Chapter 13: Hasty Departure

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"Ahsoka, wait!" he yelled.

His wife was wasting no time. She was unnecessarily rushing things.

"Ahsoka!" he yelled, as his wife grabbed her robes and a cloak.

Normally she'd wear a combat suit, but since she was going for something that would hide her belly, which Lux noted was noticeably starting to become increasingly round as the child developed.

"What?" Ahsoka replied.

"Why are you rushing? We're not in any urgent need to get there right now, take your time!"

"Sorry," she replied, putting on the robes.

They had only been awake for only an hour or two. The two of them had only eaten breakfast and gotten ready for the day.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lux asked.

"Positive," Ahsoka replied.

"And right now!?"

"The sooner we get there, the less chance the Empire's found her," she continued.

"Ahsoka," he replied, "take your time, don't stress yourself out like this."

"Sorry," she said again. "I'll go tell Lyda we're leaving. You get ready and wait in the ship."

"Uh... okay," Lux said, as she walked out the room.

He got out his robes and put them on. He grabbed a cloak, too.

He grabbed his lightsaber and attached it to his belt.

I can't believe she's doing this, he thought, she's putting herself and her child in unnecessary danger!

Then again, it's to save someone else, so who am I kidding, this is probably worth it.

He walked out of the room and went to the ship, as Ahsoka asked.

A few minutes later, R7-A7 rolled onto the ship.

"I take it you're coming with, huh?" Lux asked the droid.

The droid replied with a series of beeps. Lux wasn't the best at understanding droid binary, but he knew enough that it was trying to say "yes."

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Lux asked the droid.

Lux was expecting a straightforward yes or no answer from the droid, but instead got something around the lines of "I think she's lost it."

"Dear gosh," Lux said, putting his hands in his face. "She's that determined, huh?"

The droid beeped out a "yes" again.

Soon, Ahsoka came walking onto the ship.

"We're all good," Ahsoka said. "Sorry that took so long. Had to find Lyda. She knows we're leaving."

"Does she agree with it?" Lux asked.

"She said it's better to go than to not go. Which, of course, I agree. I know there's risks to carrying a child, but if all goes well and we don't get into too much trouble, we'll be good."

"Alright then," he said, "If... if this is really what you want to do, then... let's get going."

"Okay then," Ahsoka said, "Let's go."


Captain Rex was sitting down in his room eating breakfast. He was waiting for Lyda to arrive, as she normally came to give him company. She was taking a little longer than usual this time, however.

Finally, after a few minutes, she came in.

"Sorry I'm late!" Lyda said.

"It's okay, General," he said, referring to her by her would-be rank within the Grand Army of the Republic.

"Ahsoka just had to tell me something," she said, sitting down.

"What was it?" Rex asked.

"She had a vision last night that General Unduli was hiding on the planet Mirial, and now she's going to get her."

"WHAT!?" Rex shouted. "She's going on a mission while carrying a child!?"

"It'll be quick," Lyda said. "It won't be that hard."

Lyda sat down and put her plate of food on the table. She began eating it.

"I'm guessing Senator Bonteri is going with her?" Rex asked.

"Rex," Lyda said, "You don't have to refer to everyone like that anymore. There's no Republic, no Senate here, and... well, If you could refer to us by our actual names for once, that would be nice. Or, you know, at the very least, call us by Master or Padawan."

"Sorry, Master Ran," Rex joked. "Old habits die hard, I guess."

He took a sip of water.

"Oh," Lyda continued, "And to answer your question, yes, Padawan Bonteri is going with her."

"Good to hear," Rex said. "Though if I know anything about- *ahem* Master Tano, She'll be the one protecting him, even if she is carrying a child."

"It's a good thing she got the vision now, instead of a few months from now," Lyda said. "Once she starts getting further along, her chances of being able to pull of a successful mission will become effectively zero, despite her abilities."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Rex said. "I've been with her for years, and I could tell you, she could probably beat up one of those Inquisitors with her hands tied behind her back!"

 Lyda giggled a little. So did Rex.

Rex finished eating his food.

"Done already?" Lyda asked.

"Well," he said, "You were late."

"Oh, Rex..." she said, rolling her eyes.

Rex looked back at her and smirked. She smirked back.

For a split second, it looked like she looked like she was admiring him or something, before Rex got up and put away his plate.

"Well," he said, "See you later, Master Ran," he said, with a big smile on his face.

Ahsoka, Daughter of the Light (Book 5): RescueWhere stories live. Discover now