Chapter 21: Doomed

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Ahsoka, Lux, and Luminara ran through the alleys on Mirial.

"We have to be quick," Ahsoka said. "When the Empire loses contact with Stormtroopers, they'll almost certainly check it out. If they find out it's us, then we're in some serious kriffing trouble.

"Come on," Lux said, "This whole operation was your idea!"

"I honestly can't argue with that," Ahsoka said.

"Just remember this next time you think about going on a mission while pregnant."

"Hold on," Luminara said, "She's pregnant? Ahsoka, why didn't you tell me this!"

"It didn't cross my mind when I was talking to you, okay?" Ahsoka said. "And then you went out to check for patrols."

"It seems hard to believe that your pregnancy didn't come to mind when you talked to me," she said. "That seems like a stupid thing to forget."

"Shh!" Ahsoka said, trying to keep everyone quiet in case an imperial patrol came by.

They came to a corner and she peeked around the corner. She looked both ways, and there were no stormtroopers anywhere.

"We're good," she said.

"That's odd," Luminara said. "I know there's normally at least two Stormtroopers that regularly guard this area at night. They're rarely missing."

"Rarely," Lux said, "so it looks like we're in luck."

They ran across the street and into the next alley.

"Also, Ahsoka?" Luminara said.

"Yes?" Ahsoka replied.

"The fact you risked yourself to come get me while pregnant... well, that says a lot about you. I appreciate it. A lot. Thank you."

"I could never be more welcome," Ahsoka replied.

They scuttled through the alley, and towards the next road.

Ahsoka suddenly felt a chill go down her spine.

"No troopers again," Ahsoka said.

"That's really not like them," Luminara said. "They never do this. There has to be some sort of reason."

They ran across the street and into another alley.

Ahsoka felt even colder.

"It could be a trap," Lux added. "R7 did say they found the ship and blasted the troopers. They could've sent reinforcements."

"Well, heading back to the ship is the best choice we have," Ahsoka said. "They'll have the starport garrisoned, too, and if we leave the city, that's essentially asking to be tracked."

"You said this would be easy," Lux said.

"I said we could run into problems. It was a low chance, and it seems we got unlucky."

They came up to the next street.

The cold only got worse.

"No troopers again," Luminara said. "Something's definitely happening."

"This is the last street before the hangar," Ahsoka said. "we'll find out soon enough."

They crossed the street again, and into the last alley. Then, they reached a fence at the end of the alley, and force-jumped over it.

"We're here," Lux said.

The area seemed empty.

They walked towards the ship.

"I sense we aren't in the clear yet," Ahsoka said. "There could be stormtroopers hiding anywhere."

"You'd be correct," said a stormtrooper in black armor, jumping out of his hiding spot igniting an electrostaff.

"Kriff," Ahsoka said, "Purge Troopers."

More of them jumped out from behind objects, along with regular stormtroopers.

"Purge what!?" Luminara asked.

"No time, get to the ship!" Ahsoka said, grabbing Luminara's arm and running towards the ship, Lux following behind them.

They came up to the ship, running away from the volleys of blaster fire coming from behind them.

They rounded the corner, and saw the ship. The ramp was extended, and R7 was on it. He seemed quite panicked and was making a lot of beeping noises.

Ahsoka thought for a moment that they'd make it.

But then disaster struck.

The ship suddenly detonated and went up in flames. Debris flew everywhere, and R7 was flown several meters, just barely having avoided being fried.

Ahsoka's eyes filled with horror.

Her legs froze.

"No..." she said.

But it only got worse.

From behind the fireball that was the wreckage of their ship, a black figure emerged.

Khoo... pshh...

The sound of mechanical breathing filled the area.

Khoo... pshh...

The figure ignited a red lightsaber.

Khoo... pshh...

"I have been expecting you," said the figure.

Darth Vader had come out to play.

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