Track 7

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"You are the cause of my euphoria."


Track 7

          Aunt Mae stood staring at the two, happily expectant of an answer. The giddiness in her veins caused her to bounce in anticipation. Her excited smile and curious glances between the pair added to the tension. Just as Hwayoung began to dispute, Chan cut her off by confirming Aunt Mae's assumption, "Yes, I am! Hwa's boyfriend! Nice to meet you!"

          "Aye, no need to be shy, Hwayoung! He even has a pet name for you," Aunt Mae walked closer towards Chan, gently patting his shoulders in a motherly manner before nodding, "You should show off your man while he's still yours!"

          Hwayoung's face flushed a beet red color as her expression morphed into bewildered shock, "Aunt Mae! I'm not showing off anyone!"

          "Obviously! Poor man must suffer from having to hide his relationship, because you're too insecure," Aunt Mae rolled her eyes and turned to face Chan, "Don't worry, she will come around soon. She's just too stubborn to realise it yet."

          Chan's laughter boasted throughout the restaurant as he was unable to contain his laughter any longer. Even when the moment was over, Chan could not help but let out small giggles when he thought about Hwayoung's reaction. Hwayoung glared in disbelief that Chan found her embarrassing situation humorous. Overwhelmed with flustered feelings due to Chan's teasing, Hwayoung abruptly pivoted towards the kitchen, completely avoiding Chan and Aunt Mae.

          Chan whisked by Aunt Mae with a smile as he quickly followed after Hwayoung, "Wait! Please, let me open that door for you."

          Chan's long legs effortlessly caught up to Hwayoung. He swiftly passed her form to push open the door that he assumed led to the kitchen. Hwayoung paused until Chan fully opened the door. Even though he had teased her relentlessly moments before, Hwayoung was still grateful that he never strayed from his chivalrous mannerisms. Hwayoung responded to Chan's eye smile with a polite thanks, "There should be some left overs, since the closing shift is almost over. Go wild and pack as much as you can, the food will only be scrapped after closing."

          Chan's eyes shifted away from Hwayoung to look at the various amounts of steaming foods settled in aluminum trays on the far counter. The different smells of each dish made his mouth water even more than from visuals alone. Without even tasting the entrees, Chan already knew that he would not be eating at a different restaurant anytime soon. His eyes glistened in the bright lighting, "This looks amazing."

           Hwayoung giggled at Chan's awestruck expression. With muscle memory guiding her movements, Hwayoung gathered the different sized take out trays and placed them on the counter, "It tastes amazing! Aunt Mae's food never gets old for me."

           Hwayoung's claim could not have been more of an understatement. Whenever she felt sad, Hwayoung always turned towards Aunt Mae's food to comfort her in those difficult times. Something about the spices to the amount of love put with it reminded her of her own mother's cooking. She missed her parents dearly, since they had moved to London a few years back. Although she loved London and her parents, Hwayoung knew her calling was in Korea, and she could not abandon the drive that kept her running towards her destiny.

           The idols hurriedly packed trays of each leftover meal that they deemed enough for them and the seven other members. Hwayoung took out black plastics bags and began placing the trays neatly inside. She took the chance to glance at the familiar hand clock that hung over the door exiting the kitchen, "We've made good time, the desk ladies shouldn't be suspicious by the time we get back."

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