Chapter 11 (Moving Forward)

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Gas Station in South Carolina, October 18th 2020

(The RV Parks) 

Parker P: Alright boys 15 Minuets then your asses are back on this RV we have a lot of ground to cover.

(they all enter) 

Stefan: (shopping for snacks) ohhh yes my favorite 

Walker: Kit-Kat's huh 

Stefan: Oh Yeah

Walker: I love them, and I love you always 

Stefan: (kisses him extremely passionately)

Cruz: Hey loves (wraps an arm around each) I know you bloody wankers aren't making out without me 

Walker: Never 

Parker: What about me huh!!!

Stefan: Get in here Bates 

(they all hug)

Walker: No matter how this whole thing goes, I don't want it to change our friendship that is the last thing I want to happen 

Stefan: There is nothing you can do too loose me babe 

Present Day, March 5th 2021

Stefan: (sitting on a patio not saying a word) 

Gavin: (exits his house) Stefan

Stefan: (staring off into space)

Gavin: BENZ (snaps his fingers)

Stefan: Huh sorry 

Gavin: What can I do I want to cheer you up

Stefan: I don't really no

Gavin:  Please (takes his hands)

Stefan: I will never ever feel like I felt with him

Gavin: Dude this isn't healthy you have to move on Walker wanted pussy and he cheated on you on a day he should have dedicated to you he's a fucking jerk and you Stefan you are amazing and you deserve someone better than some blonde pretty boy 

Stefan: Like who dude

Gavin: I don't know.....perhaps 

Stefan: Gavin

Gavin: We are best friends dude please I'll treat you like the fucking king you are 

Stefan: Bro

Gavin: Please, just one date that's all I ask 

Stefan: One Date

Gavin: And if we don't click I'll stop trying I promise

Stefan: Fine, one date ONE

Gavin:  That is all I can ask. 

Uh oh Gavin wore him down, what do you think will happen let me know what you think may happen in the comment section down below thanks


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