Chapter 25: No Way Out...

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"I know these Venators like the back of my hand," Ahsoka said, as they ran through the hall. "The main switch to the tractor beam should be in the reactor room, which is dead ahead."

They were running through the hallway, and came to a closed blast door.

"That's odd," Lux said. "Maybe they're trying to block us off."

"R7, could you open that blast door?" Ahsoka asked.

R7 did as he was told, and opened the door.

Unfortunately for them, there was a very large squad of stormtroopers behind that door.

"Kriff!" Ahsoka said, diving sideways into another hallway. Lux followed as the troopers opened fire.

"R7, close that blast door!" she said, igniting her lightsabers and dashing back out into the hall to deflect some shots back at the troopers.

Unfortunately, the troopers blasted the panel R7 was plugged into, forcing him to unplug and roll away quickly.

"Not good," Lux said, "run!"

While Stormtroopers were pathetic, a great number of them could be overwhelming, even for a Jedi. Especially a pregnant Jedi, a Jedi who barely started his training, and an astromech droid.

They ran down the hallway as the troopers chased them, and R7 managed to plug himself into a wall and close another blast door before they were overwhelmed.

"Guess we can't go that way," Lux said.

"No kidding, huh?" Ahsoka replied. "Don't worry, we can make it through a different way. Just gotta hope there isn't as many troopers."

"What way should we go?" Lux asked.

"Over this way, and to the right," Ahsoka said, pointing down the hallway.

"Olay then," Lux said, "let's go."

And so they ran down the hall and took a right as Ahsoka had instructed them to.

That is, until they reached a door that had "OFF LIMITS" printed on it.

"What?" Ahsoka said. "This should just be another hallway..."

"Maybe a pipe burst in there or something?" Lux suspected.

"A few Venator models had some things in this area. Could be this is one of those models. R7, open that door, quick!"

R7 did just that, plugging into a wall and opening the door, ripping the "OFF LIMITS" sign right off.

What was beyond the door shocked them both.

It was none other than an old Jedi training room, which was something that very few Venators had. It was used for Masters who had to train their Padawans on extended missions.

The Jedi insignias had been ripped off the walls, however, and it was quite obvious to see why it was off limits.

"R7, close the door," Ahsoka said as they walked into the room.

R7 closed the door behind them.

"Ahsoka," Lux asked, "What is this place?"

"A Jedi Training room," Ahsoka said. "If a Jedi Knight and their Padawan were on an extended mission, they'd train here. I think Master Jaro Tapal's destroyer had one of these where he trained his Padawan. I've never trained in one of these rooms myself, though. None of my missions were long enough to necessitate it."

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