I looked at her in confusion. This is my fault? What did I do?

"Teresa, what aren't you telling me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes on her.

Before she could answer, a gunshot rang out, making us both jump before running back to the group.

"What happened?" I asked once we got down there.

"I don't know! He just woke up, grabbed the gun and tried to-" Newt said, but stopped himself, looking at Winston, who was on all fours, reaching up for the gun.

"Give it back, please." He said quietly, still reaching for it.

He suddenly, threw up some black liquid before laying down, "It's growing," he started pulling up his shirt, "Inside me." He finished, his voice cracking a little.

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