Chapter 14: Bumpy Ride

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Ahsoka was sitting in the cockpit of her ship when, suddenly, her stomach wasn't feeling so good.

Oh no, she thought, not again! At least it's not while we're rescuing Luminara!

"Lux, I need a second," Ahsoka said.

"Sure thing," replied her husband.

She went to the bathroom at the back of the ship, and sure enough, she had to puke.

Oh well, she thought, guess I've just got to deal. Who am I kidding, I'm the one who suggested this mission.

After her stomach purged itself of it's contents, she briefly collapsed on the floor, looking at the ground hyperventilating.

This was not the condition she wanted to be in if she got in a fight.

Good thing there probably wouldn't be any fights.


Ugh, she thought, There better not be a kriffing fight.

If there was a fight, she was kriffed. She would just have to hope that she and Lux were enough.

After a few minutes, she made her way back to the front of the ship.

"Let me guess," Lux said, "That breakfast didn't go down too well?"

"Yeah," Ahsoka said, "I can't seem to keep anything in my stomach for too long."

"Well," Lux said, "Just gotta hope you made the right call. We won't get into a fight if they don't know we're here," he said.

"Speaking of which," Ahsoka said, "We're going to have to hide this ship. It's the same one we took to Florrum, so they'll recognize it as stolen. Worst-case scenario, they take or destroy our ship and call up the Inquisitors."

"Well," Lux said, "I've never been to Mirial, so I don't exactly know where we should park this thing."

"Me neither," Ahsoka said, "But if we could find a derelict Starport or landing pad, we can hide the ship there. And we'll have R7 on standby if anything happens to the ship."

R7 gave an affirmative beep.

"Well," Lux said, "That makes me feel better. And this ship can mask it's signature, right?"

"Yes," Ahsoka replied, "We can land anywhere on the planet and they won't be able to detect us unless they've seen us."

"Good," Lux said, "I'm not willing to put up with more than a few Stormtroopers. I don't feel ready to take on an Inquisitor or anything yet."

"You won't have to," Ahsoka said. "Besides, we're just going in, fetching Luminara, then heading out. We're not stealing plans for a massive superweapon or hijacking a capital ship or anything."

"So nothing crazy, right?"

"Nothing crazy," Ahsoka replied. "Barring worst-case scenarios."

"Let's hope there aren't any worst-case scenarios," Lux replied.

There was a beeping on the ship's control panel.

"Looks like we're here," Ahsoka said.

The ship came out of hyperspace, revealing the pale, cold desert ball that was Mirial.

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