Chapter 10: Learning to Meditate

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Lux was laying in bed doing some reading when his wife walked in.

He looked up from his datapad and at Ahsoka.

"Hey honey," he said.

"Hey, Lux," she said back. "What are you doing right now?"

"Uhmm..." his cheeks flushed red.

Ahsoka probably wasn't expecting this, but she smirked at him anyways to force a response out of him.

"I'm... reading about some tips on how to be a father," Lux continued.

"Lux!" she said. "I... there's nothing wrong about that!"

"Sorry," Lux replied.

"Point is," Ahsoka said, "I came here because I need to teach you something important."

"What is it?" Lux asked.

"I'm going to teach you how to meditate, Lux. It's a lot more important than it sounds."

"Meditation?" Lux asked. "Isn't that when you just sit still, close your eyes, and see some visions?"

"That's horribly oversimplified, but yes," Ahsoka replied. "It's supposed to deepen your connection with the force. Sometimes you'll see important things, other times you might come to some sort of realization. It's all complicated and spiritual. Even masters try to study it's deeper meaning. I doubt you'll be an expert on it right away. I doubt it's something you'd have any experience with."

"So... let's get started practicing, then?" Lux asked.

"Of course," Ahsoka replied. "We'll have to go somewhere quiet, but thankfully, the woods are a peaceful area we can go to."

"Sounds good," Lux said. "See you there."

Lux and Ahsoka walked through the woods, brushing through soft bushes and grass. Lux wondered why the ecosystem here had  developed to be extremely peaceful.

Eventually, they came to a little opening with a pond, the same spot they married a few months back.

"This'll do," Ahsoka said.

"I see you decided to pick somewhere important to us," Lux added. "Why am I not surprised?"

"I love you dearly, Lux," she replied. "Of course I'd take you here. Now, take a seat. I'll walk you through."

Lux got down and sat in the grass with his legs crossed.

"Close your eyes..." Ahsoka guided him.

He did as he was told. Of course, nothing happened. Not yet, at least.

"Take a deep breath," she continued. "Relax. Let go of your surroundings."

He complied. He shifted his focus inwards towards the Force itself as he normally would when lifting rocks and such.

Yet, while he was undoubtedly relaxed, he still didn't feel anything too different from those nights when he was lying in bed with Ahsoka and helping each other relax at night because of her pregnancy.

"Now," Ahsoka said, "Is there anything... bothering you right now?"

"No," Lux said.

"Be honest with yourself, Lux," Ahsoka said, "or you will never be able to see past yourself."

"Okay," Lux said, "I'm... I'm not sure I can do this, or what it will feel like..."

"Then let it go," she replied, "Let go of your emotions."

He did just that. He focused on each emotion, and then let it slide away.

Soon, as each emotion drifted off, he slid into a deeper state of relaxation.

He no longer felt as if he was attached to the physical realm. He felt as if he had entered some state between the physical world and the cosmic realm of the Force.

He encountered a brief hurdle once he realized it was working, as his excitement was an emotion that began pulling him back to reality. But soon, he let even that emotion slip away.

He stayed like this for a long time, and it felt good.

He felt... at peace. Relaxed.

He allowed himself to become an empty vessel for the Force to fill.

He opened his eyes. Ahsoka was still watching over him.

"How do you feel?" Ahsoka said.

"I feel... good," Lux replied.

"Did you hear or see anything?" Ahsoka asked.

"No," Lux said.

"It's okay," she continued, "people rarely get visions on their first try."

"How often do Jedi normally do this?" Lux asked.

"Once a day, on average," Ahsoka replied.

"Well," Lux said, "I do want to do that again sometime."

"Good," Ahsoka replied. "It's good for getting yourself under control sometimes. Sometimes, you may also see or hear something that might be critical. Congratulations, Lux, I think I've taught you all the basics."

"The basics?" Lux said, "But what about-"

"Yes, I know, seven training remote droids is a bit much, and this whole meditation thing was quite overdue. But you're proving to be very skilled, Lux. You have a lot of potential."

"Not as much as you do," Lux replied.

"Oh, Lux..." she said. "You always find some way to give me a compliment."

"Well, is that a complaint?" Lux asked.

"No," Ahsoka responded, "it's not."

And she roped him into a kiss before heading back to camp.

A/N: Hello there.

I think it's worth noting that the time between when I upload chapters has significantly increased, from around one to two a day to one to two a week. This is primarily because of schoolwork and a lack of free time, since most of the time I would spend doing this is spent doing other things. Also, the chapters themselves are getting longer.

I just want you to know that there is almost no chance I'd completely give up on this series, as I have so much planned. That's all.

Oh, and since election day is tomorrow, if you are an American and are eligible to vote, PLEASE vote for Biden. I can't kriffing stand the Orange Man anymore.

Well, that's all. I hope you understand.

Edit: Yay, Biden won! However, there's probably a few people out there willing to commit hate crimes right now, so stay safe, especially if you live in a conservative hotspot. Oh, and a new chapter is coming soon™.

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