Chapter 16: "Why'd she do that?"

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"So you're saying she left to get Master Unduli, while pregnant, and thinks the Empire won't catch on to them?" Rex asked. "Why'd she do that?"

He was sitting outside on a rock talking with Lyda.

"That was pretty much my exact reaction, too," Lyda replied. "She was just so determined about it. And you know how she is when she sets her mind on achieving a goal. She will stop at nothing unless she absolutely has to."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Rex continued. "Not that I doubt her."

"I'm afraid of that too," Lyda replied. "And I'm not even sure if I want Master Unduli here. The council was just a bunch of conservative hypocrites."

"You could say that about a lot of people," Rex said. "It's how Palpatine and the Empire took power."

"I still can't believe he was the Sith Lord..." Lyda mumbled grumpily under her breath.

"Heh, me neither," Rex replied, having heard what she said. "If only we knew..."

"There was no way of knowing," Lyda replied. "The council became too blinded by their own reputation, and the way they treated us... I mean, come on, Ahsoka left, Barriss betrayed us, and Anakin and the Inquisitors all turned to the Dark Side. No wonder we lost."

"Well," Rex said, "I'm not a Jedi, so I know a lot less about the Order than you do. You, General Skywalker, Master Tano, and sometimes General Kenobi were my only windows into the world of the Jedi. But when Ahsoka left the Order... I immediately realized the Jedi weren't all they were made out to be. Largely in part due to the council. I don't think it would be for the better if we brought an old council member here, barring maybe Masters Kenobi and Yoda, and you already told me they went their own ways. And I don't know how keen Master Unduli would be on supporting Ahsoka's reforms."

"It's probably about Barriss," Lyda said. "Not to mention Ahsoka's always willing to save anyone who isn't shooting at her."

"Barriss?" Rex asked.

"Yeah," Lyda replied. "That's one of two of her best friends that fell to the Dark Side. And in the Order,  friends were the closest thing you ever had to family. Sometimes, in a way, they were family."

Lyda put her arm around Rex's shoulders.

"Like you," she continued, softly.

"T-thanks, Lyda," he said, obviously anxious.

Fortunately for him, Lyda may have been just as anxious as he was, and stood up and stretched.

"Gotta do some saber practice," Lyda said. "Talk to you later."

"You too, Lyda," Rex replied. "Good luck."


"What do you mean Master Tano is gone!?" Katooni asked. "Shouldn't she be resting right now?"

"Apparently, not to her," replied Petro. "She really seems so determined at saving someone who I thought she didn't even like."

"Well," Katooni continued, "I guess she never does gives up on anyone, so honestly, it's not surprising she would've tried to get her. What shocks me more is that she did it herself, when she's pregnant. I really don't want anything bad to happen to her and her child!"

"Relax," Petro said, "Even if Master Tano runs into some trouble, she still is a force to be reckoned with, even while pregnant. Besides, Padawan Bonteri is there to help her."

"I'm pretty sure Ahsoka will be the one to help Lux," Katooni said. "Lux is still only a few months into his training."

"Still," Petro said, "It's still nice to have help. Even if Lux is still just a Padawan."

"Credit where it's due," Katooni added, "He's advanced quickly as a Padawan, even if he is still quite older than most of us. Still, his master outclasses him in every way possible. For now, at least. I don't doubt Lux's capability to learn."

"He might be done sooner than you think, maybe she'll get to you sooner, then," Petro joked.

"Stop it, Petro," Katooni said in response, nudging him with her elbow.

"No, seriously," he continued. "You turned thirteen a few months back, and let's say Master Tano finishes with Padawan Bonteri in two or three years. Master Tano was fourteen when she became a Padawan, so you'd be around the same age ash she was when she-"

"Are you jealous?" Katooni asked.

"What?" Petro said. "Come on, I'm not-"

"You're jealous that I'm going to get the Grand Master of the Jedi Order as my master, aren't you?"

"Well... I mean, who wouldn't be?" He replied jokingly.

"Good point," she said, "good point."

"Well," Petro said, "What do you think of Master Unduli?"

"Never met her much," Katooni said. "can't say I have an opinion. I just hope Ahsoka gets her back here, or at the very least doesn't get anyone hurt, herself included."

"Let's hope she's not like Master Windu," Petro joked.

"Yeah," Katooni mumbled. "what a jerk."

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