Chapter 4: Lyda and the Captain

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Lyda was in her room meditating on the Yacht when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," she said.

Her door slid open, and Rex was outside.

"Hey there, General," he said.

"Hey," Lyda said. "What is it?"

"I just wanted to come say that... well, I don't know how much longer I'll be staying around. I don't exactly feel like this place is for me. I'm the only person here who isn't a Jedi."

"Does that matter?" Lyda asked. "There were people who worked in the old Jedi Temple who weren't Jedi."

"That's not the point," Rex said. "I... I feel like some of the people here are scared of me. They see me, a clone, and... well, I can only imagine what memories that brought up."

He sighed.

"Rex," Lyda said, "You're a good person. They know that."

"But they know I'm one of them. A clone. A soldier. A traitor."

A tear rolled down his eye.

"Rex, stop," Lyda said. "Don't get upset. You couldn't do anything."

"I know," Rex said, "but..."

he fell silent.

"Rex," she said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm here for you," she continued.

The two locked eyes. Rex surely noticed that she was longingly staring at him.

The space between them started to close, and they slowly leaned towards each other. Lyda put her hands on the sides of his head.

But then there was a knock on the door.

Rex pulled away and took Lyda's arms off of him.

Dammit, Lyda thought.

"You want them to come in?" Rex asked her.

"Sure," she said.

"Who is it!?" Rex shouted.

The door slid open, and Ahsoka came through.

"I wasn't expecting you here, Rex," Ahsoka said. "I was coming through to tell Lyda that you were thinking of leaving. Looks like you beat me to the punch."

"Where do you even have to go, Rex?" Lyda asked.

"I don't know," Rex said. "Somewhere where people won't remember the things my brothers did."

He sighed again.

"Rex, please," Ahsoka said. "Just stay, okay?"

"I can't promise you that, Ahsoka. It's just... I trust you to run this place, more than anyone else. But... nobody here trusts me. Not after what my brothers did."

"Rex," Lyda said, "they know you won't compromise our position. You've been here three weeks and the Empire hasn't invaded."

"Still," he said, "not everyone here seems to like me. Like that Kanan kid, for example. The one you said you picked up on Kaller a few weeks before you found me on Yerbana? My brothers killed his master, and well... He's never going to look at a clone the same way ever again, just like the rest of us."

"It's okay," Ahsoka said, "none of it was your fault..."

He took a deep breath.

"I'm going to take a walk," he said, getting up and walking out. "Talk to you later."

The door closed behind him.

"Well," Lyda said, "what were you going to tell me?"

"I don't want him to leave either, Lyda," she replied. "Maybe we should respect his choice."

"Where does he even go from here?" Lyda asked.

"I don't know," Ahsoka replied. "But he's getting restless. I'm just... I'm just worried for him, that's all."

"Me too," Lyda replied. "The war left it's scars on all of us. It seems his are showing."

A/N: If you recall, Kanan was mentioned in the Epilogue of Survivor. He was supposed to feature in the previous novel but all my plans for him got scrapped. I mentioned him here to remind you that he is in fact still here and that he is a member of Ahsoka's New Jedi Order. Now carry on.

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